
Chapter 36

Old memories surfaced amidst the volcanic ash drifting through the air and sticking to the sweat on his forehead, forming dark smears.

He thought back to the Temple of the Sword of Bravery, to a certain theory classroom where the peaceful majesty of the gods replaced the stench of sulfur and evil.

Kaizen remembered sitting there and taking classes from Rachel Dune Jeraye.

“The Daemons are officially known as the ‘Mauna Roa’. The name means ‘Incarnation of Kings’. They appeared during the first period of turmoil in the 12th century.”

‘Daemon’ meant ‘Absolute Evil’, and the name had been whispered with fear since they became known.

There was an absolute power difference between Daemons and humanity, after all.

Humanity, back in a time of peace known as the Golden Age, suffered defeat in their first encounter with Daemons.

“In that era, Rista Alter Schirpin was an active Fake Warrior. Together with Fire Dragon Priestess Friede, Imperial Knight Chase, and Great Mage Lynn, she overcame and vanquished the threat with Lynn’s sacrifice,” Rachel said and looked at the cadets.

Kaisen raised his hand and asked, “Instructor, if they were defeated, then how are these Daemons still active?”

“That’s a great question. As I said before, Daemons are the incarnations of Kings. They are formed when the power of a King escapes from the seal and takes on an independent form. It turns out that, if you don’t completely subdue a King, they will continue to be reborn.”


“That is why battles with them cannot be dragged out for long. Humanity doesn’t have the luxury of time.”

Originally, it took hundreds of years for Daemons to be reborn, but since the Lord of Lizard’s Daemon legion that appeared during the ‘Black Summer’ 21 years prior appeared again, the cycle was speeding up to an unrealistic degree.

This showed one clear and despairing fact…

“The ‘Forgotten Kings’ are awakening.”

In the face of such clear despair, the children had no choice but to pick up their swords and protect the world.

“There is a hierarchy among the Mauna Roa, just like the uruks. It is very easy to understand when you compare them to the dragon clans.”

The dragon clans were divided into three levels based on their power and authority: the three Divine Dragons, the five Sage Dragons serving under each, and the wyverns, who made up the majority of the dragon legions. Except for the Yellow Dragon Corps, all had disappeared.

“Each Forgotten King has one Daemon who is at the level of a Divine Dragon, that is, a true ‘Incarnation of the King.’ These are called ‘Incarnate-Level Daemons.”

Each Daemon legion divided its power and commanded three Higher-Level Daemons, and each Higher-Level Daemon created three Lower-Level Daemons.

“On the central front, where the battle between the Lord of Lizard’s army and the main human army is the fiercest, 11 Daemons have already been subdued.”

Rachel pointed to the papers she’d handed out earlier. Kaisen looked at the contents.

– Higher-Level Daemon Subjugation:

Kamila Alter Aradamantel – 1

Sharon Alter Tas Alfo – 1

– Lower-Level Daemon Subjugation:

Loveris Alter Schirpin – 3

Eltyre Alter Pladimarte – 2

Gorgothia Alter Zierda – 2

Arecia Alter Solang & Runelle Alter Gaumris – 1

While Kaisen was studying in the Temple of the Sword of Bravery, Loveris’s Iron Cross had subdued another Higher-Level Daemon.

“We must not be complacent because there is only one Lower-Level Daemon left since the most powerful one remains.”

Kaisen still clearly remembered the heavy silence that followed that declaration and the fateful words that pierced through that hesitant and fearful silence.

“It will be yours to defeat; no one else’s.”

* * *


Holy Sword Verumpeira flew around and tore through the demon races, cutting their tendons and slaughtering them.

“Fake Warrior, another one’s coming!”

Ophelia Alter Verumpeira immediately changed the trajectory of her sword as it writhed in the air like a snake.

She was against an unidentified enemy that brought volcanic ash like a storm, but the sensation was so bizarre that it sent a primal chill down her spine.

‘The Great Holy Sword can even pass through steel like paper. What is this?’

