Reincarnated with an Analysis system.

Chapter 31 The City Of Narvek

The city of Narvek is home to the three most dominant creatures, vampires, werewolves, and ghosts.

And today was the day they were about to host a meeting like they always do, since the city was a home for three species, they came up with a government.

Where each species will have a representative to be added to the council that rules over the whole city.

Vlad, one of the strongest for the vampire, was a part of the council, while the vampires under him were known as families possess blazing red eyes.

For the werewolves was Pimo, another strong candidate for the council, he also had his own pack where he was the Alpha.

And lastly was the Ghost, who was represented by Gudan, an expert ghost who has won over his people with his intelligence and leadership.

The ghosts have different shapes, some have humanoid shapes while others could take the shape of a cone, or sometimes shapeless.

Adding to that, depending on the clan these ghosts serve under, the color of the flames on their head differs.

And as expected, some strong candidates were wanting to take the role of the leading council members at any cost.

Every four years, each candidate that wants to be in the council goes through a battle royal tournament to decide the ruler.

And this had been going on for years, and no one as been able to take the spot of the current council members, hence political corruption started to make its way in.

News of leaders of packs and families dying began to spread around, causing panic and distrust amongst the other packs and families.

So, the council decided to have a meeting after the news was starting to cause havoc amongst the people.

Each representative sat at the round table with at most three bodyguards standing behind them.

Gudang cleared his throat, "I\'m glad you all could make it, I want to believe you know why this meeting was put forth." He uttered.

Gudang had a humanoid shape and wore a white Japanese outfit with his arm resting on the band as he spoke.

"Yeah, some asshole thought it would be funny to kill one of my most profit-making werewolves," Pimo yelled before slamming his hand on the table.

"Control yourself Pimo, don\'t act so vulgar on the table." Vlad uttered in a calm voice.

Pimo grunted, "Perhaps you know something that I don\'t? Cause if you don\'t then don\'t tell me to shut up! Well? Do you?!" He asked aggressively.

"Even if I did, what? You think I\'d tell you? I came up with most of the ideas, joining cities together, the trade market, even security." Vlad expressed calmly.

"What point are you trying to make, Vlad?" Gudang asked with a bit of tension.

Vlad sighed, "I\'m saying you all are useless on the council, honestly, the only thing you do is gain money of the people." He asserted.

"Why you little!" Pimo yelled in anger.

Vlad just casually stood up from his chair and dusted the suit he was wearing. The suit was an official way of dressing for members of the council anytime a meeting was being held.

"If a member of my family is involved in this, I can assure you that I will see to it they get punished,".

After uttering those words, Vlad walked out of the room when the remaining three Vampires followed behind him.

The rest of the council just sat there confused and angered at the boldness Vlad put up before he stood up from his chair and walked out on them.

"Brother, are you sure it was a good choice to walk away like that?" Sieg asked, walking behind Vlad while looking around to make sure no one was lurking around.

"Relax, if push comes to shove we have a political war." Vlad replied before stepping into his white stylishly designed carriage with Seig following after him.

They made their way back to their district, the Red district, it was a town home to different vampires, ghosts, and a few werewolves.

And Vlad was the leader of that district and commonly called a Duke because he was also part of the council ruling over the remaining towns and villages.

Vlad arrived at his huge mansion, located in the Red district, one of the vampires opened the gate to the vast land before Vlad\'s carriage rode in.

The whole place was so huge, even if there were 15 more mansions built in the area, they\'d still be enough space to fight a war.

A huge fountain with four white angelic statues surrounded it with water pouring from their mouths which added to the design.

All around were maids, each one focusing on a particular task, the wide field that was roaming with horses and servants and the quiet surrounding was something any rich man would dream of having.

But Vlad was no man, he was the leader of all Vampires, he was stronger, faster, and smarter than the rest.

Vlad got down from his carriage and looked out the window to the left side of the mansion and smiled.

He walked toward the door but paused before turning the norb, "Sieg!" He called out.

"Yes, sire." Seig responded.

"I need you to go to the Kilo district and deliver a message to Gigz." Vlad voiced out.

"What would you like me to convey to him?" Seig asked.

"Tell him I want to see him tomorrow morning, and not a second past noon." Vlad ordered.

"Understood Sire I\'ll do so." Sieg responded with his head bowed, he turned to the vampire beside him, "Get me a horse, I\'m moving out,".

Once Vlad saw that Sieg was moving out, he smiled and opened the door to his mansion.

As soon as he opened the door, he tilted his head to the side to dodge the lightning fast shoe that was charging his way.

The shoe shattered the door into pieces leaving nothing behind Vlad but rubles of the broken door.

Vlad sighed and looked up the long stairs that were covered in a red shining rug, he could see his daughter, Elza standing at the top of the stairs with an angry expression.

Elza was panting as she stood at the top with one heel on her leg. She had a long red beautiful dress on, with a red flower resting at the side of her hair.

"Father!" She yelled, "What the devil were you thinking setting up an engagement with Gidz\'s?!".

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