The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 28

*KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK,* Three quick and loud punch against the chamber’s door ruined

Parcyvell’s heartwarming monologue. Still frustrated from not enjoying the new toys sent by the barons working under him, with a snap, he conjured a fireball which blasted the whole entrance.

“Who dares disturb my moment’s peace.”

The debris and smoke caused by the wall and door breaking down cleared away. A bright blue shield in spirit form protected whoever was on the receiving end of the fireball blast.

“Parcyvell,” Gareth spoke while gritting his teeth, “I know it’s your birthday but calm down.” His anger continued boiling. Seeing the only person he was afraid of, Parcyvell stumbled backward and laughed frantically. Next to the commander stood a lovely maiden, white hair, wearing a very expensive but masterfully tailored crimson dress. It clicked, her face seemed familiar, out of shame, Parcyvell, a proud and egocentric guy got onto his knees and begged for forgiveness like a commoner. Staring the ground, he spoke using a very polite tone, “Princess Gallienne, I apologize gravely for this unforgivable transgression. If I’d know you were present for my birthday, I’d have made this castle much more enjoyable.” The breathing got tighter and faster; the anxiety was breaking him from the inside. Last year, this innocent-looking Princess has been given the nickname of destructor. Everywhere she goes, a shadow almost like a curse follows her around, death and genocide. Rumor has it that she actually loves seeing people suffer and die, torturing other nobles is one of her many not so charming traits.

“No need to threat, Duke Parcyvell. I apologize for interrupting your fun. If I may point out, however, that lady in the chair is still breathing. Hand me your dagger at once, I’ll show you how much longer you can prolong this girl’s suffering.”

Eyes sparkling with anticipation and joy, Parcyvell closely watched a master at work. The girl who was practically on the verge of death somehow got her will to live rejuvenated. The princess started with her feet, slowly cutting her nails, taking all the time she wanted. The scream intensified; the pain got so dense that she passed out. Out of spite, using water Parcyvell held, she froze it and woke the peasant once again. Finger by finger, she cut everything off and froze the wound so the blood didn’t escape. Slowly caressing the girl’s leg with the ice-cold dagger, Gallienne’s eyes changed into someone whose craving for something more than torture. Meanwhile, witnessing this unfold, Parcyvell was getting aroused, this was the best thing he had ever seen. Ripping what little clothes the girl had, using the dagger’s handle, the chair she was sat on slowly rocked back and forth. She screamed, the victim despite being abused was having fun.


Two hours went by, Gallienne’s lust was fulfilled. Gareth was nowhere to be found, the duke drooled over how masterfully the princess ended the job.

“Parcyvell, you truly are lucky to have so much fun whenever you desire.” She stood up from the bloodied lap. “I hope this demonstration will suffice as a birthday present.”

*Gulp,* “Word’s can’t describe how grateful I am for this private lesson. I deeply apologize for your dress has been stained by lowly blood.”

“You needn’t worry about such superficial things duke; I’ve brought along several spare. Also, a message came from my lady mother, she seeks an audience with you at your earliest convenience. ”

“Thank you very much.”

With a graceful bow, she left. “How tiring,” Back from the duke’s bedroom, the princess headed outside and climbed atop the tower facing Savaview bridge. “Castle Garsley truly is an amazing fortress, I can see who and what goes across that bridge. Wait, isn’t that a nobleman’s carriage? How did it get so beaten up, I see a boy, wearing something in grey, well no matter, I need to get ready for tonight’s party.”

The evening grew close, banners with different insignias slowly entered the main gate. Noblemen from all around Dorchester, as well as a select few from Oxshield all gathered for the grand feast.

An orchestra, a fountain in which wine flowed. For a simple birthday, Parcyvell was going overboard. The main hall was fully decorated and sparkled in white and golden color, “If I may have a moment of your attention, I’d personally like to thank you all for making such a long trip to my humble castle. Without any further delay, please enjoy yourselves.” Subconsciously, everyone rose their glasses and wished him happy birthday.

“Gareth, please call all the lords presiding over Dorchester,” Parcyvell whispered.

“Very well my lord.” Inconspicuously, using his presence concealment, Gareth called everyone. One by one, they headed further inside.

“Greetings my lords, it’s a pleasure to see you find gentlemen again.”

