Royal Secret: I'm A Princess!


"PAPA BOSS, please behave while I\'m gone, okay?"

Nikolai raised a brow at Neoma. "Little rogue, just what are you planning for leaving your fox boy behind?"

He was free to talk to his daughter that way because they were walking side by side on the pathway leading to the carriage she\'d be using.

Glenn and Geoffrey were standing behind them. The other servants with Neoma\'s luggage were walking behind the two Paladins. Moreover, whenever he talked to Neoma outside while she was dressed as the Crown Prince, he would put a spell around them that avoid being eavesdropped on.

"I\'m not planning anything, Papa Boss," Neoma said with a fake smile on her face. "Lewis isn\'t in the condition to travel because of the injuries that he got from his training. And it\'s not like I\'m going to leave him behind completely. He\'s going to follow me after getting a full day\'s rest anyway."

And that what made it more suspicious.

If Lewis Crevan was going to get better in a day, Neoma could have just delayed her departure again. But it seemed to him like his daughter was purposely leaving the fox boy behind. She wouldn\'t do it without a proper reason.

But it was obvious that Neoma didn\'t have any plans to tell him the truth.

[Dion and Jeanne are about to return from their mission. I\'ll have them follow Lewis Crevan later.]

"Stick to Geoffrey all the time," he said to his daughter firmly. "For this mission, I allowed Geoffrey to unseal his powers. You\'ll be safe with him."

"Okay, Papa Boss."

"I\'m serious," he said. "Everyone knows that this is the Crown Prince\'s first official duty outside the Royal Capital. I\'m sure everyone who wants you gone will use this as a chance to get rid of you."

If he could avoid sending Neoma away on a mission, he would.

But the "Crown Prince" had been receiving continuous criticism from the nobility for not doing enough. After all, he didn\'t send the "Crown Prince" to join a squad. It was a tradition in the empire for the successor to train as a knight in an allied family\'s army.

He could have sent Neoma to House Quinzel, but he didn\'t want his daughter to get closer to Rufus. Thus, he made an excuse and told the nobility that the "Crown Prince" was a genius in creating shields.

Although Neoma\'s title as the "new shield of the empire" satisfied even the Noble Faction, it still wasn\'t enough to completely shut them up.

Thus, he needed Neoma to gain more accomplishments.

[She has to resolve the century-old problem regarding the Hisa Tree issue.]

"Don\'t worry, Papa Boss," Neoma assured him cheerfully. "I will make you proud."

[I\'m already proud of you.]

Nikolai didn\'t say that aloud though.

If only he knew that would happen during that trip, he wouldn\'t hesitate to say those words to his daughter...


DOMINIC ZAVARONI opened his eyes when all the candles in the praying room were extinguished.

It happened without the presence of a strong wind in the closed chamber. Moreover, the fire that lit up the Holy Candles couldn\'t possibly be extinguished by ordinary wind. And most of all, it happened during the time that he was alone in the prayer room.

Thus, it could only mean one thing.

[A prophecy must be coming.]

["Dominic, my child…"]

His eyes widened in shock when he heard Lord Yule\'s voice echoing in the room. "My lord, I thought you already entered a deep slumber…"

He expected to receive a prophecy.

But he didn\'t expect to hear it straight from the Moon God himself!

["I did,"] Lord Yule said in a soft and soothing voice. ["But a prophecy has shaken the Upper World, my child. Of course, it\'s about Princess Neoma."]

"What about Princess Neoma, my lord?" he asked worriedly.

["That child\'s wrath would soon awaken the sleeping ancient gods,"] the Moon God warned him. ["You must stop Princess Neoma from losing her mind."]

"The royal princess will lose her mind?"

["Yes, Princess Neoma will be filled with wrath, and that will cause her to lose her sanity,"] Lord Yule said worriedly. ["Once it happens, even the Upper World would experience chaos. Thus, you must stop it from happening at all cost. Dominic, you must save Princess Neoma to keep the order in the Upper and the Middle World in check."] The Moon God paused, then he laughed softly. ["Or maybe it\'s us who needs to be saved from Princess Neoma\'s rampage?" She\'s my descendant but she scares me. Thus, you must prevent her from going crazy."]

