Strongest Businessman of the Cultivation World

Chapter 131 Death

"Surrender. Now!"

Zhi Yang repeated his command to the dumbfounded Sect Master Yan. He had had enough of this tomfoolery. Consumed by rage, he no longer cared about the task his Sect gave him.

His patience had been tested again and again. It was time to show these third tier trash what an expert of Chakra Sensing Realm could do.

Sect Master Yan tremblingly obeyed Path Finder Zhi.

"City Lord Zhen, I Sect Master Yan, concede the right to rule Birch City."

As soon as he started speaking, a wisp of flame ignited on Path Finder Zhi\'s palm. The blue flame grew larger and hotter.

By the time Sect Master Yan finished his words, the flame had grown to the size of a football! The heat it emitted had raised the temperature of the surroundings by a few degrees!

The moment Sect Master Yan stopped speaking, Zhi Yang launched the fireball at the man who mocked his Sect.

"Die bastard! Experience the fire of hell in the mortal realm!"

The fireball did not explode but engulfed the man and people near him. They slowly burned in the blue fire, experiencing terrible pain.

Zhi Yang had a satisfied smirk hearing their dying screams but it was wiped out soon enough.

The fire burning on those men flew back at him! It formed a whip and lashed at Zhi Yang, setting a portion of his back on fire.

"Zhi Yang, you have violated the rules set by us!"

A voice spoke from the sky and then it fell silent.

Absolutes did not care if people respected them with bowed heads or not, but they did punish the people who ignored the rules set by them. Zhi Yang was an example of what happened to people who crossed their line.

And Zhi Yang had been punished based on technicality!

Though Sect Master Yan had conceded, City Lord had not voiced his acceptance. The contract was not fulfilled. As such the Battle of Rights was not concluded according to the Absolutes.

In his rage, Zhi Yang missed this minute technicality and hence, invited the wrath of the Absolutes.

The blue fire burning on his back caused him great pain. It slowly spread to other regions. No matter how he tried to control and extinguish the flames, he failed every time.

He realized that the fire on his back contained the authority of the Absolute of Fire. It was inextinguishable by anyone other than the Absolutes themselves. Thus, his death was inevitable.

The Chakra Sensing Expert\'s eyes turned red. He looked at every person who had made a fool of him with hatred. It included the Sect Master Yan, City Lord Zhen and of course Ikasa.

"Since you wanted my death, let\'s all die together!"

Path Finder Zhi roared at the sky, venting his frustrations. He slowly rose into the air and flames formed on both of his palms. The fireballs grew larger and hotter, beyond the capacity of any Chakra Sensing Realm Expert.

In his frenzy, he was burning his cultivation to fuel the fire!

"RUN!" Ikasa shouted, realizing the situation had gone out of hand. His shout woke up the City guards and others who were mesmerized by the display of raw power.

Sect Master Yan had already escaped, knowing he would be the first target because of his numerous transgressions in the past. And as he expected, Zhi Yang did not forget about him even in his death throes.

A fireball exploded on Yan Hao\'s back and cooked him inside out. He did not even have the time to scream before his death.

The next fireball targeted the City Lord.  As he ran to escape, the City Lord couldn\'t help but curse.

\'Why are you going after me? I didn\'t send those idiotic bastards to cuss at you!\'

No matter how innocent he considered himself to be, he was guilty in Zhi Yang\'s eyes. As soon as a fireball was formed, it honed in on him.

Fortunately, Path Finder Zhen Ya arrived in time to save him. She used all her ice element power to restrict the heat of the fireball. But a desperate attack of a Chakra Sensing Expert couldn\'t be stopped that easily.

The fireball exploded before it could be contained and injured the siblings grievously. The only good thing was they were not in mortal danger.

Zhi Yang searched for the target of his last Fireball. Ikasa. The man who had incited the City Guards to curse him. The man who had led him to his downfall.

