
Chapter 35

The central front army, which consisted of a large number of the six major demon races, advanced northward, wiping out all human bases in their path.

Starting with Aristapo, the western strategic point of the old empire, the eastern capital Terbenople was also crushed in their march.

Even the last of the seven great cities of the old empire, Aurelinople, fell, and humanity lost all critical points in the southern part of the continent.

With nothing to stop them, the demon races spread across the continent to the north, ravaging all living things…

At some point, their mad, seemingly endless rampage was stopped in front of an invincible natural fortress…

The Red Mountains.


The catapults fired all at once, and red lava bubbled from the object spinning through the sky.


“Th-the castle walls are melting…!”

Mirngadia commanded, [Knights of the Iron Cross, wait until the start of the charge. 10 minutes.]

The Knights of the Iron Cross were hiding in Forest 13, located at the western foot of the mountain range. Beyond the thicket, the sky was filled with gray and the sight of megaliths and steel endlessly intersecting.

Every time one of the huge stones hit the long, thin barrier running across the plains, a series of cries echoed out as flesh was crushed.

The siege of the western plains was in full swing.

A large army, including the Hai-khun-tark Nuwigin Clan, gathered under the wall. They tried to place a siege ladder, but it fell under a rain of bullets and boiling oil.

A blast furnace hurled toward the wall from catapults twice the normal size.

[This is Seira Alter Solang of the Iron Fort Corps; I can’t hold on any longer! The walls are melting and being broken open! We need more Fake Warriors!]

The western plains were a gap in the Red Mountains’ defense line. The land, where the mountain ranges ended and the plains began, was originally a trade route between the empire and the old empire.

The expanse of green plains extended all the way to the sea and was extremely prosperous in peacetime, but during wartime, it acted as a dangerous structural defect.

Mirngadia’s answer to the strategic problem was ‘Let’s act stupid’.

A long wall was built to block the plains, but no gates were installed anywhere on the wall.

Like a mountain made of stones, if there was no gate, there was no way for a battering ram to work—the enemy could only use siege towers and ladders.

The fight boiled down to them shooting arrows from a distance rather than engaging in close combat on the wall. Fortunately, the human army was able to compete on equal footing with the demon races in long-distance, fixed-position battles.

‘If only the opponent wasn’t the Nuwigin Clan.’

The secret meaning behind their name was ‘Black Volcano’. The clan’s base was an old volcano called ‘Nuwigiriodo’, and they were the best among the uruks in forging and working with iron.

“Wow, they keep shooting,” Teval said.

Loveris answered, “The Nuwigin Clan’s siege success rate is over 80%. They are unrivaled among uruks, who are mostly weak in siege battles.”

“The stone wall has collapsed. The real fight is about to begin,” Mern said.

For a brief moment, Kaisen recalled his training at the Temple of the Sword of Bravery.

“The Nuwigin Clan uses weapons forged from a type of iron called Lava Steel, which is extremely hot. Even the slightest touch from this steel can cause serious burns on a human.”

Oddly enough, the clan could create iron with an interior of boiling lava, and the clan’s technological prowess had given humanity nightmares since the ‘Black Summer’.

Additionally, the Nuwigin were famous for their shock-type mid-infantry.

“Unlike the other uruk clans, who wear leather or expose their upper bodies with all kinds of tattoos, the Nuwigin are uniformly armed with molten iron armor, great shields, and axes.”

The power their weapons derived from the lava exploding upon impact had already proven their effectiveness in several battles.

[Five minutes, prepare to attack.]

Loveris Alter Schirpin clanged the faceplate of her helmet shut. Golden roses beautifully intertwined on her plate helmet and armor, which was the symbol of the Paige-Burbank Family.

More faceplates clanged shut around them all at once.

“Iron Cross, wedge formation.”

After the 2,000 heavy cavalry emerged from the forest and gathered in a wedge, the knights were divided into three units.

Loveris led the main unit, Kaisen was placed on the left wing, and Teval was placed on the right wing.

[This is the 4th Infantry Brigade. There are less than five hundred survivors! It’s impossible to maintain the front line!]