“Greetings to you too duke Parcyvell,” Boron Joceus Moses replied. For someone whose body looked frail and short, his tone was one of a fighter.

“Surely you haven’t called us here to have a chat,” Marquess Aymer Ragenald spoke out. A noble hailing from overseas, tanned skin with brown hair.

“Another one of your conspiracies I’m guessing,” Count Charle Geurin sighed. One of the youngest out of the bunch aged twenty-two.

“A conspiracy which involves every one of us, I’m weirdly intrigued.” Count Alane Ernold added. Old but wise, hair turned grey.

“…” Viscount Hewelet Rawlin just nodded.

“Now, now, my lords, please calm yourselves. Indeed, as cleverly stated by Count Charle, I’ve devised something that will finally give us the chance to wage war against Kreston and its religious fanatics, with the presence of Princess Gallienne, this plan of mine is flawless.”

“Please do tell,” Marquess Aymer spoke.

With a brief overview of the current state of things, everyone was on board with the plan. Everything got tenser when Boron Joceus Moses spoke, “Duke Parcyvell, I’ve got dire news, Boron Hamon Bayard has been reported dead by one of my men whose been traveling around Dorchester. Also, due to a coup from the servants rallying under the young lord, Gregory Wyne was slain by his own son, parricide.”

“Boron Joceus, I admire your honesty towards serving me however, I don’t need you to speak unless spoken too. You may be a noble but boron such as yourself has no real power compared to Hamon and Gregory, I know full well that those two have been deceased. Why don’t you shut your lowly mouth and leave this room at once.” Parcyvell humiliated the boron. Ashamed, he left.

“Duke, that isn’t the way to speak to a fellow lord, however, I agree with your decision of making him leave our presence. A commoner turned noble doesn’t have the right to stand before much less beside us.” Aymer added.

“Trash will remain trash,” Count Charle continued the onslaught. Being gone for long, the hall slowly got silent. Using that as their cue to reenter the scene, everyone left one by one. Once empty, Parcyvell spoke, “Gareth, what’s the status on our men patrolling the border? Aren’t they supposed to meet us, it’s getting rather late.”

“Sten, I think they’ve been killed or captured, maybe the holy army marched before we could react, how do you wish to solve this?”

“Millicent is a lost cause now, find boron Joceus, kill him and hire some of our guards to act out the part of being attacked by Kreston. They needn’t speak, letting them inside the hall will suffice for me to manipulate the noble’s from Oxshield. Now that I’ve gathered everyone ruling the council of Dorchester, we wage war at last.”

Just like the duke foretold, seeing injured soldiers entering the feast was out of the ordinary. Not knowing how to act at that instant, most of them froze up. Like a hero rescuing a princess, Parcyvell swooped in, played the part of a caring master and cried crocodile tears. He spoke lie after lie until everyone was convinced that Kreston was the real enemy. With the additional help from the council, the lords and ladies from Oxshield could naught but follow suit. After the feast was shortly interrupted and called off, Gallienne, unimpressed by such a weak ploy spoke.

“What is the meaning of this Parcyvell?”

“Princess, I think you know full well what my actions have envisaged.”

“So, you seek war against Kreston? Give me a reason.”

“Simple, I want Kreston for myself, ruling over two provinces will give me more authority than those pesky SSS-ranked mages. With this much power at the tip of my fingers, I’ll crush them. Not to mention the amount of resource that area holds. Wasted on holy prayers and churches while it could be used to crush the other provinces, what a shame.”

“Lord Parcyvell, I thought you were smarter than this. No matter, I’ll only aide you in waging war against Kreston and not the other regions. However, such favor will cost you.”

“Name your desire princess,”

“I only want but one thing, living humans, age isn’t an issue. I want to slowly cut and rip them apart, hand over your private torture chamber and constantly supply me with fresh humans, it will be your payment.”

“I knew I was right about you princess; your wish is my command. However, what about Claireville Academy?”

“We sadly can’t do anything to them, they are protected by a decree issued by the emperor himself.” She continued with, “I’ll return to the capital at once, convincing dad will take some work, however, you will have your war.”

“Thank you very much, your highness.”

Percyvell’s birthday came to an end, the conspiracy he devised didn’t go as planned. Nonetheless, the outcome was far better than anything he anticipated. All he waited now for was the royal decree announcing Kreston as a traitorous nation.

*Clap, Clap,* “Wake up master,” Adelana spoke.

