Royal Secret: I'm A Princess!


"JURI, do you want to see a magic trick?" Neoma asked Juri while they were sitting side-by-side in the carriage. And yes, she was now on a first-name basis with her daughter. Although Juri couldn\'t really call her by her first name. Especially not when she was still dressed as Nero right now. "I\'ll show you something good.

It was their first stop-over after traveling for the whole day.

Madam Hammock, who also rode the carriage with them, was currently inside the hotel where they would spend the night in. The Healing Sage was in charge of taking care of their company\'s accommodations, and she was escorted by Geoffrey Kinsley.

Thus, she and Juri were waiting inside the royal carriage.

Since it was an official royal duty, she had to use that carriage and announce her presence to everyone. It was awkward when the nobles and the commoners all bowed when her carriage passed by. But she knew she had to get used to it at some point.

"Oh, I want to see it," Juri said excitedly. It was worth noting that Juri Wisteria wore a set of clothing similar to an equestrienne outfit. She also braided her long, blonde hair. In short, she looked beautiful and strong– just like what she expected from her first daughter. "What kind of magic trick is it, Your Royal Highness?"

She showed her daughter her ring. To be precise, it was the Lynx Ring that she received from Saint Zavaroni during her coronation ceremony. It was a beautiful and rare blue diamond. And it wasn\'t just beautiful– it was also very useful. "Lynx, annyeong!"

\'Annyeong\' meant goodbye in the Korean language.

As soon as she said the "magic word," the Lynx disappeared along with the choker that changes her voice, Mini-Skewer that now serves as the choker\'s pendant, and the ring that Nero gave her a year ago.

"Your Royal Highness, is it okay to take off your choker?" Juri asked worriedly. "You\'re still dressed as the Crown Prince."

"Don\'t worry, Juri," she said, obviously surprising the older lady. "See? My voice didn\'t change." She raised her hand near her face. The Lynx Ring\'s beautiful appearance changed and it became a simple line around her finger. "And look, it looks like a tattoo now. Isn\'t it cool that a rare diamond ring like this functions as a storage box?"

Yes, the accessories-slash-weapons that decorated her from head to toe disappeared.

They were stored in the Lynx Ring right now. Although her accessories/weapons were currently invisible, they would still work as long as she had the magic ring on her finger.

Saint Zavaroni taught her that trick.

Apparently, it was dangerous for her to leave her weapons visible. And she appreciated it. Moreover, she could store other stuff in the Lynx Ring. But for now, she only needed her accessories to be hidden for now.

"Your Royal Highness, did you say it\'s the Lynx Ring?"

"Yes," she said, then she turned to her daughter. "Have you heard about this ring?"

Her daughter nodded slowly. "Yes. It\'s apparently one of the holy weapons that Lord Yule himself had used when he descended many centuries ago." She paused while looking at her ring. "I didn\'t know that the Lynx Ring only functions as an invisible storage box."

"Hey, don\'t say that," she said. "I already have a few strong weapons with me. I also need something that works practically. I like this ring that serves as a storage box."

"If you say so, Your Royal Highness," Juri said, then she stared at the chicken drumstick "tattoo" on her wrist. "Did you draw that doodle?"

"This isn\'t a doodle," she said with a grin. "It\'s a protective charm that Ruto gave me. Apparently, if I touch it and say the magic words that he taught me, I\'d get to borrow his Mana in one attack."

The teenage girl\'s eyes widened in shock. "You hit the jackpot, Your Royal Highness!"


"Every squad in the empire covets Ruston Stroganoff to be a part of their knighthood ever since he was five years old," her daughter explained, confusing her. "But Ruto never showed interest in fighting. When he entered the Royal Palace as a chef like his father, the captains of the private armies around the empire were brokenhearted."

"What are you saying, Juri?" she asked, still confused. "Ruto is weak though?"

"Are we talking about the same Ruto, Your Royal Highness?"

"Well, unless there\'s another Chef Ruston Stroganoff in the Royal Palace, then yes," she said, her body feeling cold all of a sudden. "We\'re talking about the same Ruto."

"But why are you calling him weak?"

"Because he is."

