Reincarnated with an Analysis system.

Chapter 211 The Demon Lord Of Vanity

In the vast and treacherous demon territory, where darkness reigned supreme, eight formidable demon lords stood as the embodiment of the entire demon race. 

These powerful beings held immense sway over demon society, their influence stretching from the lowliest minions to the highest echelons of power. 

Each demon lord bore a title befitting their dominance, from kings to supreme emperors, and their authority was unquestioned among their kin.

However, even in the presence of such might, the eight demon lords remained subservient to one figure—the unrivaled ruler known as the Demon Kings. 

This enigmatic beings held dominion over both monsters and demons alike, governing their actions with an iron fist and commanding their loyalty through a mix of fear and respect.

Among the esteemed circle of the eight demon lords, one demon lord stood out, renowned for his exceptional talents and influence on the southern fringes of the demon territory. His name was Valamos, the Demon Lord of Vanity, a figure of exquisite allure and unfathomable ego. 

With his captivating presence and unmatched vanity, he had secured his position as the third strongest among the demon lords, perpetually striving to ascend further.

Now, Valamos embarked on a journey to Fiona, a city nestled within the heart of the demon territory. His purpose? To pay a visit to Jira, a fellow member of the eight demon lords who bore no specific title or distinction. 

Jira\'s enigmatic nature and mysterious demeanor intrigued Valamos, and he sensed an opportunity to forge a potential alliance or glean valuable information from this enigmatic counterpart, at least that was his initial sight until he heard about the war that was lost against Sato.

Valamos embarked on his journey to Fiona astride a majestic steed, his regal figure commanding attention as he traversed the perilous terrain. Accompanying him were his two trusted assistants, each possessing their own unique qualities. The first, Zelik, a striking noble with chiseled features and an air of refinement that complemented Valamos\' elegance. The second, Catherine, a skilled warrior whose prowess matched her undeniable beauty, her eyes filled with determination and loyalty.

The arduous journey from Valamos Kingdom to Fiona stretched over six days, a testament to their determination and the urgency that drove them forward. The pace at which they traveled was a testament to their unwavering resolve and the importance of their mission. The treacherous path presented numerous obstacles, from rugged mountains to dense forests, but Valamos led his companions with unwavering grace and determination, his ambition guiding their every step.

Finally, as they approached the towering gates of Fiona, Valamos reined in his horse, allowing himself a moment to survey the surroundings. The city before him bustled with activity, a thriving hub of demon civilization teeming with intrigue and hidden agendas. Valamos, with his acute sense of vanity, reveled in the attention his presence commanded. As his gaze swept over the landscape, memories of past visits flooded his mind, reminding him of the power he held within this territory.

"It has been a while since I\'ve been here," Valamos mused, his voice carrying a subtle undertone of satisfaction. He dismounted gracefully, his golden armor gleaming under the sun\'s rays, and his assistants mirrored his actions, their eyes darting cautiously around, their senses attuned to any potential threats lurking in the shadows.

Zelik, ever the eloquent companion, offered a subtle nod of agreement. "Indeed, my lord. Fiona holds a unique allure, filled with secrets and opportunities for those with discerning eyes."

Catherine, her hand resting on the hilt of her finely crafted blade, exuded a quiet confidence. "I trust our visit will yield fruitful results, my lord. We shall remain vigilant and prepared for any challenges that may arise."

"Well, shall we." Valamos said with a smile on his face as he began his advance on horseback, but just when he was about to pass the gates, three demon guards showed up.

"Hey, let me see your pass!" One of the demon guards yelled, pointing his spear directly at Valamos.

Valamos regarded the three demon guards blocking his path with an air of amusement, a mischievous smile playing upon his lips. 

As their demand for a pass echoed through the air, his gaze fixated on the spear pointed threateningly in his direction. His eyes followed the glint of the weapon, studying it with a discerning curiosity.

"Oh dear me, what pass do you mean?" Valamos replied, his tone laced with feigned innocence. The guard\'s brusque demeanor and lack of decorum only served to further pique his interest.

"Don\'t play dumb with me! If you don\'t have a pass, no entry, so leave! And don\'t waste my time," the guard barked, his voice dripping with disdain, as he lowered his spear in a dismissive gesture.