Countless uruk projectiles fell, finally causing the castle wall to collapse. The uruk warriors poured into the gap and shouted their battlecries.

Finally, a pure voice was heard. [Charge.]

Teval raised a large iron trumpet and, with his large lung capacity, let out an explosive roar through it.


The war horses descended the mountainside, shaking the earth and leaving a thick cloud of dust in their wake.

There was no fear or decline in fighting spirit at the sight of goblins and other ragtag demon races going wild, but the Nuwigin Clan immediately formed a phalanx. It was impregnable, creating great pressure after their black barrier formed on the horizon in an instant.

The war horses kicked the ground and pushed their bodies forward, snorting in fear.

“Dream Ender…” Great Holy Sword Schirpin, which could overpower Aradamantel, had left its trace in more battles and legends.

On this day, a new mark was added to its great history.

“Time-Space Void.”

Like drawing in the air with a brush… Calmly, slowly, but firmly, Loveris, who was leading the charge, drew a straight horizontal line with the sharp edge of her greatsword.




The iron wall began to flutter like a mirage.


Reality shattered like glass.

The dimensional rupture generated enormous amounts of heat and voraciously devoured all beings in its area of influence.

The Lava Steel armor and shields shattered, and the uruk warriors, who could resist up to 800° heat, melted and boiled.

[Amazing… Loveris Alter Schirpin destroyed the Nuwigin forces all at once!]

Right after that, gusts of wind swept in to fill the void created from the lava’s heat.


“I know.”

Alidona opened her mouth. Words took form at the tip of her tongue, acquired power, and formed a spell upon leaving. Suddenly, the lava subsided, and a complete platform appeared in its place.

“Ka z ku shi rak!” The Nuwigin warriors formed a new phalanx to block the humans.


An arrow of blue light flew through the center of their line, scattering clear particles in its path. Fresh green roots sprouted from the ground where the particles landed and grabbed the limbs of the Nuwigin warriors.


Teval swung his pillar-like spear, which had been draped over his shoulder. Even a dozen Nuwigin warriors armed with Lava Steel could not withstand its overwhelming mass and were thrown back nearly 20 meters.

“Iron Cross!”

They created a passage for the knights to advance through—a breakthrough that pierced the heart of the battlefield.

“Trample them all!”

Over five hundred lances boasting a length of 14.5 feet were engulfed in a hazy light. They fiercely attacked the flanks of the enemy, who had not been able to repair their collapsed formation.

The waves of steel spears majestically fluttering with the Iron Cross flag pierced through the uruks, two or three at a time…

They trampled everything in front of them under the hooves of their horses…

‘I heard that they had a reputation for being the best hero party among the Warriors…’

It was truly an impressive scene. Kaisen thoughtlessly pondered the nickname given to the Knights of the Iron Cross, or the Loveris Party.

Didn’t they say it was the second coming of Rista Alter Schirpin’s party, the legendary hero party that ended the turbulence 600 years prior?

‘This is not the time to admire them.’

It was merely the beginning.

Kaisen had a more important task than creating a road.

* * *

“Could you repeat that?” Kaisen asked.

He didn’t mean to question but was asking out of bewilderment.

Loveris answered, “My strength is not subjugation, but formation breaking. That’s because of Shirpin’s ability, which is more specialized in one-on-many than one-on-one.”

The conversation took place before the assault began. In short, they were in the midst of moving to Forest 13.

“It is said that the legendary Fake Warrior, Rista, was able to use Space-Time Void whenever she wanted, but I can’t do that. Throughout our long history, there hasn’t been a single proxy wielder who could.”


“I can only use Space-Time Void as a Dream Ender that draws out the full power of the Great Holy Sword.”

A Dream Ender symbolized the final and greatest technique a Fake Warrior could use. It could be different for each Fake Warrior, but it could also be an inherited technique like the Space-Time Void.

It went without saying, but Kaisen had not yet realized Aradamantel’s Dream Ender.

“A Dream Ender is truly the peak. The path to it can only be opened when you reach the pinnacle of wielding the dragon spirit and holy sword.”

Kamila’s Dream Ender was the Quick-Draw Sword Technique.