Due to the volcanic ash, it was hard to confirm information on the enemy. Something erupted from the volcanic ash, crushing the rookie Fake Warrior into a lump of shattered bones and pulped flesh that nobody would’ve been able to tell had once been a human.

She had just turned 16.

The 2nd Field Army guarded the center of the mountain range leading into the continent.

The conditions on the mountain there were the most rugged, so the deployed army was the smallest, and only one Fake Warrior had been deployed.

Ophelia Alter Verumpeira led the Serpent Shadow Corps as a new Fake Warrior newly graduated that year.

By comparing the 1st and 3rd Field armies guarded by the leader and 2nd-ranking Fake Warriors, it was possible to tell what the geographical advantages were.

“The Snake Shadow Corps… has been annihilated.”

“The Daemon broke through the inner barrier of the stone wall! The 2nd Field Army’s defense line has collapsed!”

“Your Excellency, we must deploy the 1st and 3rd Field Armies immediately! The Daemon will break through the mountain range’s defense line at this rate!”

The dark fairies shouted the news.

Mirngadia’s body on the Heavenly Castle remained quiet as a bird chirped above it. In his head, insights, judgments, and regrets for the reality that had come about swirled together.

‘There were only 27 out of 100 futures in which Ophelia Alter Verumpeira was killed by the Daemon… Don’t forgive me, Ophelia.’

Setsunen of Lightning silently watched her brother, who had his hands joined together. Finally, his silence ended.

[It is impossible to have the 1st and 3rd armies face the Daemon without their battle lines collapsing. Hasty judgment leads to destruction. Send the coordinates to the magic artillery unit for carpet bombing.]


[To deal with the Daemons, you must first prepare appropriately. We have no choice but to buy time by blowing up the mountain range.]

The magic artillery was the core power of the Anti-Daemon combat doctrine devised by Mirngadia.

Mages and witches who could roam the battlefield and cast high-level spells were extremely rare.

In order to cast spells or chant incantations on the bloody battlefield, the following qualities were required:

First, there needed to be a base level of mathematical understanding to calculate coordinates for the right time.

Second, they needed the physical ability to protect themselves on the battlefield.

Third, they needed mental strength to maintain their sanity amidst the horror of mass death on the battlefield.

People with all these qualities usually left their names in history as great mages or witches.

The Empire’s 17th archmage, Javal Ludwig, and Yohan Wolf Frost, the 18th archmage, were caught up in the vortex of the Empire’s religious reform, so Mirngadia came up with a sort of magic battery instead.

‘Magic users have always been the enemy’s priority target…’

‘Then simply don’t send them out to the battlefield…’

‘If they can’t use high-level magic themselves, several people can join forces…’

Fifteen special mages were waiting to be used as the magic battery. The three groups of five were stacked on top of each other in order to overlap their magic circles. Amplified by dragon tongue, their magic was strengthened exactly 17 times.

In the Empire’s 7-star magic system, the highest-level magic handled by archmages (5-star), could be used by the battery.

Thus, they could use enough explosive power to annihilate an entire area.

「But what about those who are still there? Everyone will die!」 Setsunen desperately tried to argue for the value of those who were still struggling to survive.

[In front of the cause, all deaths are a show of loyalty. Coordinates 47.32167. Let all seven shots land at the same coordinates.]

There would always have to be those who gave their lives for humanity to emerge victorious. Such was the way of their world.

The decider was Mirngadia himself, as it always was. He felt fortunate he could take on the harsh role in place of his sisters. It would’ve been difficult for their delicate natures to handle such a task.

「…」 Setsunen’s eyes wavered as she guessed the meaning behind her younger brother’s words. Instead of arguing, she conveyed her sincerity. 「…Father wouldn’t have done this. I’m sure of it.」

Mirngadia’s dormant body shook. For the Three Heroic Dragons, the existence of their father was a trace of light left in their souls—it was the warmth of happiness.

The bird sitting on his horns, which stretched out like tree branches from both sides of his head, was so startled that it flew away.

「And you won’t be happy making such a decision.」 Setsunen relaxed her posture, took on the shape of a dragon, and left the floating fortress.


