Reincarnated with an Analysis system.

Chapter 210 Revisiting The Goddess Allicance III

"What?" Arina muttered, her voice laced with disbelief as Sato\'s words reverberated in her ears.

Sato heaved a sigh, releasing his grip on her hands and took a step back. "I understand that it\'s difficult for you to believe me, but I have encountered powerful witches who might vouch for me," he explained, his tone calm and resolute.

Arina\'s response was sharp and biting. "You\'ve got a rather audacious tongue for a mere human," she retorted, her voice carrying a mix of skepticism and disdain.

As Sato observed the immense surge of magic energy radiating from Arina\'s body, a surge of wind erupted around them, causing his eyes to widen in astonishment. The glow emanating from Arina\'s eyes intensified, casting an ethereal illumination in the midst of the tempestuous atmosphere.

"First, you unsealed me from my timeless slumber, and you speak of my Successor… you dare utter his name!" Afrina\'s voice thundered, resonating with a mix of fury and indignation. With a deliberate step forward, the ground quaked beneath her, trembling under the weight of her immense power.

Observing Afrina\'s unwavering resolve, Sato\'s expression hardened, a steely determination flickering in his eyes. 

"It seems she is not inclined to listen to reason... It appears that a confrontation is the only path forward," He muttered, his resolve unwavering despite the destructive aura that surrounded him.

<<Shall I initiate Auto mode and swiftly resolve this conflict?>> 

"No need, Aril," Sato replied, a surge of dark magic energy emanating from his being. "I will handle this myself."

His body enveloped in the ominous aura, Sato stood firm, ready to face the impending battle. The clash between a mortal Successor and an awakened goddess loomed, each one prepared to unleash their full power in the ensuing struggle.


In the bustling village, the industrious villagers diligently toiled to improve their surroundings, driven by a sense of purpose and contentment. 

Overseeing their efforts, Erza found solace and satisfaction in her supervisory role, a responsibility she had relished in recent days.

Taking a seat on a sturdy wooden structure, Erza leaned back, her gaze fixated on the elves diligently cleaning and working. A tinge of envy flickered in her voice as she muttered, "Their joy is almost unjust."

At that moment, Daina, a familiar face, approached Erza, holding a warm cup of tea in her hands. She addressed Erza with a mixture of surprise and relief, "Lady Erza, I knew I would find you here."

Erza\'s eyebrows furrowed slightly as she tried to recall Daina\'s name, a hint of uncertainty lingering in her mind. "Daina, was it?" she inquired, seeking confirmation.

A hint of disappointment crossed Daina\'s expression, her eyes reflecting a vacant gaze. "You... don\'t remember my name?" she muttered softly, resembling a fish with lifeless eyes.

Erza\'s voice rose, filled with earnestness and reassurance. "No, no! I do remember your name. I apologize for the momentary lapse. Please forgive me for the confusion," she insisted, determined to convey her sincerity.

A gentle chuckle escaped Daina\'s lips as she extended a cup of tea toward Erza. "Here, I brought this for you," she offered, her tone warm and friendly.

Erza sighed gratefully, accepting the cup of tea and peering inside. "What kind of tea is this?" she inquired, curiosity tinging her voice.

"It\'s green tea," Daina replied, settling herself down on the wooden structure beside Erza.

"Green tea?" Erza echoed, a hint of surprise coloring her tone.

Daina nodded, her smile radiating with a sense of contentment. "Yes, Lord Sato taught me how to make it, and it seems to be a favorite among the others as well," she shared.

Erza took a sip of the green tea, relishing its soothing warmth. She couldn\'t help but appreciate the gesture and the newfound connection it symbolized.

"It\'s delicious!" Erza exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with contentment as she took another sip of the tea.

Daina leaned closer to Erza, excitement evident in her voice. "Oh, if you think this is amazing, you should try it with cookies... although, unfortunately, I didn\'t bring any," she said with a hint of regret.

Erza paused, her curiosity piqued. "Cookies? What are those?" she inquired, her tone filled with genuine interest.

Daina smiled, explaining, "They\'re a type of snack. Lord Sato taught me about them too."

Erza\'s expression softened, a touch of admiration appearing in her eyes. "It seems Darling has quite the influence on all of you," She remarked, her voice carrying a slight seriousness.

Daina nodded in agreement, her gaze shifting to the ground as a blush colored her cheeks. "Well, none of this would be possible without Lord Sato," She confessed, her voice filled with gratitude. "Although I\'ve never said it to his face, I am truly grateful for everything he has done."

The two women sat in silence for a moment, their thoughts intertwined with appreciation for the one who had changed their lives.