Based on that enlightenment, did she pass on the meaning behind the technique to Kaisen?

“Three times is the maximum I can use in one battlefield. Even then, if I use it three times, I will definitely faint. If I use it just once, the Mana Chain in my body will get tangled to the point that I can’t even make a cut.”

Space-Time Void had been evaluated as the most powerful technique in history that could be used by the twelve Great Holy Swords.

Was it because power came at a price? It didn’t occur to Kaisen at all that it was unreasonable. If one wanted to wield the power of a real hero with a fake body, it was natural that you had to pay the appropriate price.

“I don’t use Time-Space Void a second time unless it’s a serious emergency. Every time I use it, it feels like my lifespan is being shaved off by several months. It’s strange that my body doesn’t get overloaded.”

“Then how…?”

“It may sound pathetic, but I will entrust the task of decapitating the Nuwigin Chief to you.”

Kaisen felt many eyes turning in his direction, with a heavy sense of burden and embarrassment filling him.

His eyes were calm.

When Schirpin let out a white breath as if emphasizing the will of its proxy wielder, Aradamantel, hanging on his back, responded with a red questioning light.

“Good. In return, my subordinates will assist you with all their might, so don’t worry.”

“What about you, Senior?”

“I am originally the eldest daughter of the Paige family. The great sage Emissa Paige is our ancestor. Do you not understand what that means?”

There were five mage families in the empire, and each family had their own arcane magic. The Paige Family were called the ‘Artistic Mages’ because of their unusual use of power.

When Loveris touched the air with her fingertips, a beautiful rune appeared. “Except for when I use Space-Time Void, I usually fight with magic. Otherwise, why would I have that muscle-head, Teval, as the vanguard?”

* * *

[Confirming the approach of a threatening abyss agent. The probability that it is the Nuwigin chief is 98%.]

The murderous presence of the Nuwigin Chief, Dimartek Aidorose, could be felt from a distance.

His bloodthirsty aura was dull and deep. The tension felt like a sharp needle piercing the spine, suggesting the presence of a great and fearful enemy.

Above the sandstorm enveloping the battlefield, a tribal flag depicting a volcano fluttered.

Iron Fist Dimartek appeared, leading the vanguard of the Nuwigin tank unit. Blades rotating savagely on wheels cut through his enemy’s ankles, and lava trailed behind, preventing his enemies from regrouping.

“Al kru te! These insects dare to cause trouble in my volcano!” Dimartek jumped on the tank. The lava boiled and dripped from ‘Pandemonium’, the mace clutched in his iron hand, and looked like a glowing furnace.

Teval immediately jumped off his warhorse and received the blow to prevent the line from collapsing.

“You stupid human, do you think you can stop a volcano with just that little thing?”

Cracks appeared on the ground where Teval stood as he collided with Pandemonium. Red heat danced mysteriously through the cracks with the power of the Old Kings.

“Nothing can stop the volcano! I will transform your filthy bodies into new armor with the grace of the volcano!”

It was a volcanic eruption. Disaster crept through the cracks in the form of a vicious red liquid that voraciously devoured the earth…


It melted the feet of the warhorses running ahead, causing them to fall. The squires and servants were covered in lava; their bodies melted as they screamed.

The warhorses following the vanguard lost their composure, and the charging formation began to disintegrate.


“I know!”

The ice sheet created by Loveris’ magic and Alidona’s spell blocked the surging lava, and steam hissed out.

Lava bubbled under the ice, creating black spheres.


The sound of a suppressor pin being pulled out pierced the chaos.

In an instant, Mern’s arrow flew through the air, aimed at Dimartek’s chest… but it couldn’t reach its target.

Dimartek, who was suppressing Teval with all his strength, glared at Mern with a sinister, victorious smile.

Mern snorted coldly. “I suppose you’re skilled, but I was aiming for a passage, not you, idiot.”

The arrow had swept through the air and created a passage through the steamy fog—paving the way for lightning.

At that moment, a streak of bloodthirsty red light slid through the gap like lightning in the night sky.

Cross Sword Style – 7th Form.