Strands of gathered light scattered. The power of lightning, which fiercely yet obediently united the entire mountain range, disappeared.

Before the communication line was cut, the coordinates were accurately transmitted to the magic battery.

“Chief, the bombing order has been given.”

The magic circle took a pentagon shape as it formed a lightning-type formation with decent killing power and the fastest speed among the eight magic attributes.

“Yeah, I heard.” The squad leader sat cross-legged in the center circle; 14 squad members worked in pairs and sat cross-legged in the four outer circles.

As the mages all began to form their hand signs, electricity surged in the magic circle.

Kzzzt, kzzzzzt, kzzzzzzt—

All of the runes and mathematical formulas in the magic circle burned with brilliant flames.

Blood poured from the squad leader’s nose as he completed the calculations. It was said that the creator of such magic, Great Mage Lynn, had been able to freely wield the power they were all struggling with.

“Your Excellency! Setsunen has appeared on the battlefield. Order the battery to suspend the bombing!”

[It doesn’t matter. Shoot,] Mirngadia conveyed.


[Shoot. She is a yellow dragon, a creature of lightning. She will not be damaged by man-made lightning.]

Eventually, the squad leader formed the final hand seal. The magic circle’s lightning rose into the air, dragging a long, golden tail behind it.

Light tore through the ash-filled sky and struck, driving the darkness away.


Setsunen glided through the blinding storm of gray. Wherever her eyes turned, she saw soldiers being slaughtered by uruk maces and being torn apart by axes.

All of the humans, dead and alive, were enveloped in light that broke them from the earth and moved them elsewhere.

That was all she could do.

Seven lightning strikes hit the mountain peak in a blinding flash that burned the retinas and shook the skull.






The mountain was completely destroyed in a whirlpool of light that cut into a nearby cliff. The attack didn’t deal a significant blow to the Daemon, but they accomplished their goal of blocking its path by collapsing the mountainside.

“Successful hit! The Daemon fell down the mountainside!” The dark fairy’s words were hurried, but there was a sigh of relief as she finished speaking.

The Daemon’s outline disappeared from the lake, but the swirl of volcanic ash still persisted.

The battle had just begun.

[It was only removed for a moment.]

The reality of the world was that there was no room for vain hope.

[Reconstruct the barrier and summon the Griffin Riders of the 2nd Fighter Wing. I will give orders.]

* * *

Signs of collapse were clearly visible in the eastern mountains covered by the 3rd Field Army and the plains area covered by the 1st Field Army.

Like a nightmare, volcanic ash covered the mountain range as communication was lost and seven lightning strikes collapsed the mountain range.

The series of chaotic events was a clear indication of the unusual situation. Beyond the mountains, they weren’t able to see much of the battle situation, but the billowing black smoke was obvious enough.

Teval narrowed his eyes. “What on earth happened?”

“Communication through the Electrical Reverberance Formation was also cut off. Has the enemy invaded the floating fortress?”

“I don’t think so. Look at the sky… the floating fortress is fine.”

Alidona pointed straight at the sky, and a griffin spread its wings and hurriedly fell.

“The 2nd Field Army has been annihilated! A heat wave warning has been issued! The 1st Field Army has been ordered to gather and head to Hill 118! The Iron Castle Corps and 13 regiments will remain here!” Cold sweat ran down the rider’s spine.

Teval and Mern couldn’t believe their ears.

“The 2nd Field Army was annihilated…?”

“What on earth happened? The Snake Shadow Corps was there!

“There’s no way the army was easy to break through.”

“It’s a Daemon! An Incarnation-Level Daemon has appeared!”

Cheers of victory subsided into silence. Loveris read the squirming despair at the bottom of the quiet and was afraid of the wave of demoralization that might culminate at the end of it.

“A Daemon… what kind of Daemon? Has another King awakened?”

“I don’t know, but the Heavenly Castle called it a Mauna Roa… The ancient one has woken up again…”

“Mauna Roa? Did you say Mauna Roa?!” Mern shouted back.

