Taken By The Mafia Lord

Chapter 918 Only The Future Would Tell

"Good morning love," 

Arianna woke up to Marcel peppering butterfly kisses on her jaw and nuzzled her neck, deeply inhaling her scent as if she was a drug that he was addicted to. Well, that was not entirely wrong. He was fucking addicted to her. 

"Morning," Arianna croaked, sleepy-eyed, and turned her back to him. They had done a lot of bonking last night and she was sore and tired as hell. Not that the move deterred him because she could feel his hands caressing her naked body beneath the sheet, stirring up a fire that should be extinguished already. 

Unfortunately, her body was a greedy bitch and a sucker for pain. One would have thought that after giving birth to three children, their sex life would have dwindled, but the reverse was the case. This was the reason they had to get away from the children and the base. 

Sex with Marcel was always loud, dirty, and rompy and they didn\'t want the children walking into something inappropriate. Moreover, just because they had children, didn\'t mean they had to give up loving each other, which was why they took breaks from time to time. 

As much as the children were an integral part of the family, this was her marriage. Sooner or later, when the kids grew up, they would leave to form their respective families. Arianna wanted to have the best of her marriage while raising the children at the same time. 

Hence you could call their vacation a semi-honeymoon since they always returned home with good news in the form of pregnancy. If only Arianna knew she shouldn\'t have made much effort to be discreet about their intention since the kids knew what they were up to anyway. 

Although the vacation was not only about making babies else they would have had about a dozen babies with the number of semi-vacations they\'ve taken over the years. It was also an avenue for both of them to take a break from parenting duties and work. 

Marcel had left the duties to Victor and switched off his cell phone so his bitter cousin wouldn\'t reach him - Victor did not want the responsibility. Heck, he hated it. That didn\'t mean they were untraceable though. Just because they were having fun didn\'t mean they were oblivious to the danger always lurking at the corner. 

They could never be alone, there were always their people camouflaging in the background and ensuring their safety. Victor could track them down if he wanted, but he had to respect their privacy and had no choice but to wait till they were back. The longest they had been away was a month and they had not decided how long they would be this time. 

Although Arianna doubted it would be longer than two weeks for Penelope\'s sake. Their youngest daughter was an epitome of a spoiled princess and it was all Marcel\'s fault. Bearing a significant resemblance to his late mother had made their daughter quite dear to him, which was no wonder he named her after his mother as well. 

Even at that, Marcel didn\'t show preferential treatment to his children. He loved them equally and Penelope was merely enjoying the extra benefits of being the youngest in the family - until the next kid comes along. 

Arianna and Marcel finally came to a decision and they were going to have six of them. They had the money and time to train the children, so why not fulfill God\'s commandments of Increasing and multiplying and filling the earth with sons and daughters?

Hence the next minute, Marcel was already balls deep buried inside of her, their moans and groans echoing across the room. There was nothing but pleasure and affection on her face as he made love to her. 

While Marcel had been gentle as if taking account of their unbridled enthusiasm in bed last night and the effect on her body, he suddenly slowed down and pressed his forehead on her with his eyes closed. 

He said, "I love you, Arianna Luciano." 

Her chest swelled with warmth and Arianna reached out to clasp his cheek, smiling as she said, "I love you too, Marcel Luciano." 

She then pushed her hips forward and said with lust filled voice, "Now fuck me like you mean it." 

While this gentle side of him was sweet and swoon-worthy, she was used to that primal and beastly side of Marcel in bed. 

At once, a lopsided grin split his features and he said with a dark promise in his tone, 

"As you wish, my woman." 

Her vision swarmed as she was turned abruptly and forcibly pushed up on all fours. Her hips were pulled up and all she got as a warning was a slap to the ass cheek before he drove into her in one powerful stroke. He pounded in and out of her until Arianna was shaking like a leaf in winter and he had her seeing stars. 

At that moment, nothing else mattered. It was just her and Marcel. Not even the children. 

And speaking of the children... 

Aricel\'s breath was out of control as she threw jabs at the punching bag in front of her and under the watchful eyes of her mentor, Luca. Uncle Victor was there as well, she could feel his intent eyes on her, studying and taking note of her footwork, and her overall performance and she did not want to fail to impress. 

At twelve-year-old, Aricel was smarter and stronger than kids her age. She had matured quickly, having come to understand her responsibility in the family and as the future female Don of the family, she took that role seriously. 

But as a child who had grown up too quickly amid Arianna\'s effort to have her enjoy her innocence till she was old enough to be bothered with adult problems, she had her insecurities. Aricel recognized the fact that she was a "female" and the first child born to a crime family. 

Strictly speaking, she should have been born a boy and her position would be solidified. But now she had a brother who was as good as her - if not better. While their father Marcel had revealed his plans into grooming her as his heir - else she wouldn\'t be having this training - she couldn\'t help but be threatened by her brother, Honor. 

