Divine Beast Ascension

Chapter 499

“Why did we come so early?” Trantor asked.

“Because, for privacy’s sake, I wanted to make sure we remain unseen by the public. If you get hungry, we can order any food you’d like. Unlimited food and drink are included with the booth’s deposit,” answered Oli, sipping his wine. “You chose to tag along, so that’s just how it is.”

“Are any of us allowed to bet on items?”

Turning to Freele, Oli asked, “Is there something in particular you want to buy?”

“I’m not sure yet, but would it be a problem if I made a bid later?”

“No. But you’ll have to be the one paying for it, not me.”


Nodding, Freele added, “That’s fine. I’m just hoping I can get a staff, wand, or even an armlet to help with my wind or light essence.”

“Oh... You don’t use anything?” Oli thought back to his match against Freele years back, confirming that thought for himself.

As Freele shook her head, Trantor sighed, “Sadly, dear, I don’t know if you’ll be able to afford anything here.”

“Why not? I have almost five thousand gold on me,” quipped Freele. “I’m finally able to withstand the cold and am allowed to leave the inn, yet now you’re saying I can’t even afford anything?”

Fulkar sighed and chuckled, stating, “Freele, you’re looking for a peak-elder grade, right?”

“Yeah, obviously.”

“In a common daily auction they sell for at least five thousand gold. Unless you have a core or another item you’re willing to exchange to enhance your bid, you won’t have the funds to buy anything today.”

“WHAT?!” Aghast, Freele eyed Fulkar in complete disbelief. “But you got one, and you only brought three thousand, didn’t you!?”

“Don’t forget, I also brought my own core to cut the price in half. And even then, I only had enough to order a sword from a smithy, not buy one in an auction,” remarked Fulkar. “Oh, and the price of five thousand was at a daily auction. Today is the new moon auction of the mid-year equinox. The last time I was here, the lounge section was half full in the middle of the daily auction. But today it’s filling up hours beforehand. I doubt prices will be so low today.”

She stared at Fulkar while trying to read his minimalistic body language.

“Sorry, dear, but that’s just how it goes at auctions,” Trantor cut in. “But you should check today’s catalog before getting too excited. You don’t even know if they’ll sell something you like.”

Freele nodded begrudgingly and began scouring the catalog that Oli had left on the table.

Oli sat on the side and silently thought about a few things. As the first person to read the catalog, he already knew what was up for grabs and what sort of items would hit the stage. The only thing he didn’t know was the order in which the items would be brought out, or what the items’ exact starting bids would be. But Oli could somewhat guess the starting bid thanks to the last auction he attended.

Only a few minutes passed before something Oli expected happened.

“Ha! They do have one!” Freele shouted and lifted the catalog for everyone to see. “A peak-elder light-based armlet, the perfect item to enhance my skills while keeping my hands free!”

But Fulkar raised his hands in a shrug. “And you think it will only sell for forty-five hundred gold? ... An item made with rare light essence and can be wielded while keeping your hands free? I’d bet that it sells closer to ten thousand than five.”

Freele’s pride instantly deflated hearing that. “... Really? That much? I wouldn’t even be able to add items to my bid for such a high price.”

“Perhaps if you find a good smith he can make you one in time for the qualifier?” Trenk suggested, trying to lighten the mood. “Do you have a wind or light core?”

“No. I don’t...”

Scratching his head, Trantor grabbed Freele’s hand. “I can add up to seven hundred and fifty gold. That should at least let you make a bid or get you a weapon at a smithy, but I don’t think you’ll be able to afford an armlet...”

Trantor glanced at Oli but noticed that he seemed to be deep in thought about something else. So Trantor didn’t say anything more or try to get Oli’s attention.

“It’s worth a try.”

Everyone suddenly looked over at the horse that had just emptied his first wine bottle. “You might as well make a bid. Why not? What’s the worst that could happen? That you leave with your money?”

Trenk and Fulkar broke out in laughter, even lifting their glasses to cheer Yeter on. Trantor smiled while Freele sighed, still defeated but at least without a frown on her face.

Oli kept his pensive look, only showing a hint of a grin at Yeter’s remark but not saying anything.

As time passed a server eventually arrived at the door and told them where to find menus behind the bar. Everyone quickly found something they liked and put their orders in. Before a half hour could pass, the server returned with everyone’s food. To receive the cart, Oli adorned his cloak and mask to step out of the room.

At the same time, the server made sure to inform Oli of a couple things. First, the server mentioned their microphone’s small switch that would let them either contact the servers directly or broadcast a distorted voice to the auction hall. Second, the server told Oli about their table’s secondary function as a projection hub. Placing any item on the table and pouring essence into any of the formations at the corners would project an image of the placed item for those in the auction hall to see.

Oli thanked the server with a nod and pushed the cart into the room. Everyone attacked the cart while Oli relayed the new information to the team.

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