“I apologize, did I doze off? So, what’s the situation.”

“Nothing to report, you spaced out and dropped your guard. It was the first time I saw an opening

in your aura. Is something troubling you?”

Sat around a campfire, Staxius and Adelana stood as guards. Everyone else slept, Ancret and Annet made a run for it towards the nearest tree. They hated sleeping on the floor, Undrar on the other hand, began to snore. Millicent cried in her sleep; it was muffled by the piece of cloth Staxius found

while answering mother nature’s call.

Few deep breaths after, Staxius calmed down, “Sorry about that Adelana. Passing Savaview bridge my instincts began to scream, it was as if a premonition to things to come and it doesn’t look any good. We must head to Dundee as fast as possible.”

“Master, I may not look like it but I can read people like a book. Before now, when I first met you, your presence was unpredictable, it was as if staring into a mirror. When I tried to get inside your mind, my brain started to falter as if consumed by the void itself. Sadly, now it’s different, I can actually feel your emotions, something deeply ails you.”

Calm and composed turned into anger and frustration, once again without an incantation. Staxius disappeared, “Adelana, I’ll advise you to shut your mouth this instant, even if something ails me, I’ll never trouble someone else with my petty worries. Also drop the mind-control magic, it will never work on me,” An ice-cold tip poked her neck, Staxius was behind her and breathing into her ears.

*Cough, cough,* Cute and soft, it was Eira, she woke. Not seeing her father beside her, she cried,

“Eira,” Dropping the dagger, he rushed to her side.

“Master Staxius, I’ll feel like as hard as I may try, you will never open up to anyone of us. I’m sure in your eyes, we are only but tools to do your bidding which is fine. I just wish I could have known the real you, at least Eira has a great father by her side.” She sighed. Everyone in the silver guardian felt the same way as her, no one was willing to go against him because of the blood pact.

“Adelana, Ayleth, Ancret, Alyson and Annet, I know you all can hear me. Let’s go to the river and have a little chat, bring your weapons too.”

The river crashing against the rocks with the wind blowing at full speed. The occasional sprinkle of ice-cold water carried on by the gust and hitting your body made it even colder. The night sky covered by clouds, holding a piece of burning wood, Staxius patiently awaited the Geua sisters.

The sound of armor clanging together slowly got louder, the silver guardians stood in front of him. They even wore the helmet. “Just like I thought, I was foolish to trust you girls from the start, who do you work for and what do you wish to get out of this.” He spoke.

“We are the silver guardians, we work for the head of the Haggard family, our business is the safeguarding of Eira and her father.”

“Stop lying, I’ve sensed your aura already, you harbor doubts against me. I don’t wish to prolong this farce any longer. If you’re displeased, then, by all means, leave this instant.”


“I see, the silent treatment.” *Snap,* A blue and white mist soon appeared by his side. Emerging from it, Fenrir in her wolf form. “Do you wish to slay us the silver guardians? Us who have fully pledge ourselves to you?”

“Nothing would make me any happier, if you truly serve under the Haggard name, then as the head of said family I order you to die by my hands. Drop your swords and face away from me.”

“If our deaths will truly make you happy, then by all means master, please slay us and smile once again.” The five sisters dropped their swords and faced away.

“Fenrir, change into your human form and take care of Eira if you would.” He whispered.

“As you wish Master,” *Poof,* Naked but human, the usual.

*Death element activate; Daemonum Gladio.*

“Master before you behead us, we all want to say that we truly love you as a person. Serving under you even though you are dirt broke, we saw you go hunt and even steal just so every one of us could have a meal every day and night. We are grateful, thanks for everything. “Adelana spoke, “Isn’t that right girls?” She asked. “Yes, Thank you, MASTER.” They all shouted.

“Nonsense, this talk will get you nowhere, NOW DIE.” *Slash.*

*Crack,* Every helmet broke, tears ran down from every single member’s face. “But why…” In front of them he stood, laughing, “You idiots,” Spreading his arms as far out as he could, a hug followed afterward. “Do you really think I’ll kill my own family; you girls are stupid.” The wind continued blowing, the tears swept away by the strong gust, every one of them cried in arms with him. All their doubts about Staxius seeing them as tools vanished.

“Human emotions, what easy prey to manipulate.” Hidden by the clouds covering the moonlight, he smirked.

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