"He\'s not," Juri said while laughing softly. "Your Royal Highness, Ruto is one of the geniuses of this generation."

Neoma shook her head. "I don\'t believe that."


["THE DE Moonasterios have two "beasts" inside them. First, they have the living weapon embedded in their soul called \'Soul Beasts.\' Second, they have this "beast" called \'Lunacy\' inside their head.

The first time a de Moonasterio experiences awakening, it is to control their Soul Beasts.

But the second time a de Moonasterio awakens, it\'s a matter of life and death.

When people call the Royal Family a bunch of lunatics, they mean it literally. It\'s a hereditary disease. If a de Moonasterio fails to overcome their insanity, they will die.

Most emperors that ruled in the past didn\'t die in wars– they died after they went mad.

Yule once said that their Lunacy is a divine punishment for carrying his blood. However, it could turn into a blessing if one manages to suppress their insanity. The Moon God promised eternal youth and infinite source of divine energy for those who overcome the madness."]

Nikolai closed the history book that he somehow felt the urge to read a while ago. Thus, he went to his private library for the first time in a while. "Stupid curse," he whispered to himself while putting the book back in its place on the shelf. [Living in the palace is already enough for one to lose their sanity. Yule didn\'t need to curse his descendants with insanity.]

But why did he suddenly remember about their family\'s second "awakening?"

[Nero and Neoma are both too young to experience Lunacy. The symptoms usually appear once a de Moonasterio child turns thirteen. I will teach my children about it once they turned twelve.]

"Your Majesty?"

He turned around to face Glenn. Aside from him, only his personal knight and Kyle were allowed inside his private library. But if needed, he would sometimes allow the other Paladins to enter one of his treasured spaces in the palace.

"Why are you still here?" he asked Glenn with a raised brow. "I thought it\'s already time for you to leave."

"I\'m just here to say goodbye, Your Majesty," Glenn said in a cracked voice. "I\'m really going to leave now."

It looked like Glenn was waiting for him to say something.

He let out a deep sigh. "Don\'t come back."

The knight suddenly looked like he was about to cry.

"Don\'t come back until you have Princess Bridgette with you," Nikolai said, smirking at Glenn\'s pathetic look at the moment. Glenn was a crybaby when they were young. And although he kind of lost his sanity on the battlefield a few years ago, it seemed like he had returned to his gentle nature. "That\'s an order."

Glenn smiled while wiping the tears off of his face, then he bowed deeply to him. "I received your order, Your Majesty," he said in an emotional voice. "I shall return with Princess Bridgette soon."


GLENN was still emotional after saying goodbye to His Majesty and his friends.

He would miss all of them, especially the emperor and Princess Neoma, but Princess Bridgette was his top priority right now.

[Although I\'m sad that I only got to say goodbye to Princess Neoma for a short moment, I\'m still relieved that it turned up that way. I don\'t want to cry in front of our princess. If any of my colleagues see me cry, I will never hear the end of it.]

Plus, Princess Neoma told him that they didn\'t need to have a tearful farewell because they were bound to reunite again soon.

[Our Princess Neoma is really bright.]

He was on his way to the carriage waiting for him when all of a sudden, Ruto blocked his way without making a sound. It was scary how he only noticed the young chef when he was already in front of him. And he was supposed to be a Paladin…

[Ruto can make anyone look useless and weak next to him.]

No wonder a lot of grown-up knights avoided the child like a plague. Some were even jealous of the young chef\'s natural talent.

Thankfully, he wasn\'t the kind of person who\'d envy a child for his potential.

[The old generation has to accept the fact that sooner or later, the geniuses of the new generation will take over this era.]

"Ruto, do you recognize me?" Glenn asked the young chef brightly. "It\'s me, Glenn."

Ruto nodded while looking up at him. But to be honest, the young chef grew a lot for the past year. The thirteen-year-old boy now reached his chest. "Are you leaving the palace now, Sir Glenn?"

"Yes," he said. "Are you here to say goodbye to me?"


Ah, he should have expected that from the young chef.

"I\'m here to ask a favor," Ruto said. "I need to go somewhere. Can you drop me off at my destination?"

