Taken By The Mafia Lord

Chapter 907 He Won

"Trust me, you\'re only going to tire yourself out that way," Victor calmly told Marcel when he wouldn\'t stop pacing up and down outside the room.

It was finally time and Arianna was in labor. They had waited in both dreadful and joyful anticipation for this moment. And now that it has finally come, Marcel wished that it was over.

How could he relax especially when another heart-wrenching scream came from Arianna? it took everything in him not to kick down the door and come to her aid. But then, Marcel knew Natalie would not appreciate it if he destroyed her door.

No, she was the very reason why he wasn\'t in that room with his wife Arianna right now. Natalie had insisted she didn\'t want him there, claiming that he would only be a distraction to her. However, he was beginning to regret that choice.

"You\'re making me dizzy, Marcel," Victor whined.

Marcel turned and shouted," What is taking them so long?! Mimi\'s delivery didn\'t even take that wrong! It\'s been an hour already!"

Victor told him, "You mean the part where I had to deliver the child myself? Trust me, you don\'t want to go through that. That is the most terrifying experience I have ever had." He shuddered at the memory.

"You were weak!" Marcel snapped at him, intentionally transferring the aggression onto his poor cousin. His eyes were wild and his hair was like a bird\'s nest with him having ran his hand through it uncountable times.

But Victor was not offended knowing that Marcel was merely under tension, having been in his shoes months ago. He told him, "You think I was scared of the blood or what? I had my wife right in front of me with the baby\'s head already peeking out from between her legs. I had no clue what to do. How to do it? What if I hurt my child or worse, her? I had no experience. At least, you have professionals taking care of Arianna. I\'m sure nothing would happen. "

It must be the assurance in Victor\'s tone, Marcel eventually stopped pacing and leaned against the wall instead, the worry obviously written on his face. The poor man was under a lot of tension and wouldn\'t relax until Arianna safely gave birth and his child was safe. Good thing, Mimi was there. Just like Arianna had been there for her, she asked to be there for her friend as well.

They left baby Caleb to both of their mothers - Hannah and Camille - to take care of and the women competed over who gets to spend the most time with the boy. Both women loved their grandson and Victor couldn\'t be happier for their help because his son was a terror.

Caleb Luciano had a terrible habit of sleeping throughout the day when everyone else was awake and working, then staying awake for the rest of the night, depriving him and his wife of their sleep. Mimi should not have bothered with losing weight because she has slimmed down thanks to his troubles - the boy was determined to suck Mimi\'s breast dry.

His poor boy ate and ate and ate to the point that they had to support his breastfeeding habit with baby formula at just three months old else Mimi fainted from the stress. Even at that, Caleb was of normal weight, unlike Mimi\'s worry that he might gain weight if he kept eating at that rate. Hannah even joked, likening the kid to a glutton, claiming his stomach was a bottomless pit.

Of course, his mother Camille had another opinion, claiming that his son, Caleb completely took after him. In one word, his birth was the toughest one his mother had to go through. Victor couldn\'t help but shake his head knowing that it was only a matter of hours before Marcel has his tales to give. Perhaps it was toxic of him to think this, but Victor was glad that Marcel would join him in the sleepless lights.

Another scream came from outside the door and Marcel stiffened, only for a baby\'s sharp cry to pierce the air seconds later. At once, the tension left Marcel\'s body and he began to laugh hysterically. Arianna did it! The baby was born!

A smile split Victor\'s face when he heard the baby\'s loud cry and he stood up to pull his cousin into a congratulatory hug. Marcel leaned his chin on his shoulder, tears of joy slipping down his face. He was a father now.

The door snapped open minutes later and Mimi stepped out with the baby in her arms and properly covered. She smiled at him, "Congratulations Marcel, you have a baby girl."

Marcel let out a sharp breath and for a moment there, his feet were stuck to the ground until Mimi was in his front, urging him to carry his child. He tentatively reached out and took his daughter from her very carefully as if he was afraid of breaking her fragile bone.

He swallowed when he saw her, her skin was very red and her eyes were shut except for fussing lips. The little wisps of red hair was an obvious sign that she had taken after her mother in that aspect. Marcel would have to wait a while to know if she had taken his eyes or Arianna\'s green eyes or a mix of both, or perhaps his late mother\'s. Above all, she was beautiful and warmth filled his chest; he wanted to cry.

Then he remembered.


"They are cleaning her up and would move her to a room as soon as they are done."

Marcel was greatly relieved. Arianna was safe and together, they would raise their baby.

After delivering her baby, Arianna was sure of hearing her baby\'s cry before she gave in to sleep, exhausted to the bones. It must have been a while when she finally woke and the sight that greeted her was Marcel rocking his child. Their child. Her heart was close to bursting with happiness.

"It\'s a girl. A beautiful girl. I won." Marcel said, having sensed she was awake.

Arianna smiled weakly yet in contentment.

He was not going to win the next time.

She reached and he took his hand in hers, carrying their baby in his other arm. He caressed the top of her palm, he has never been this happy. It was the happiest day of his life.

"What would you name her?" Arianna gave him the chance of naming her since he correctly predicted her sex.

"Are you kidding me?" Marcel grinned at her before glancing down at his sleeping daughter. He said with dotting affection, "Aricel."


Oh no, it dawned on Arianna that it was the combination of both of their names. Perhaps, she shouldn\'t have left the naming duty to Marcel knowing that he was horrible at it.

Damn, her poor daughter might grow up hating it.

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