Taken By The Mafia Lord

Chapter 916 What The Future Had For Them

For someone mad at Marcel for taking Aricel out for a visit in the middle of the night, she ended up spending more time there instead. By the time they decided to go home, it was already three o\'clock in the morning and even their resilient daughter couldn\'t fight nature anymore and had fallen asleep. 

It happened that Adele ended up revealing the news of her pregnancy publicly instead and that sparked off a celebration. There was a lot of drinking and eating in between light conversations that by the time they were done, Arianna was a hundred percent sure that she was drunk. 

Marcel was the daddy of the year because he refused the alcohol knowing that he would have to drive a drunk wife and sleepy daughter instead, even though Luka was available to take up the role of a designated driver. 

ραпdα---nᴏνa| сom And yes, it had taken Marcel quite some time to get used to the fact that his best soldier and friend - he would not admit it - did not betray him, rather he stepped out of line in a bid to save his ass. It was not easy though considering Marcel had trust issues and had him locked up for quite a while until Leon King interfered. 

It wasn\'t until Leon decided that he wanted to buy Luca\'s contract that Marcel realized how much he missed and needed him by his side - even though everything turned out to be a plan between Luca, Victor, and Arianna. Everyone knows for a fact that Marcel could be as stubborn as a mule and hence, he needed a push.

In the end, everything worked out for everyone. Leon didn\'t have to come up with pathetic excuses to want to see his lover in his holding cell - even if he wouldn\'t admit it. While Victor and Arianna didn\'t have to watch Marcel mull over his presence when he could easily release him; he needed Luca. 

"Easy," Marcel muttered softly as he carefully helped Arianna climb into the seat. She was carrying their daughter and when she had sat down on the front seat with Aricel resting on her chest, Marcel put the seat belt on them. He was not taking any chances. 

After carrying out the safety procedures, Marcel didn\'t leave immediately, rather he hovered over them. Arianna was asleep immediately and judging from the soft snores coming from her lips, he guessed that she was tired. But that didn\'t stop him from admiring the scene in front of him and his chest tightened with emotion. 

He tugged a lock of her red hair that had fallen over her eye behind her ear. While Aricel might have gotten her mother\'s hair, every other resemblance was to him. And now he watched them both with the serene peace on their faces, everything else fading into the background. 

Had Aricel opened her eyes at that moment, she would have been stunned by the profound emotions in his eyes. This was everything that Marcel could ever wish for, and the people he lived for. Marcel wondered if Arianna knew that he had a fear of getting married; starting a family and becoming a parent. 

Daniel and his environment had not only shaped his perception of marriage, it scarred him greatly as well. To be honest, Marcel wasn\'t sure how he turned out to be a decent person or the fact he wouldn\'t make a mistake one day with his type of background, after all, people change. But one thing was for sure, he would never raise a hand on Arianna. No matter what she did. That was a promise he made on his mother\'s grave and the day he got married to her. 

He refused to let Daniel live through him and repeat the pattern over again. His wife was his flesh and just as he wouldn\'t knowingly hurt himself, Marcel would not hurt his wife, Arianna. She was a blessing to him anyway. Everything just seems to fall into place with her and even parenting which he thought would be the hardest job was easy with her. 

Although time would have to tell for that one because if his daughter Aricel comes close to being anything he was in his teenagehood, that means he has his job cut out for him. Add that to his plans of having a large family and he has his hands full. Nonetheless, he was filled with anticipation and couldn\'t wait to see what the future had for them. 

Marcel lowered his head and kissed Arianna on the head, his lips lingering and she muttered words that made no sense to him, yet made his lips pull back in a smile. Then he smoothed his hand down his daughter\'s red curls as well, careful not to wake her up as he kissed her too on the forehead. Then he closed the door after them, walked over to the driver\'s side of the seat, and drove off. 

It wasn\'t until they hit the road that Marcel realized why Arianna was angry with him. He came this distance with their daughter at night and he too could feel the tiredness creeping into his bones, it had been a long night. Marcel did not bother about the car trailing behind them knowing that it was his men making sure that he was safe.

Contrary to his father\'s belief, having a family did not make him weak, rather it made him stronger now that he had a lot to lose. He would rip anyone apart who dares to come close to his family. Gone was the lenient Marcel, just like a mother Hen protecting her chicks, he would devour his enemies. To his family, he was a loving father, but to the outside world, he was as ruthless as he could be. 

Once they arrived home, the maid was there to receive Aricel from him and tuck her in for bed while Marcel carried Arianna from the car princess style and walked into the house. With the arrival of Aricel, there has been some renovation to the base, making it "children friendly", aside from that, it was practically the same. 

Marcel carried her to his room which saw some adjustments as well and now it was their matrimonial bed. He carefully carried Arianna to the bed and laid her down. He was just about to stand when arms wrapped around his neck, bringing him down and he was staring into vibrant green eyes. 

"You\'re awake," He pointed out, his breath even and his body reacting on a visceral level to her closeness. 

"You promised me we would be the first this time," Arianna muttered, her finger now caressing the nape of his head, trailing further into his hair. 

Marcel swallowed, the simple caress stirring up a lot of sensation inside of him. He knew what she was talking about and his pulse quickened. Since when did making a child become a competition? But he did not dare question her. A promise was a promise. But it was too late. 

He licked his lips, "Arianna, you\'re drunk and it\'s…." 

However, Arianna obviously did not want to hear any more excuses because she pressed her lips to his, her tongue darting into his mouth immediately, and whatever self-control Marcel held onto snapped at once. 

To hell with holding back. 

He devoured her. 

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