The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 101

“Alright, this is your time to shine, go out there and give them hell,” Josiah stood next to her. Before her, a blinding light shone at the end, a tunnel to the outside. The loud applause was but a fleeting whisper inside. “Will do, master,” her hands gripped a sword, a great one at that. “be sure to not overextend yourself, this is only an exhibition match. I don’t want you to get hurt but don’t lose either; all rely on this fight. Exhibition or not, a loss here would prove to be rather inconvenient. “I got it, no need to worry,” her other arm slowly moved, the injuries from the last battle still weighed on her. Josiah wasn’t made aware of this.

“Second,” she quickly glanced and walked out, “-though young and feeble looking, make it up for the ice-princess, Eira Haggard.” The crowd went wild, she walked nonchalantly, it looked as if nothing bothered her. The stare she cast onto the crowd was one of a girl who had lost everything. The eyes felt emotionless but held a glimpse of sadness. She carried a great sword, it got dragged from the entrance to the middle. They both stood, she wore nothing but her uniform. Goliath, on the other hand, wore a blue helmet, a brownish chest plate with no leg piece. Only the upper half of his body was armored. “Pleasure to meet you,” though his face was hidden behind metal, he spoke. “Pleasure is all mine,” she replied. The conversation ended, he wielded what seemed to be a war-hammer.

“Time has come for the battle to start,” the speakers reverberated across, everyone’s high spirit was felt through their passion and tone. ‘Let’s see how much you’ve progressed,’ from leaning further back into the chair, he changed the posture and got into one that was more serious and focused. “Both opponents, are you ready?” it asked rhetorically, “-fight,” a bell rang.

*Clang,* the first strike made all silent, Eira blocked the massive war-hammer with ease. The sound echoed, her face held nothing but the will to fight, Goliath was taken by surprise. This had been the first time since someone was able to stay face to face with said strike. Beneath that helmet, he smirked – the battle had only begun and his blood pumped. Using the heavyweight of the hammer, Eira pushed and jumped away into a more neutral stance. “Let’s do this,” the boy screamed and held up his hammer. Without notice, he charged headfirst, strike after strike, he relentlessly attacked. Left, right, she dodged, her face remained as cool as stagnant water. *Shadow Element, Shadow-step,* the weight behind each of his strike momentarily grew weak. At the precise time he attacked, she vanished and swung horizontally. Her blade slashed through that piece of armor as if it were butter. Blood gushed out but the man remained focused on her.

That injury would normally make any opponent scared and hesitant. The risk of dying was a threat all feared. Not him, after getting cut, he rushed her down and continued to attack. The strike became harder than before, “Grrrr,” using all the power he had, Goliath swung horizontally, she dodged. However, he didn’t stop the strike, rather, he added more force into the weapon and did a three-sixty. The movement felt peculiar and before Eira could react the hammer slammed against her right arm. The impact was so hard it sent her flying across the whole stadium. *Bam,* the barrier stopped, her sword fell in the middle. *Cough,* both her arms were injured.

Overlooking the battle, Staxius’s eyes changed from focused to angry. The aura around him grew darker and denser, “dude, are you ok?” a blonde headed boy bearing the same uniform Eira wore, shook him. “Don’t worry about him, look in front, the princess has finally met her match,” a red-haired girl spoke. “You’re right,” he changed his attention. Staxius sighed, the blonde boy had unwillingly defused a bomb. Seeing Eira like that, the saddened gaze made him want to intervene. However, “what doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger,” *Ding,* the bell rang, she wasn’t in any condition to fight. Exhibition match or not, people didn’t want to have another death by the hands of that foreigner.


The gates opened, medics rushed to help Eira, she fainted. The people left the battle arena one by one. Goliath, though the winner felt a little strange. He didn’t drop the weapon, the stance he used was one of a man ready to fight. Slowly, he stared as everyone made their way to Eira. “Come on Goliath,” an announcer came to commend him on his win. “Congratula-” *Boup.*

Screams overwhelmed the people who conversed. All were in the process of leaving, those screamed caught the attention of many. “W-what?” a massive splatter of blood laid to rest on the barrier. “SOMEBODY HELP US,” inside the arena, Goliath swung his weapon mercilessly and attacked all who came close. One by one, people who rushed in to help were slaughtered. “What’s happening?” Josiah tried to help, “leave it to me,” a shadow leaped over the gates. “Berserker,” he whispered. *Death element; Unleash Aura x3* Staxius sensed the problem long before Goliath took the first strike. The aura he pressured Goliath with slammed the latter’s face onto the ground. It was as heavy as lifting five cars. “Avon, can you please just knock that guy out,” he asked monotonously, it was tiring to see someone who defeated his daughter in such a situation. “As you wish,” the boy dropped. Avon returned, none realized what happened. It all took place so fast that the girls who screamed were still at it. “Huh?” she stopped, “why are we screaming again?” the high-pitched torture stopped. “F-father?” she caught a glimpse, he waved. “Director Josiah,” Staxius spoke, “Yes?” he had stepped into the arena. “-you should really consider adding some security or at least check on who is fighting. That boy was possessed, the blood lust that runs in his vein can become both an asset and complete devastation if left unchecked,” he turned around, “-all and all, Eira fought well.” He smiled. “Don’t patronize me, Staxius,” he fired back, the eyes looked disappointed. “-I was counting on this fight to have an opportunity to recruit someone in the audience to fight beside her in the next stage of the tournament.” The aura changed from disappointed to lonesome and sad. “Can’t do anything now, can we?”