Unlike her, Honor didn\'t even have to try hard; everything came to him naturally. Humans change and who knows, her father might change his mind in the future and make him his heir instead. Fueled by her thoughts, Aricel didn\'t realize that she was just riotously pounding into the bag and had lost her form long ago. 

eaglesnovɐ1,сoМ "That\'s enough!" Luca\'s voice echoed across the room and she stopped at once. 

His large intimidating body was hovering over her the next minute and she had to actually raise her head to meet his eyes. 

"That\'s enough for today, Aricel." Luca said to her. 

"But I want more." She heaved, sweat dripping down her face and nearly getting into her eyes had she not wiped it away with the back of her hand. 

"That\'s enough." He said with authority and she had to press her lips together, the protest dying off. 

And with one long look, he was out of the room. 

Uncle Victor was in her view next, and he lay a hand on her shoulder, saying with concern, "Perhaps, cut down on the rage, kiddo. This is training, not a battlefield." He added, "You\'re a kid, Aricel, have fun, not fight." 

He left her too. 

Aricel let out a deep sigh, she hated this. She wanted to be stronger. Better. That was what Grandfather Daniel told her. Not that her parents, nor any of her relatives knew that she was in communication with him. 

She didn\'t know why they hated Daniel. Aricel wouldn\'t have known that he existed if he hadn\'t reached out to her first. Now, she has to keep their interaction a secret else her father Marcel ends their communication because of the childish feud between them - so her grandfather, Daniel said.

Immediately, as if she summoned him, her phone beeped with a message and she pulled her phone from her pocket only to see that it was from her grandfather. 

[How was training today, Ariel?] 

That was the name he called her. Her grandfather Daniel thought "Aricel" was tacky and weird. 


She typed, adding in the end, [It could have been better though. Luca cut it short. They think that I\'m not ready] 

[Don\'t mind anyone else, trust me alone. I know deep down that you\'re ready to take over the world even, Ariel….] 

"Who are you texting?" 

Aricel didn\'t get to read the rest of the message because her brother caught her. She had not noticed him come in because she was distracted. 

"It\'s nothing." She slide the phone back into her pocket, aware of her brother\'s stare all the while. She would have to be careful around him else he burst her secret to their parents. 

"What are you doing here?" Aricel said to distract him

"Mom and Dad went on one of their trips again. Penelope did not take the news well."

That was when she noticed that he was piggybacking Penelope who had her tiny arms wrapped around his neck and peered up at her from behind him, looking at her with those blue unsure eyes. 

Aricel felt guilty, she had been engrossed in her training and schooling she had neglected her baby sister lately. 

"Give her to me." 

Though she was sweaty, Aricel carried her and Penelope put up no protest. Her sister was oddly being nice, she would take her up on the offer. 

But that was not the end because her brother Honour informed her, "Also our cousins are here! Every one of them! We are going to have so much fun today!" He practically jumped up on his feet in jubilation. 

Hearing that made Aricel groan and while having her cousins over was fun, a particular one in the name of Leah liked to push her button the most and she was in no mood to back down today. Perhaps, they might spar and battle it out today, settling on who is the strongest once and for all. 

"Come on, let\'s go!" Her brother was practically dragging her out of the room. 

Honor\'s enthusiasm was infectious and Aricel couldn\'t help but smile back at him. She loved her brother and would protect him with all of her might. She would keep her family safe. 

However, she deserved her birthright as well and only the future would determine if the both of them would stand on the same line or fight against each other. 

The End. 


And that\'s the end of the story, people!

Yeah, I know what a cliffhanger! Would Aricel come to hate Honor? Would she grow up to be like Daniel with him manipulating her in the background? 

If you read enough of my books, you would know I tend to end it on a cliff hanger, that way I have a plot to work with if I intend to go for a future sequel. Aside from that I like my readers to imagine their own version of the end! 

Anyway! This have been a long journey and I would like to thank some special people especially Tallahassee Slim, Powy, Angel412, Maggie, Jerrilyn, Ritika, Ila_Gz (who always want more ), GingerAllie, Maltida etc. 

The list is so long! Some of you guys started with me from "Taming A Billionaire" while the others read this book after a recommendation. Some started and gave up halfway (I thank you too), but I appreciate the whole of you who stayed to the end! Thank you so much. 

While this is the end and not the end at the same time (God, I\'m going to miss writing this book) you can join me on my new fantasy journey :- [Mated To The Cruel Prince]. Since Taken By The Mafia Lord is coming to an end today, that means I have enough time to focus on it and you won\'t have to complain for lack of chapters. 

As for those who inquire about Akim and Winter\'s story, that is still a work in progress and would start later in the year. Although I would keep you informed on the progress in my new book. For more questions, you can reach me on Discord, Glimmy#2187 or my Facebook group, [Author Glimmy\'s Fan page] you can also drop your questions in the comment section. 

If you love this book, you can drop a review too. Thank you and have a nice day! 

Thank you for your immense support! 

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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