Valamos dismounted from his horse gracefully, his smile widening, an aura of calculated confidence emanating from his every movement. "You know, for a guard, you sure are quite rude," he remarked, his voice laced with a subtle hint of amusement as he closed the distance between them.

"Yeah, what of it? Don\'t waste my time, tch!" the guard retorted, his contempt undisguised.

"My apologies, then. I shall be more expeditious," Valamos uttered, his words carrying a tone of assurance. With a flick of his finger, a surge of dark energy crackled in the air, and the guard\'s hand was violently torn from its wrist, blood gushing forth in a crimson torrent.

The guard crumpled to his knees, writhing in agonizing pain, clutching the stump where his hand once resided. His screams pierced the air, a symphony of suffering that echoed through the gates of Fiona. 

The sudden turn of events left the remaining guards frozen in shock and terror, their eyes widening with the realization of the power they faced.

Valamos approached the injured guard, his expression unchanged as he surveyed the scene he had orchestrated. "Consider it a lesson in manners, my dear guard. Your discourtesy had consequences." He calmly stated, his voice dripping with a blend of satisfaction and mild reproach.

As the wounded guard whimpered in pain, Valamos turned his attention to the remaining two guards. 

His gaze bore into them, a silent challenge laced with a warning. "Now, would you kindly step aside and allow us entry? I do detest unnecessary delays," he declared, his voice tinged with a subtle undercurrent of authority.

The remaining guard, his voice quivering with fear, dared to voice his question, "Who the hell are you?" His hands trembled, gripping tightly onto the sword that suddenly seemed inadequate in the face of the unfolding spectacle.

In a swift and calculated maneuver, Catherine materialized behind the guard, her presence a shadowy apparition of lethal grace. With her knife poised menacingly at his neck, her voice held an edge of steel, "Do you have any idea who that is?"

The guard\'s fear intensified, beads of sweat forming on his forehead as he struggled to find his voice amidst the overwhelming intimidation. His eyes darted between Valamos, the embodiment of vanity and power, and Catherine, the fierce warrior standing at his back.

"That is the king of Yimfir Kingdom and the 3rd demon lord of Vanity," Catherine revealed, her words dripping with authority and certainty.

The guard\'s face turned pale, his grip on the sword faltering, the weight of the truth sinking in. The realization of the dire mistake he had made in challenging Valamos sent shivers down his spine, the consequences of his actions now starkly evident.

Valamos observed the guard\'s reaction with a mixture of amusement and satisfaction, his regal demeanor exuding an air of superiority. He allowed a moment of silence to linger, relishing in the guard\'s fear-stricken gaze.

"Now, my dear guard, it appears you have stumbled upon an opportunity to rectify your previous transgressions," Valamos remarked, his voice laced with a velvet smoothness that contrasted with the underlying threat.

Catherine tightened her grip on the guard, her eyes narrowing, a tangible aura of danger emanating from her poised stance. "Should you choose to cooperate and grant us entry without further delay, your life may yet remain intact," she added, her tone brooking no resistance.

The guard, his voice quivering, nodded vigorously, his previous bravado reduced to a mere facade. He stumbled over his words, his fear-laden voice betraying his trembling resolve, "Y-Yes, of course! Forgive my ignorance, Lord Valamos. Please, proceed."

The two guards, fear etched across their faces, hastily complied, their confidence shattered by the brutal display of power they had just witnessed and knowing the identity of the man they had just insulted. 

Valamos remounted his horse with graceful ease, his companions following suit, as they resumed their advance into the heart of Fiona.

Word of the encounter would undoubtedly spread like wildfire, leaving a lasting impression on the guards and denizens of Fiona. Valamos, the Demon Lord of Vanity, had made his entrance known, his reputation for both charm and cruelty further solidified. 

The echoes of his actions would ripple through the city, casting an ominous shadow over his forthcoming meeting with Jira, the enigmatic member of the eight demon lords.

With each step forward, Valamos reveled in the knowledge that his presence had left an indelible mark, solidifying his claim as a force to be reckoned with in the demon territory. 

As Fiona unfolded before them, a stage of intrigue and hidden agendas, he prepared to navigate its treacherous landscape, his vanity and ambition guiding his every move.

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