The rider was foaming at the mouth, as if he were suffocating in the heat of the volcanic ash, and his eyes were about to roll back.

“Don’t overdo it. Alidona, give the griffin rider first aid.”

“The abyss of Neigalas has penetrated his body too deeply… It completely destroys the body like lava.”

“Is it any surprise that a Daemon appeared again? Shouldn’t we just destroy it like last time?” Teval rested his dragonbone spear against his shoulder.

Mern shook her head. “Are you kidding? Raminea Alter Aradamantel subdued the Incarnate-Level Mauna Roa during the ‘Black Summer’. That means it came back.”

“Before that, Rista Alter Schirpin defeated it. It wouldn’t be surprising if it showed up again.”

“Captain, the cycle is strange. How can it reappear in just 20 years…?”

“Stop it, Mern. Go on horseback and spread the order to nearby units as quickly as possible.”


Kaisen, who was hanging as if dead on Bloodwind’s back, had no idea what the news meant.

‘Damn, I’m still recovering…’

The power of the Divine Dragon and Sage Dragon could not be completely absorbed into his body, so it was always like that when he used the power of the dragon spirit.

His body was so hot that it felt like he was burning inside, while his exterior felt like it would break.

All he could do was try his best not to lose consciousness—his blood vessels were burning golden.

‘If the 2nd Field Army has been annihilated, and if the Serpent Shadow Corps has been annihilated…’

Seira Alter Solang, who was holding the reins of Bloodwind, put a fearful end to that thought. “If the 2nd Field Army has been destroyed, Ophelia should also be dead. Was Verumpeira just lost?”

Though her classmate had just died, she spoke in a professional tone. It wasn’t because she looked down on Ophelia or had negative feelings toward her. Rather, such loss was to be expected on the battlefield.

Death spread across the earth like a disease, so most deaths were not considered special, even if they were Fake Warriors.

How good would it be if they could live in a world where each death was mourned?

* * *

“It… it’s because of me. When I went to collect wild vegetables, a wild boar came out. He protected me…”

When Kaisen was young, there was a hunting dog named Sam that they kept in their yard.

He was a furry little guy who was really good at following people, sticking out his long tongue, and barking clearly. Sam died after fighting a wild boar to protect his sister.

When his father buried the dog’s tattered body, Kaisen remembered hugging his sister and crying all night in front of the dog’s grave. He couldn’t cry like that anymore.

“Ratel, it’s not your fault. Yes, it’s not your fault. It’s no one’s fault.”

* * *

He no longer had a father to bury him, a mother to comfort him, or a sister to mourn with him. The world itself felt somewhat like a fantasy.

In the end, he could only live in the present.

“Seira, take your corps and build a new defense line on the plains. Hurry up and surround it. From now on, you must protect it alone.”

“Yes, Senior, good luck.” Seira tapped Kaisen’s head and gave a slight smile. Her two long braids were sticky with blood and flesh, which she’d said was a trophy of hard-earned survival.

“I’ll be going. Don’t be too sad that you missed the chance to be nursed by a beautiful classmate. There will be another chance.”

Kaisen didn’t even have time to listen to her jokes. If the 2nd Field Army had been destroyed so easily, the 3rd Field Army would also have been exposed to danger.

The 3rd Field Army consisted of Senior Gorgothia and Isla… the girl who’d shoved boiled eggs into her mouth like a child…

Loveris snapped him out of his vivid imagination. “For now, focus on getting your body in order. Don’t be distracted with unnecessary worries.”


“Who is the commander-in-chief right now? It is His Excellency. He sees what we cannot see and makes decisions. The best action has probably already been taken.”


“His judgment is always right. Many victories back it up. Think about it. What should you prioritize? You don’t plan on staying like this forever, right?”

Pure white light shone through the darkness of despair in his mind, divine in its nature. Dragon Sage Rain Ludwig’s light still guided humanity forward.

‘What I need to do first is…’

Kaisen hesitated before finally letting go of his doubts.


He needed to regain his strength. Quickly…


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