He was both surprised and amazed by how much Princess Neoma\'s wrath could affect both worlds.

[As expected of our future empress.]

"I received your order, Lord Yule," Dominic Zavaroni said, then he bowed politely. "I will stop Princess Neoma from losing her sanity."


"FATHER," Hanna, sitting on her bed while looking at the full from her window, said. "I had a dream."

"A dream?" her father, seated on the chair beside her bed, asked. "Now I know why you suddenly woke up in the middle of the night."

She turned to her father with a  serious look on her face. "Father, you must return to the empire at once."

Her father extended his vacation to spend more time with her and her mother.

She was happy to have more precious moments with both her parents beside her. But she knew it was time for her father to leave.

Her father turned serious. "What did you dream about, sweetie?"

Yes, she was aware that it was only a dream.

But when it comes to Neoma, she would take everything seriously. Moreover, sending her father to check on her best friend wouldn\'t hurt anyway.

"In my dream, I saw Neoma destroying everything while she seems unstable," Hanna said worriedly. "Father, please return to the empire and make sure that Neoma is safe."


["TREVOR, do you still remember me?"]

Trevor clicked his tongue when he heard the real Devil\'s voice echoing in his room. He put his guard up and didn\'t turn his gaze away from Prince Nero\'s sleeping physical body on the bed. "Are you here for Prince Nero?"

It seemed like the barrier that Emperor Nikolai and Saint Zavaroni prevented the Devil from entering his space. But it wasn\'t enough to keep the Devil from talking to him.

["I have no interest in Prince Nero at the moment,"] the Devil said. ["I\'m here to give you a piece of advice, Trevor."]

He rolled his eyes. "And why would I listen to you?"

["Princess Neoma is in danger."]


The Devil wouldn\'t lie about that because the Devil\'s goal was to put Princess Neoma on the throne.

["Princess Neoma will lose her mind, and it would cause a great tragedy in both the Upper and the Middle World,"] the Devil warned him. ["I swear I won\'t hurt or kill Prince Nero, so leave your territory and save the future empress. Rather, save us from Princess Neoma\'s wrath."]

Trevor, despite being worried for Princess Neoma, couldn\'t help but smirk. "My future wife is really amazing, huh?"


REGINA Crowell laughed softly after the pathetic young ladies locked her up in the dirty attic of Belle\'s House.

Belle\'s House was the school in the countryside that young ladies who aim to be court ladies for the Crown Prince attend. Since the court ladies were practically the harem of the future emperor, the nobility sent their daughters to Belle\'s House as soon as the Royal Family announced its reopening.

Since she was the lady with the lowest status in that school, she was being bullied. But she knew that her status wasn\'t the only reason why the young ladies hated her.

[They hate that a mere baron\'s daughter is better than all of them.]

Instead of being depressed, the fact that she was being bullied was fun to her. After all, she liked the feeling of being envied. The more she got bullied, the more she felt superior. In fact, she enjoyed "playing" with those young ladies.

  [Moreover, compared to the harassment that I experienced in that \'house,\' the way those feeble young ladies pick on me now is cute.]

"Are you having fun?"

She stopped laughing to herself when the black crow with blue eyes appeared on the windowsill.

"Yes, I\'m having fun," Regina said while twirling around. Despite the simple and plain white short-sleeved dress that she wore, her beauty still stood out. Thus, she once again earned the jealousy and the envy of the rich little girls that were supposed to be "above" her. "Abandoning Rubin Drayton is worth it."

It wasn\'t easy abandoning that pathetic boy though.

If the order for her to apply as a court lady didn\'t come directly from the Crown Prince\'s palace, then Rubin Drayton wouldn\'t have let her leave the Drayton Mansion.

[I brainwashed him too much that he could no longer live without me, huh?]

"His Excellency has made a decision: Emperor Nikolai de Moonasterio is no longer fit to rule the empire."