He crossed his arms over his chest and gave the young chef a doubtful look. "Your family has your own carriage. Even if you don\'t want to use that, you have the money and the means to get a rental carriage, Ruto. What\'s your purpose for riding the carriage with me?"

The young chef just looked at him blankly. "It\'s okay if you can\'t accommodate me, Sir Glenn."

[Ah, he has no plan to tell me the reason why he has to ride with me instead of getting his own carriage.]

Well, it wasn\'t like Ruto would do anything dumb or illegal.

"Alright. I won\'t ask any more unnecessary things," he said, giving up. He really couldn\'t understand kids these days. "Where do you need me to drop you off, Ruto?"

"Cyfrin," the young chef said. "I need to go to Cyfrin, Sir Glenn."

He was a little surprised to hear that.

Cyfrin was one of the borders near the Royal Capital where one of the Royal Family\'s transportation portals was hidden. That portal led to Oxspring, the territory that His Majesty owned. But the emperor rarely uses the portal in Cyfrin.

After all, the Oxspring was known as the "unholy land." It was said to be cursed because the land was barren. Moreover, Mount Kimbro was said to be a lair for flesh-eating monsters.

[But there\'s no way Ruto knows about the hidden portal in Cyfrin, right?]

Cyfrin was a port city famous for its variety of seafood. Ruto was a chef so he probably wanted to check the seafood market. He just couldn\'t understand why the young chef had to do that when he was also supposed to leave the empire soon.

[It\'s not like Ruto will answer my questions so I\'ll just trust him.]

"Alright, I\'ll bring you along with me since Cyfrin is on the way," Glenn said while nodding his head thoughtfully. "But does your father know that you\'re leaving the palace two days before your departure?"

Ruto turned his gaze away from him guiltily.

[Uh-oh, someone is in his rebellious phase.]


"TODAY must be our lucky day, Jasper!"

Jasper removed the hood of his black cloak, then he turned to Prism.

Tall, lanky, and crouching like a predator, Prism was a red fox with messy orange hair that almost covered his sharp, hazel eyes. The red fox wore a weird black latex suit with a one-shoulder navy blue mantle.

"Since the Crown Prince left Lewis Crevan, we don\'t have to worry about His Royal Highness," Prism said cheerfully while scratching his claws against the trunk of the tree beside him. "That makes our job easier."

Their informant reported to them a while ago that Lewis Crevan had already left the Royal Palace alone. Thus, right now, they were waiting for the fox boy in the Lifa Forest– the forest that he had to go through to get to the border leading to the Golden Field.

"Don\'t underestimate Lewis Crevan, Prism," Jasper warned his colleague. "He\'s young, but he\'s already strong. The last time I saw him, he has two tails already. But that was over a year ago. He must have managed to summon more of his tails."

"I\'m confident that my hate towards Lewis Crevan will allow me to defeat him!"

"How could you even hate someone you haven\'t met yet?"

"It\'s unfair that he found a good master when he used to be a slave like me!" Prism complained. Despite being sixteen years old now, this one had the mentality of a six-year-old child. "When I heard that the Crown Prince treats that Silver Fox well, I was enraged." He tapped his chest. "That\'s why I promised myself that I would kill Lewis Crevan."

"You can\'t kill him, Prism," he said bluntly. "Lewis Crevan is a very precious merchandise. Most of our clients are willing to sell all their properties to the Master just to have the fox boy."

The red fox clicked his tongue. But his tantrum only lasted for a few seconds. Now, he was grinning from ear to ear. "Well, even if I don\'t kill him, the fact that he won\'t be able to return to His Royal Highness\'s side won\'t change. Jasper, you\'ve met Prince Nero, right?"

"Just a few times," he said. It wasn\'t exactly a lie. Still, he wanted to act as detached as possible to conceal his connection to "Prince Nero." "Compared to His Majesty, Prince Nero is more amiable."

"That\'s why I want to be Prince Nero\'s new pet!" Prism said excitedly. "Jasper, do you think His Royal Highness will like me? I\'m also a fox like Lewis Crevan."

"No, he probably won\'t," Jasper said with a "friendly" smile on his face. "I heard Prince Nero only likes good-looking people."

"Hey, did you just call me ugly?!"


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