Reincarnated with an Analysis system.

Chapter 30 The Beast People's Departure

Divanchi dashed toward Elena\'s side before any of the vampires could get to her.

"You managed to hold your own against four vampires, that\'s impressive." Divanchi complimented.

"Uh… thank you Milady." Elena uttered while she was still in her battle pose.

"Now that that\'s settled." Divanchi covered her entire body with flames before clenching both her fist, "it\'s time to deliver some pain." She said with an excited smile on her face.

"Why is a strong being such as yourself, defending on feeble creatures?" All the four vampires said together in unison.

Elena and Divanchi looked at the vampire one by one, the way the Vampires all spoke together threw them off a bit.

"Now I understand, you\'re the same person." Divanchi claimed.

The Vampires started walking toward themselves till they formed into one being, "Congratulations, you figured it out." The vampire said as he flexed his red eyes and fangs.

"So, you\'re one person? That\'s pretty disappointing." Divanchi uttered before putting out the flames on her body.

"Why are you Vampires threatening the Beast people?" Elena asked.

The vampire immediately sent a cold glare at her, "You haven\'t earned the right to speak to me, you D-ranked trash bag." He insulted.

Elena had her eyes focused on the ground as the rage inside her began to build up from the insult.

"Anyway, why not join us on our…."

Before the vampire could finish speaking, Elena had already zoomed toward him with her body covered in lightning and her eyes producing the same energy.

The vampire was shocked by the speed, he tried to move back but Elena was following every step of the way.

Switching the way she held her sword to a backhand, Elena sliced the two hands of the vampire before seizing her advance.

The slash from her blade was so sharp that it cut down most of the nearby trees around clean.

Elena stared at her blade in shock as she looked at the damage the inflicted with just a single swing, "Did I do that?" She muttered to herself.

The vampire\'s blood began to spew from his severed arms, "Arrgh! My hands! You cut off my hand! Ahhhh!" He kept on crying.

Elena looked at the vampire as she walked, her eyes were still filled with disbelief and was still surprised that she sliced the arms of an S-class species.

"Good job girl, you got him good." Divanchi said, walking toward Elena with a grin on her face.

"Milady, I swear I didn\'t know I was even strong enough to move like that." Elena expressed.

Divanchi laughed, "Why do you feel the need to explain yourself? Strength is a good thing once you have something you\'re fighting for." Divanchi hinted, before patting Elena on the head.

A smile made its way to Elena\'s lips as she stared at her blade with a bit of pride from the fact that she brought a vampire to his knees.

"Okay, smarty." Divanchi bent before raising the vampire\'s head with his hair, "You\'ll be coming with us."


Back in the village, Sato came out of the building with Rougard after explaining his plan to him.

When Sato got outside, he met Yuri speaking with Divanchi who had a vampire on her shoulder.

"Took them long enough." Sato walked toward them leaving Rougard to tend to his people.

When he got closer he met Deke standing with his two servants, Sato wasn\'t quick to notice since this time, Deka was wearing actual clothes.

"Deka?" Sato called out with a bit of doubt.

"Lord Sato." Deka voiced and bowed his head a little, "I have returned from my journey,".

"I can see that…"


Divanchi shouted before jumping and giving Sato a hug with her boobs rubbing against his face.

\'Boobs! Boobs!\' Sato panicked in his mind.

"Oh I missed you so much I could die!" Divanchi said while she kept snuggling him with her boobs.

Out of nowhere, Yuri threw a small fast moving rock at Divanchi, the rock connected to her forehead and sent her falling to the ground.

"Master, are you alright?" Yuri asked as she held his hand with a concerned look on her face.

"W-what do you mean by…"

"I could I\'ve sworn I saw a bug right beside you just now, was I able to annihilate it?" She asked with the same concerned look.

"You little!" Divanchi yelled, standing from the ground and storming toward Yuri.

"Why the hell did you stone me?!" Divanchi yelled.

"Why whatever do you mean? I was just doing my job as my Master\'s servant, which includes getting rid of bugs." Yuri replied with a warm smile.

Divanchi lost it and pulled her face closer to Yuri with fire burning on her hand, "I\'m going to rearrange your face." She threatened.

Yuri still had a calm look on, but her body was oozing with dark energy, "I\'ll certainly love to see you try." She responded.

Sato just snuck out of there and walked over to Deka, leaving his two servants to yell at each other at the back.

"So, how was it?" Sato asked.

"It went well, they agreed to let them settle there till the whole vampire predicament dies down." Deka responded.

"Damn you managed to convince her? Did she take the gold? bribe? or perhaps a battle?" Sato asked again with curiosity written all over him.

"No, she refused the money, I had to duel one of her subordinates before she agreed to it." Deka replied.

Sato smiled at the reply before patting Deka on the shoulder, "You did a good job, now let\'s finish this transport, I\'m tired."

Sato walked over to the Beast people and told them that they were ready to take off.

He informed them about where they were going and sent Deka to guide the way, with two horses and his Celi slime.

Once Deka and the Beast people had left the village, Sato immediately went to the warehouse to lie on his hay bed.

"I\'m so tired," Sato said as he stared at the ceiling.

\'Perfect, I\'ve managed to gain the trust of the Beast people and hopefully the Valkyries.\' He thought to himself.

\'Seems like we all have a common enemy, the demons.\'


[ City of Fiora, resisdance of the king.]

A man wearing a black military-like outfit with a military hat was sitting outside of a huge white Castle.

There was a small open garden where he had always been going to have a drink or two.

Rising the glass up, he stared at it as light from the sun reflected on the glass, "Nothing like pure wine from the Herzod Kingdom." He said with a smile.

A lady dressed in a similar military attire walked in on him while he was drinking with her head bowed.

"Your highness, I have some reports about the survey teams." The middle-aged woman uttered.

The woman stopped when she heard the way the king was sipping his wine loudly.

"Oh, please Rika don\'t stop on my account, carry on." The man said with a smile before reaching for the bottle of wine to fill his cup.

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