Considering the gender difference, Kamila taught Kaisen a greatly modified version of the Cross Sword Style because men, with their poor Mana Chain skills, were unable to perfectly handle the linked sword dance.

As a result, single forms lost the power of connection and were separated into one-shot skills, gaining more power in return.

All forms began through the 4th Form, Shoot and aimed to kill in one swing. The Cross Sword Style originally didn’t aim for absolute kills in a single strike.

It was a sword dance, yes, and waves of killing intent fluttered through the world, but it was unique to KaisentThe Cross Sword Style of a man who couldn’t dance like a woman was based on footwork and designed to pack great destructive power into just one strike.

That enhanced destructive power was his own, he who could exert the dragon spirit of the Divine Dragon and Sage Dragon to a limited extent.

Shoot – Thunderous Dragon Strike.

Like a dragon shooting lightning, the blade shot from Kaisen’s scabbard, wrapped in crackling red power that engulfed his target so quickly that it couldn’t be seen with the naked eye.


The sword’s trajectory only appeared half a beat later in an afterimage.

One beat later, the sound of metal clashing cut through the momentary silence.


The blade wielded with absolute power vibrated in excitement. It was suffering the recoil of the transcendental power flowing through it.

‘If it had been a man-made sword…’

It would not have been able to withstand such power otherwise and would have shattered into several fragments before it could even slash through the air.

‘I’m sorry for overexerting you, Aradamandel.’ Kaisen gracefully twirled the pure blade and guided it into its scabbard. The sword’s cries slowly came to an end.


The sword’s cries stopped as the tip of the blade hit the bottom of the scabbard, and Dimartek Aidorose’s heavy, helmeted head fell into the lava. His upper body collapsed as blood poured out from his neck and he lost hold of the wildly pulsating Pandemonium.

[A… A single strike…?!]

[Confirming the end of Chief Nuwigin’s vital signs…!]

[Nuwigin Clan forces have fallen into confusion…!]

The lava boiling inside Pandemonium faded into slumber, and the volcanic eruptions raging beneath the ice subsided.

The Old King’s power lost its connection and dispersed.

“Kaisen Alter Aradamantel has defeated the Nuwigin Chief, and the enemy ranks have collapsed. Requesting that the 2nd Field Army be deployed as a punitive force,” Loveris reported as cries of victory rose loudly from the human defense forces.

[Rejected. It is impossible to deploy the 2nd Field Army to suppress the remnants, so the 2nd operation’s objective is to neutralize the siege batteries and strive to maintain the defense line.]

As always, only the cool-headed voice of reason came from Mirngadia.

“Please send reinforcements, Your Excellency… We can take them all out here.”

[The camp is in chaos. No new statements are permitted on the matter. However, let Kaisen Alter Aradamantel rest immediately.]

“Your Excellency, we are still in battle.”

[Follow orders.]

Loveris found Mirngadia’s orders to take a passive stance even in the face of overwhelming victory strange.

Those who were intoxicated by the news of victory on the plains did not know that the dragon was anticipating an unimaginable war situation.

“2nd Field Army, the 3rd Infantry Regiment was annihilated…!”

“The Serpent Shadow Corps was annihilated! Ophelia Alter Verumpeira’s vital signs have also died…!”

“Due to the volcanic ash storm, accurate readings are not possible… We are concentrating several figures on the 2nd Army front.”

Finally, the enemy’s presence emerged above the surface of the World Tree.

Due to the violently swirling volcanic ash, the outline hidden deep within was blurry. Nevertheless, its identity could be confirmed due to its old form and glory.

The primordial darkness was letting out a torn cry—an ancient volcano appeared in the world in the form of a devil.

In front of that turbulent wave of transcendental power, countless soldiers were trampled, crushed, and melted into piles of flesh.

[It has finally come…] Mirngadia’s body, which had not moved for a long time, shivered. [Mauna Roa…]

His nemesis, Mauna Roa (The Incarnation of Kings).

Those who did not know the ancient name or its meaning referred to the enemies of that world as a whole.

“Unable to measure abyss concentration… Daemon! It’s a daemon! An incarnate-level daemon has appeared!”


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