He found him out of his fireball\'s range, trying to escape from the entrance. He laughed sadistically as he endured the pain to close the distance. He wanted Ikasa to feel the same pain as him and burn to death with himself.

"Su Jian, use the arrows!"

Ikasa shouted as he desperately tried to widen the distance between himself and the madman. One arrow after another shot at the burning Zhi Yang. The wooden arrows burned away before they could inflict any serious damage.

Nonetheless, they were useful. The real threat came not from the arrows, but the poisons they were laced with. Different poisons mixed into the air around Zhi Yang. Most of them were ineffective due to heat but they smelled extremely bad.

Zhi Yang\'s pursuit did not stop due to arrows and smells. If anything, it further enraged him. Ikasa peeked behind him and saw Zhi Yang chasing him on his feet.

\'At least, he lost his ability to fly after burning most of his Cultivation base.\'

Ikasa found the silver lining as he increased his speed. His only hope now was the mysterious Moony.

"Help me, Moony!"

He called for the little critter who had gone into hiding ever since the Path Finder had exposed his aura. As if to answer Ikasa\'s call, a tiny shadow tendril wrapped around Zhi Yang\'s ankle. The running Zhi Yang tripped on the shadow tendril and stumbled.

Before he could locate its source, the tendril and its energy signature disappeared as if it was never there.

Ikasa cursed his unreliable allies. Feng Yan and Gu Dan were melee fighters; they would be burned to crisp with a single fireball. Same was the case with his men from the private force.

Even if he wanted to use them as cannon fodder to buy time, he could not. They were on the other side of the Sect, inside the tunnel.

Realizing the situation, Ikasa decided to gamble his life and take a last chance at beheading the Path Finder.

\'Any way, I would die. At least I have a greater chance of survival if I can kill him first.\'

He slowed his steps and put the Serrated Sun Disc on his finger. Rapidly rotating it, he called for Moony, hoping he would answer.

"Moony, last time. Bind him!"

He heard a growl from the little fox. Ikasa interpreted it as his demand for Energy-infused Water.

"Yes, you can have as much as you want! Now, Bind him!"

Zhi Yang was not a fool. He could hear the shouts and became vigilant of his surroundings. The moment he felt unfamiliar energy ripples, He jumped and avoided them. Now that the opponent was vigilant, Moony could not trap him.

Still, he was running out of time. There was no way he would reach Ikasa before his Cultivation completely burned up. He ignored the threats and leaped towards his target.

Ikasa panicked. No matter how much time he had spent in this world, he was a businessman, not a fighter. In the face of death, only battle hardened warriors or crazy emotionless people could maintain their calm.

He was neither. He turned back and threw the disc spinning on his finger at the man in the air.


The spinning disc sliced away the arm holding the fireball. The uncontrolled fireball in the detached arm exploded in Zhi Yang\'s vicinity.

He was already suffering from the after effects of burning his Cultivation. The explosion was unbearable for him. He collapsed on the ground, suffering.

Ikasa rushed to the Serrated Sun Disc which had flown a bit further and picked it up. Though the temperature was unbearable for him, he endured and spun it once more.

When he launched it again, he saw fear in Zhi Yang\'s eyes. The Path Finder never expected to die in a Third Tier city at the hands of a Sense Realm expert.

He wanted to finish his task quickly and break through into the Chakra Opening Realm. As the strongest Deacon of the Earth Fire Sect, he had a bright future ahead of him.

Alas! Fate had different plans for him. The mission he looked down on cost him his life.

The Serrated Sun Disc tore into Zhi Yang\'s throat. This was the last wound he would ever receive. Accepting his demise, the white bearded deacon closed his eyes.

"He died. Ikasa killed a Path Finder."

Someone whispered with disbelief. Everyone had seen the turn of events. Although the Absolute\'s intervention played a huge role in Zhi Yang\'s death, it was Ikasa who killed him in the end!

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