She stopped with her little dancing when she heard what the blue-eyed crow said. "Does it mean it\'s time for us to oust His Majesty from the throne?"

"No, not yet," the crow said. "We need the Crown Prince to absorb as much Moonglow as possible from the current emperor first. And that\'s our next mission."

She paused for a while, then she laughed. "I get it. Our next mission is to harm the Crown Prince heavily to force his body to absorb His Majesty\'s Moonglow until the emperor becomes too weak to continue ruling the empire."

"That\'s correct."

"How do we do that?" she asked, then she crossed her arms over her chest. "We know that His Majesty\'s Paladins are back. Once the emperor unsealed their power, it will be hard even for us to get near the Crown Prince."

"His Royal Highness Prince Nero is currently on his way to the Golden Field for the Hisa Tree," the blue-eyed crow said. "The Crown Prince didn\'t bring Lewis Crevan because apparently, the fox boy is injured."

"We don\'t need the fox boy yet so it doesn\'t matter."

"Correct," the crow said. "Prince Nero only brought one Paladin with him but it\'s Geoffrey Kinsley."

She groaned as a complaint. "Geoffrey Kinsley is the brain of the group. But isn\'t he also the most violent out of the Paladins? Glenn Exton is called the \'Mad Dog\' but he\'s only violent if His Majesty orders him to kill. On the other hand, Geoffrey Kinsley is a sadist. He\'s also known for disobeying the emperor from time to time." She shook her head. "I don\'t want to deal with a lunatic like that."

"I\'m the one assigned to get rid of Geoffrey Kinsley."

"That\'s a relief."

"You\'re assigned to eliminate Juri Wisteria."

"Juri Wisteria?" she asked with a raised brow. "The crazy bitch?"

"Not as crazy as you are but yes, we\'re talking about that Juri Wisteria," the crow said. "Apparently, she recently became one of the Crown Prince\'s aides. It looks like His Royal Highness has finally begun collecting allies from the Royal Faction. Now that Hanna Quinzel is no longer qualified to become the Crown Princess, we believe the noble households with young daughters have also begun sending their princesses the Crown Prince\'s way."

"Juri Wisteria is twice the Crown Prince\'s age though."

"Well, it doesn\'t matter because in the end, \'Regina Crowell\' is going to be the Crown Princess anyway."

"That\'s right," she said with a smile. "I was born to become the Crown Princess."

"To make it a reality, we have to succeed in our mission first," the blue-eyed crow said. "Now, make an excuse to leave Belle\'s House temporarily."

"Don\'t worry– I\'m good at pretending to be sick," Regina said with a smile while twirling some loose strands of her hair around her finger. "I\'m sure Rubin Drayton will hurry over to fetch me if he hears that I\'m sick."


"PRINCESS NEOMA has left the Royal Palace."

Nichole finished her tea before she stood up and grabbed her cloak. "We must follow my adorable niece," she said to Gin. "This is the first time that she\'s leaving the Royal Palace. I\'m sure the enemies won\'t miss this opportunity to ambush her."

Of course, she wasn\'t only talking about the Crow.

In the first place, it seemed like the Crow hadn\'t figured out yet that the royal princess that they were looking for was acting as Nero. Even though the cult was aware that there was a hidden princess, they couldn\'t and wouldn\'t find her niece as long as she was erasing Neoma\'s traces.

She had been doing that since Neoma was born.

Thus, despite having Yule\'s eyes, the Crow hadn\'t found Neoma yet.

"I\'m feeling good today," Gin, still in his child form, said excitedly. "I just know that we\'re going to engage in a big fight soon."

"I don\'t mind fighting if it\'s for Neoma\'s sake," she said. "I will protect my precious niece at all cost."

"I\'m glad to hear that you genuinely care for my daughter, Princess Nichole."

She turned around and was greeted by Gavin Quinzel.

Ever since his failed kidnapping attempt, this was the first time that the former commander left his room. Well, his room had an adjacent bathroom so he didn\'t really need to leave the chamber. His meals were also delivered to his room by Gin.