Erza suddenly set the cup down on the wooden surface and turned to face Daina, her hands gently resting on Daina\'s shoulders. "Listen to me," she said with a determined expression.

"Y-Yes?" Daina nodded eagerly, waiting for Erza\'s words.

Erza let out a sigh, gathering her thoughts before voicing her heartfelt sentiments. "I wouldn\'t mind if you were the one Darling chooses to be his... his second wi..wi..wi..wiiii," she struggled with the words, stumbling over them.

Confusion flashed across Daina\'s face, but she quickly understood. "Do you mean his wife?" she asked, offering a gentle clarification.

Erza\'s cheeks reddened slightly, and she nodded. "Yes, that."

Daina stood up from the wooden surface and bowed respectfully, her smile radiating warmth. "Please excuse me," she said politely before swiftly leaving.

Erza watched her go, a mixture of emotions swirling within her, unsure of the impact her words had made. "D-id I take it too far." She muttered under her breath before a sigh followed as she picked up her tea to have another sip.

Just then, Divanchi appeared, her voice breaking the silence. "Erza? What are you still doing here?" she inquired, concern evident in her tone.

Erza glanced up at Divanchi and managed a weak smile. "Oh, hey Divanchi," she replied, her voice tinged with sadness.

Sensing that something was amiss, Divanchi took a seat beside Erza on the wooden surface. "Did something happen?" she inquired, her eyes focused on her friend.

Erza fidgeted with her fingers, struggling to find the right words. "I... I want to ask you something," she finally managed to say.

Divanchi nodded encouragingly. "Sure, go ahead," she replied, giving Erza her undivided attention.

Erza took a deep breath before continuing, her voice slightly trembling. "So... do you... do you also have intentions of becoming Darling\'s wife?" she asked, her words tinged with a mix of curiosity and vulnerability.

Divanchi\'s expression softened, and she offered a small smile. "Erza, you really need to stop referring to our master as \'darling\'," she gently admonished. 

However, upon seeing Erza\'s persistence, she relented and answered sincerely, her gaze fixed ahead. "Well, if it brings him happiness, then I have no objections."

Erza let out a sigh, her fingers still restless. "Of course, but right now, I\'m asking how you would feel if he suddenly asked you to marry him," she clarified, her voice filled with a hint of longing.

Divanchi\'s response came as a soft whisper, her face turning away to conceal her embarrassment. "I would feel... happy," she admitted, her cheeks flushed with a rosy hue.

Erza leaned closer, her curiosity piqued. "What was that?" she pressed, eager to hear Divanchi\'s answer clearly.

"I\'ll be…happy".

"Uhn? I couldn\'t quite get…"

"I said I would be happy! Geez!" Divanchi exclaimed, her embarrassment spilling over as she finally looked directly at Erza, her face turning a deep shade of crimson.

Erza\'s expression turned vacant, her mouth hanging open as if struck by an invisible arrow, her eyes devoid of their usual vibrancy as they stared blankly into the sky above.

"Erza? Are you alright?" Divanchi asked, concern etched in her voice as she reached out a hand towards her friend.

A small chuckle escaped Divanchi\'s lips, amusement lacing her words. "Sometimes, I forget that my fiancé is a lord, and it\'s not uncommon for lords to have multiple wives... I\'m not sure if my heart can fully grasp that concept," she confessed, her gaze filled with a mix of uncertainty and curiosity.

"Uhmmm? Erza?" Divanchi questioned, puzzled by her friend\'s sudden change in demeanor.

Without warning, Erza\'s hands shot forward, grabbing Divanchi by the cheeks and pulling her close. Her voice rang out, firm and resolute, as she proposed an unexpected alliance.

"I propose an alliance," Erza declared, her eyes gleaming with determination. "No one else, apart from you, me, and that witch, will be allowed to marry him... Do we have a clear understanding?"

Divanchi blinked, taken aback by the sudden intensity in Erza\'s eyes. "What are you saying all of a sudden..." she trailed off, her voice a mix of surprise and confusion.

Erza\'s gaze bore into Divanchi\'s, unwavering. "Are we clear?!" she repeated, her tone leaving no room for negotiation.

Divanchi let out a resigned sigh, realizing that Erza was dead set on her proposal. "Sure," she acquiesced, her voice tinged with a hint of resignation.

"Great," Erza responded, releasing her grip on Divanchi\'s cheeks. With a composed demeanor, she rose to her feet. "If you\'ll excuse me, I\'ll be in Darling\'s office, accepting the reality of the situation," she announced, before turning and walking away, leaving Divanchi to ponder the implications of their newfound alliance.

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