Strongest Businessman of the Cultivation World

Chapter 132 Carrot And Stick

"He died. Ikasa killed a Path Finder."

Someone whispered with disbelief. Everyone had seen the turn of events. Although the Absolute\'s intervention played a huge role in Zhi Yang\'s death, it was Ikasa who killed him in the end!

No one could deny the greatness of this achievement. Not every Sense Trainer could boast of such a feat.

Of the three Sense Trainers to face weakened Zhi Yang, one died miserably and another was injured severely despite the protection of a Path Finder.

Only Ikasa eluded Zhi Yang long enough and finally claimed his life.

When the City Guards came out of their daze, they cheered. They slapped each other\'s backs and let out cries of joy and relief. A war that had kept them on their toes for months had ended.

The hostile forces of Hu Clan and Monstrous Flame Sect who had made a mockery of the law and order in the City had been decimated. And all of this became possible because of one person!


They looked at the protagonist of the night, who ended their misery with worship and gratitude.

On the other side of the Monstrous Flame Sect, Ikasa wiped the sweat from his forehead as he sat down, panting for air. Feng Yan, Gu Dan and Chu Kuang rushed to his side.

He waved them off and commanded, "Go, capture the First Elder. Make sure he does not escape."

Gu Dan stayed by his side while Feng Yan and Chu Kuang rushed to capture the First Elder. Elder Yi Gan accompanied the two down without making any fuss. He instructed the few remaining disciples to give up their resistance and surrender.

The City Lord Zhen Wu and Path Finder Zhen Ya supported each other as they hobbled to First Elder.

Upon seeing them, Elder Yi walked over to them. In the very first sentence that Elder Yi said to the City Lord, he admitted defeat.

"City Lord Zhen,  we, the Monstrous Flame Sect, forfeit our Right to rule Birch City."

"I accept your forfeiture."

In a horse voice, City Lord croaked his acceptance, officially ending this horrendous battle.

A bright light shone upon them and all those present in the Sect, healing their wounds. The second-degree burns Ikasa endured when launching the Serrated Sun Disc were healed within a breath\'s time.

The severe burns the Zhen siblings suffered scabbed visibly. Soon the burnt skin fell off revealing the smooth and tender skin below.

Others also experienced this healing miracle. City Guards, Ikasa\'s people, Hu Clan\'s goons, and even disciples of the Monstrous Flame Sect.

From the Monstrous Flame Sect, only a few disciples had survived to benefit from this healing beam.

The Hu Clan\'s condition was even worse. Feng Yan and Gu Dan had killed all of their men except for two. Even these two were in immediate need of treatment. If not for the healing ray, they wouldn\'t have lived past dawn.

City Guards were in a much better condition than the others. Most of the deaths happened in the forest. Only a few people succumbed in the battle against the Monstrous Flame Sect\'s disciples.

Whatever minor injuries they had were now cured thanks to this light.

After every survivor\'s injuries were recovered, a feminine voice spoke from the sky.

"In this Battle of Rights, 1 Path Finder, 7 Sense Trainers, and 368 Path Forgers lost their lives. This is why we instituted the pact a thousand years ago. Every person who lives is an asset against a much bigger threat."

The voice faded after the gentle reprimand. It also left a foreshadowing of an enemy that loomed around the corner.

Ikasa furrowed his brow.

\'Could the Absolutes and that old man from the Ruins near Sal City be speaking of the same threat? If so, is this world the Sanctuary mentioned by the Old Man?\'

He had many questions but no place to seek answers. For some reason, he felt the answer to every question was linked to the Printer.

"Brother Ikasa? Should we go and check out the Sect\'s treasury?"

Lost in his thoughts, he almost missed the call from the City Lord.

"Only if Elder Yi Gan is okay with it."

Ikasa\'s answer shocked the City Lord. He looked at him weirdly. Ikasa paid him no mind and instead stared intently at the Elder, awaiting his reply.

With less than twenty people alive, the Monstrous Flame Sect had no authority nor power to stop if they insisted. That is why Elder Yi was touched by Ikasa\'s respectful gesture.

He happily led the way to the vaults of the Sect that had existed for over a hundred Years.

"Elder Yi, have you thought about my offer?"

Ikasa whispered, quickly catching up with the First Elder. As an owner of a Herb Garden, he desired a qualified Medicine Master who could make the best use of his herbs. Instead of selling the raw herbs for a low price, he would earn more if he sold them as finished medicinal concoctions.

Elder Yi led them into the vault without answering the question. As a person becomes older, they tend to overthink. Understanding his situation, Ikasa gave him enough time, but now his patience was running thin.

"Elder Yi, if you are thinking of rebuilding the Monstrous Flame Sect, it is a fool\'s dream. Birch City has no place for Hu Clan or the Monstrous Flame Sect anymore."

Ikasa bluntly stated. Seeing that the carrot was not getting him the intended results, he went for the stick. He exposed the harsh reality to the old man who still harbored hopes of rising from the ashes.

First Elder\'s shoulders trembled as he opened the door to the vault. Ikasa heard a deep sigh. Elder Yi Gan was on the verge of a meltdown. He had experienced the destruction of his Sect and lost his brothers and many disciples. And yet, he was being pushed to make a decision.

Ikasa softened his tone and attracted him with his passion.

"Your talents are wasted in fights like these, Elder Yi. You are a Medicine Master! Your medicine should benefit the populace and not be used to settle grudges. So, work with me, Elder Yi. Together, we can save many lives."

Elder Yi Gan realized the truth in his words. There was no way he would be able to protect the Sect\'s legacy unless someone backed him.

Elder Yi took a labored breath and turned to Ikasa.

"As long as you promise to protect the legacy of my Sect, I will serve you."

A wide smile bloomed on Ikasa\'s face. The request Elder Yi had put forth was not an unreasonable one. He could easily fulfill it.

"Elder Yi, I have no problem in letting you pass down your teachings. Only the number of people you can impart your Sect\'s doctrines to will be limited. Do you agree?"

The offer was the best thing he could get in his current state. He gladly accepted it.

"I promise to be your Physician, Master Ikasa."

Feng Yan, Gu Dan, and Chu Kuang who were following closely behind clapped jubilantly at Elder\'s decision. Feng Yan patted Yi Gan on his shoulders and exclaimed, "You definitely won\'t regret your decision."

While his employees celebrated, Ikasa\'s eyes fell on City Lord and Path Finder Zhen. They were waiting patiently for the vault to open.

Elder Yi Gan also noticed this and immediately took out his authority token depicting a Flaming Beast and pressed it into the groove.

Kerr Chak!

The door to the vault opened, revealing the riches hidden within.

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