“Don’t give up just yet, director,” Staxius patted his back. Behind, additional medics rushed in to help whoever was hurt. The announcer who got flung into the barrier was taken to the hospital immediately. “Nothing is lost just yet,” he smiled. “You’re right,” they both walked beside Eira who rested on a stretcher.

The scenery changed, from an enclosed arena to the outside, the air felt refreshing. Eira was taken to the hospital; her injuries were more than they bargained for. Staxius conversed with Josiah, the few people who witnessed what took place were still in shock. Sat inside the director’s office, their conversation reached its end.

“I see that she has made some improvements,” Staxius spoke. “Yes, her theoretical knowledge of magic is truly mesmerizing. However, I fear that she’s holding back something. I know not what it is, but that fear she has is affecting her. Not consciously but subconsciously. Do you know what I’m speaking about?” he looked at Staxius with piercing eyes. “I’m afraid not,” he fired back, the tone honest and without lies. “I see, well that’s something we have to train to get rid of.” He stopped and stared. “Director,” the atmosphere changed from tense to casual, “I was wondering about the thing with the two versus two, what’s the point?”

“There’s nothing much to it,” he answered, “the order asked us to put in a team battle. Almost like a small tournament within another tournament. However, the team must be a fighter who’s already qualified for the inter-magical. Their partner can be anyone as long as they’re under the age of twenty-five.” He smiled, “-it’s dumb but at the same time smart. Having that small tournament is like a pre-warmup for the big stage. Not to mention that whoever wins the two verses two is sent to the quarterfinals immediately.” Josiah stopped, Staxius wanted to say something.

“What about Eira, is she ready to fight on the stage?” he asked, the tone filled with doubt. “Not really, no.” the answer was firm and direct, “Eira, though she’s powerful individually isn’t nearly ready. You’ve seen the facts earlier, she got defeated in one swing,” the arms rested on the table, Josiah looked out of ideas. “How long will said two versus two last?” Staxius asked once more. “Probably two to three days,” he sighed, “but it’s pointless to worry about that. Eira is badly hurt and we still haven’t decided on a partner.” Staxius stood, Josiah watched intriguingly. “alright, I’ve made my decision.” The tone felt serious, “sign me up as her partner, I shall show my daughter how a fight is meant to be fought,” he smiled. “the tournament is not till three days from now?” Josiah nodded affirming his question. “-well then, better get ready. I’ll take over for the next few days; I’ve got some business I need to finish up before assigning my focus onto Eira.”

He walked to the door, “aren’t you too old?” Josiah asked. “Not really, I may have been here for thirty years but I’m still in my early twenties.” He winked; the decision was made. Josiah did naught but smile, “take as much time as you want, but make me one promise.” He spoke, Staxius held the door handle, “what is it?” he asked. “Promise me that you will return Eira back to me and not disappear as you did.” *Click,* it opened, “worry not, uncle. Eira is your apprentice and it’s you’re right to teach her, not me. I’m just going to show her what mindset and the pleasures of fighting using all your strength.” He left, ‘who am I kidding? The pleasure of fighting using all your strength. It may be fun, but the moment you lose, it’s over.’ He sighed and headed for the hospital.

“Hey, aren’t you that boy from earlier?” a voice called for him. “Do you know that creep?” the red-headed girl asked. “Not really, I just felt something off about him,” he replied. “Huon, let’s go, that gloomy expression on his face is making my stomach turn upside down,” the girl tucked on his shirt. *Dark Arts, Sense personality,* “Isott Rosalinda, I cautiously advise you to choose your words before speaking to somebody. It’s shameful a noble name like the Rosalinda has to have such an arrogant heir to their family.” Staxius spoke, the words he chose were perfect. It got under her skin, “excuse you?” she rushed towards him and tried to grab his collar, “don’t you lay your filthy hands on my master,” Avon materialized and caught her hand. “W-what is this?” she tried fighting back, “I care not if you’re noble by birth. If you don’t respect the people around you then you have no right to expect respect from others,” Avon tightened his grip. Staxius walk with disgust in his eyes, “let’s go Avon, don’t bother dirtying your hand with filth,” the spirit vanished. “You little piece of,” She tried to strike from behind but was stopped by Huon, “don’t” he whispered. A loud thunderous noise caught their attention, “let’s head to the hospital,” Void drove off, the car looked sublime. “Don’t tell me...” they were lost for words, “is that another Xerxes series car?” Rosalinda asked. “I’m afraid so, that one is the black version nicknamed Void. None know the price but it’s the most secretive and the lack of information makes it highly sought after.” He paused and stared at the girl, “you might have picked a fight with someone who may be more powerful than your family.”

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