Divine Beast Ascension

Chapter 575 - 575 I Will Fight!

Hearing the scale of Fulkar’s assistance with family businesses and the absurd claim of forming an alliance with a regional king, Walder had to ask, “Father, are you not blowing things out of proportion?”

“No. I’m not,” Kuldar plainly stated. “Without Fulkar, our family wouldn’t have gained the immeasurable boost in productivity since a moon ago. It was Fulkar that set it in motion.”

“Impossible! Fulkar wasn’t even here, he was at the province qualifier–”

“Which took place in Avalanche City, home to Permafrost Palace and capital to both a region and province,” Kuldar finished Walder’s statement with updated information. “He’s successfully taken Princess Crystal, heir to the Permafrost Region, on a date and they’ll soon start courting officially.”

The moment his father pulled out an unfurled scroll bearing the Permafrost Region’s seal, Walder had no choice but to accept the gravity of the situation.

Since Walder remained silent, Kuldar asked again, “What will you do? Will you fight for the honor of your name and reputation, or will you back off and give up to your more successful, younger brother?”

“I’ll fight!”

Kuldar calmed his furious remarks, for now. He waved to Fulkar and quietly yet sternly stared down at Walder.


Fulkar bowed to his father and stepped forward. “There’s enough room here to fight. I don’t need to relocate.”

“I need to relocate–”

“And why is that? Are you saying you’re incapable of another thing which your younger brother can accomplish without any issues?” Kuldar scoffed, averting his gaze from Walder entirely.

Fumbling his words under the pressure, Walder stated, “N-no! I just see no point in fighting right here in front of these strangers–”

“They are no strangers. They are guests of Libarn…” sighed Kuldar, pointing out who was who with his finger. “You should’ve recognized our territory leader and his family by now, yet you willingly interrupted our conference without so much as introducing yourself or showing any decorum.

“And those reputable figures are from Iron Territory. You should be able to recognize Patriarch Practor–”

“But I have no need to prostrate myself before a lower family of lesser status–”


Walder felt his vocal cords tighten up as the tip of a sword was lightly tapped against his throat.

With livid eyes, Fulkar stared at his older brother. He didn’t bother pressing the blade further or pulling it back. “Did just say what I think you said?”


Before Walder could muster up the strength to reply, Kuldar almost knocked his chair over from standing up so fast. His heavy gaze weighed down on Walder’s shoulders, unblinking. “... How dare you disgrace our guests and our family…”

“B-but Father–”

“Silence. Utter one more word and I’ll order Fulkar to execute you on behalf of the Libarn Family.”

Walder’s feet nearly gave out under him. The only thing keeping Walder from falling was the blade at his neck.

Kuldar’s focus was then stripped away from Walder and redirected that attention wholly toward Hurman. Dropping to his knees, Kuldar bowed and kowtowed to his long-time friend, “Envoy Hurman, I would like to apologize on my idiot son’s behalf. Please forgive the Libarn Family for the utterly disgraceful comments of this fool I call my son.”

Hurman gave a slight nod. “I know that your feelings and intentions are true, Kuldar. But given the current situation and the status of everyone I have gathered here under Iron Territory’s banner, such remarks are nigh unforgivable from someone claiming to be the Libarn heir.”

That statement added even more weight to Walder’s shoulders, though Walder was completely confused as to what was actually happening. However, that was due to Walder interrupting and intervening in the meeting without question or proper announcement.

Kuldar understood those words well. Clenching his fist, he felt their true weight, which was far more than anything Walder had realized. “... I agree.”

Lifting his head but not standing up, Kuldar turned to face his sons. “Fulkar Libarn, you are hereby instated as heir to the Libarn Family, all of its business and all of its relationships.”


“SHUT UP!!” Kuldar demanded silence, stopping Walder from uttering a whole word. “Walder, what you’ve done in the last few minutes is beyond arrogant, phenomenally foolish, and ultimately disgraceful. You are hereby stripped of any positions within the Libarn business and stricken from the family record!”


“I told you! Utter one more word and you’ll be executed on the spot! Don’t try my patience any further!” Kuldar declared with veins bulging from his neck. “You are no son of mine! Begone! You’ll be asked to surrender all family legacy items before your removal from the premises. Should you refuse to relinquish those items and flee, then we’ll hunt you down… and gut you like the rat you’re choosing to become.”


Walder could stand it any longer. His knees collapsed and his skewed reality was shattered. All in an instant.

Unable to move no matter how hard he tried, Walder opened his mouth to speak now that Fulkar’s sword was no longer at his neck, “... P-p… P-P-Patriarch… K-Kuldar… I… I apologize for my foolish remarks–”

“GO!!” Kuldar screamed, turning his back to Walder yet still while kneeling to Hurman. “Be gone! I never wish to see your face again! Step foot in the Libarn Residence again and I’ll have you hung from the front gate.”

It had all come tumbling down.

Walder was frantic but unable to say a word to defend himself. And he was in too much shock to move properly.

Kuldar, on the other hand, felt like he had ripped out his own heart and thrown it into the streets. He was a professional businessman that knew when to act and when not to act. And, due to Walder’s own decisions, laziness, and arrogance, things ended up even worse than Kuldar had planned.

All Kuldar wanted was for the fight to take place and for him to hand Walder a sizeable inheritance. Then, at least Kuldar would know that his son’s downfall would come if he misused the money.

But this… Letting Walder openly insult Iron Territory and the Practor Family while even daring to look down on them…

Kuldar had no idea that his son was so far beyond saving until that moment. It proved both Oli’s and the shadow backer’s words correct, that Libarn would need to undergo a strict cleansing before assimilating into Iron Territory. On top of what had happened between the Libarn managers and the Practor Family in the past, this spiraling scenario was too much for Kuldar. So he ended it then and there before his friend and powerful ally could be wronged a third time.

“... Why are you still here?” Kuldar questioned, still not looking back at Walder. “Fulkar, bring in four guards. They will escort Walder to his former room, where he may gather some of his belongings and leave behind all family legacy items. Then, the four guards will escort Walder out the front gate wearing the clothes of our servants.

“And you’ll join them through it all, Fulkar. As Walder is brought beyond the residence gate, you’ll announce your position as family heir and Walder’s lack of a family name.”


That was all Walder could bring himself to say. It was the only tactic Walder had left to play, to reach his father’s heart and plea for mercy.

But Kuldar never flinched. He never glanced back or replied.

The room was silent as Walder felt the reality of being disowned trickle into his mind.

“Come, former brother.” Fulkar pointed his sword back at the manic fool. “Get up. I’ll bring you to the guards. Disobey, complain, or dare to speak to my father again and I’ll slit your throat.”

Yet Walder didn’t move. At that moment, Walder understood what was happening. He had two choices. To follow orders and disappear from Libarn records without a fight, where it would be best to move far away and never look back. Or…

Walder inhaled sharply. Pushing off the floor, Walder regained his composure and turned toward the door. He said nothing. But he waited until after taking his third step to act.

Chting! Frrip…

“... Idiot,” Fulkar sighed.


After parrying Fulkar’s sword with his own, Walder had dared to strike back. But Fulkar had already retrieved a second blade and run it through Walder’s neck. Before Walder could utter another disrespectful word, blood filled his throat and his body plopped to the ground, sliding off the sword.

There was little remorse or regret in Fulkar’s eyes as he looked down at his brother’s corpse. “You dared to keep hurting Father until your dying breath, you imbecile. You confused his mercy with being thrown aside.”

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