"You call my niece your daughter but in the end, Neoma still chose to stay with Nikolai."

Gin gasped softly. "Ouch."

The former commander looked unfazed though.

"It\'s alright. I will succeed this time," Gavin said in his usual gentle and laid-back voice. "I will bring Neoma to our side."

Nichole could only sigh while shaking her head. "I hope you succeed, Lord Gavin."


NERO couldn\'t believe that his simple trick worked on Nathaira, the giant water serpent.

After he asked William to change his appearance to resemble Neoma, he dived deep into the Black Ocean again to search for his mother. This time, he noticed that Nathaira didn\'t attack him. The other sea creatures (that he couldn\'t clearly see because of how dark it was underwater, didn\'t move and just watched him swim towards the huge block of ice.

He didn\'t know deep he was in the water. But thanks to William\'s protection (a giant bubble where he was in), he could breathe just fine and he wasn\'t also being crushed by the pressure.


He swam faster until he finally got near the block of ice.

And there, trapped inside the ice, was indeed his sleeping mother. He noticed that despite being trapped inside the ice, the thick maroon cloak that covered his mother\'s body was dry. Moreover, his mother was surrounded by a faint silver aura that felt familiar.

It seemed like time stopped for his mother, too.

Coral pink hair, fair skin, beautiful face.

[It\'s really our mother.]

"Mother," Nero said, then he placed his hand on the block of ice despite the bubble between his palms and the ice. "Mother…"


He was surprised to hear a response from his mother.

But her eyes remained closed, and she still looked she was in a deep slumber. He definitely heard a voice calling him though. And he had a feeling that it was his mother\'s voice.

["Nero, is that you?"]

It wasn\'t his imagination indeed.

[Mother is talking to me in my head!]

["Mother,"] he said softly, talking to his mother using his mind. ["It\'s me, Nero. I\'m sorry I couldn\'t bring Neoma with me."]

["Why are you apologizing for that, my precious son?"]

["Because I know that you\'re waiting for Neoma and not for me."]

["Oh, Nero…"]

["It\'s alright, Mother. I understand."]

["My baby, it\'s true that I\'m waiting for Neoma. But that doesn\'t mean that I\'m not happy to know that you came for me. Nero, my love for you and your twin sister is equal. Please don\'t think that I only favor Neoma…"]

He wasn\'t thinking that at all.

But still, hearing those reassuring words from his mother warmed his heart.

["I understand, Mother. Thank you,"] he said softly. ["I will save you, Mother."]

["Nero, baby, please listen to me first. I\'m waiting for Neoma because her flame is the only flame that could melt the ice I\'m trapped with. But until your twin sister resonates her soul with her Fire Dragon Soul Beast, she can\'t melt the ice. Moreover, only William could give Neoma the protection she needs to come and save me. So until then, we have to wait."]

["Understood, Mother. I trust Neoma so I know that she could resonate with her Soul Beast soon. Regarding William…"]

Well, he could threaten the Grand Spirit to help Neoma.

["Nero, my freedom isn\'t important right now,"] her mother said in a hurried voice. ["Baby, your twin sister needs you."]

That shocked him. ["Is Neoma in danger, Mother?"]

He didn\'t doubt his mother\'s words.

Even though his mother\'s physical body had been trapped inside the block of ice for many years now, she was still Lady Mona Roseheart– the empire\'s greatest Spirit Summoner.

Moreover, if his mother could talk to him right now using her soul, then it wasn\'t impossible for her mother to use her soul to communicate with other Spirits to get information regarding what was happening in the empire now.

["He\'s back in this world, Nero,"] her mother said in a somewhat afraid voice. ["And he\'s here to take Neoma away from us."]

Nero didn\'t like what he just heard. ["Who is it that dares to take Neoma away from us, Mother?"]

["It\'s the former Commander of the White Lion Knights,"] his mother said in a firm voice. ["Nero, don\'t let Gavin Quinzel get near Neoma at all cost!"]


Hi. You may now send GIFTs to our Neoma. Thank you~


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