Divine Beast Ascension

Chapter 186

Vloz took a few moments to think and ponder the words of Keldon and the Practor Family. It wasn’t a bad offer, but it still felt lacking to a degree. He decidedly asked Oli, ‘What do you think of it?’

‘I like the idea of having human and beast forces working together. It should offer better protection while also attracting more humans to accept the territory as a place of equal footing among beasts and humans,’ reasoned Oli. ‘But I do think having an elder lead the military would be inadequate...’

Nodding to Oli’s statement, Vloz looked back to Hurman. “How certain are you of your ascension to perennial?”

“Given that technique by Oliver, I should be able to ascend soon so long as I dedicate the time. But that’s hard right now without another elder in the family,” stated Hurman.

Vloz then looked to Jonon. “And how far are you from ascending to elder?”

“That’s... hard to say,” Jonon admitted. “I’m a peak novice but creating my own technique has complicated ascending further.”


“Oh? You’ve made your own technique?”

“Yeah, but I’m still figuring out ascending to the elder level. It will happen but I’m not sure when. Having more stimuli will help though, considering I’ve been too busy teaching kids for the past year and a half to really seek inspiration.”

“I see... So Lyle’s coma forced you all to stall your cultivations while also financially burdening the family.” Vloz summed up his analysis, “Then Lyle being targeted by Mertin would be extremely likely if that’s what the Libarn Guild was after. They stalled your family’s progress in society while also decreasing your family’s influence as well-known swordsmen. It’s more calculated than I had previously assumed.

“Then what you lack for advancement is an inspiration to help tweak your cultivation technique? And you lack time to advance after receiving Oli’s help? Then, if Lyle were to get better, it would also flip the situation back to normal, allowing you all to continue how you were prior?”

But Hurman shook his head. “Not quite. Lyle’s cultivation was highly unstable after he failed to ascend and it’s only grown worse while he’s been in the coma. I doubt he’d be able to become an elder right after recovering or have the time to take over his previous classes. He would need to focus solely on recovering the cultivation he lost, though it should be possible with enough time.”

“And what about you?” Vloz turned to Keldon with his soft yet penetrative gaze. “You’re also a peak novice, correct?”

“I am...” Keldon nodded, already beginning to assume what he was about to be asked. “You want me to join the Practor Family?”

“Perhaps joining wouldn’t be necessary, but moving into the property would be best,” stated Vloz.

Keldon laid out his thoughts verbally, “Then I would need to set up a storefront here. That would change how the entire city perceiving the Practor Family. Either I wouldn’t be allowed to set up a shop or they would need to find a new property outside of the residential district. But that wouldn’t work given their financial situation and them needing another loan should they move the family elsewhere for more expensive housing.”

“Hmm...” Vloz sighed, piecing together everything and anything he could imagine.

“Keldon, how much would you say the Practor property is worth?”

Everyone was stumped by Oli’s sudden question, unable to understand what he was thinking. But Keldon replied nonetheless, “Given its current condition... four thousand gold. Five thousand is the most you’d get if a buyer was desperate.”

“Then, why not let Libarn have it?”

“WHAT?!” Hurman shouted in protest. “How could we?! That would be the same as allowing our names to dwindle in the face of the public.”

“Wouldn’t you be able to blame it on Mertin, who’s likely the fall guy that the Libarn Guild prepared from the start?”

“What do you mean?”

Oli elaborated, “The biggest question we need to answer is whether Mertin is entirely against your family or if he’s only partly against your family, regardless of his reasons for doing so. The next biggest question is why the Libarn Guild is trying so hard to ruin you financially, but I think I can figure that much out with some explanation from Keldon. Right?”

“Well, Libarn is known for being aggressive behind the scenes of all their major deals. They’ve targeted declining families in the past and offered help or support according to the public eye while turning those families into their own private businesses under the table,” Keldon mentioned. “Given the rising fame that Lyle and Jonon had gained as new teachers, on top of Hurman’s reputation as a unique cultivator and sword genius, it would be easy to see why the Practor Family became their next target.”

“Then why not let them have the property?” Oli asked again. “Wouldn’t that disrupt their plans entirely?”

“I... suppose it would...” Keldon gave it some more thought, surprising Jonon and Hurman.

Getting a smile from Vloz, Oli continued, “Then hear me out...”


As the day went on and afternoon settled in before evening could overtake it, the two guards outside the Practor property suddenly stood at attention.

“Call your masters. We’re here to collect a payment we’ve been owed for quite some time,” ordered a man on horseback. He didn’t wear a mask but the other three men around him did, all of which were traveling on foot.

“Yes, of course!” One guard scurried off through the gate, dashing away as fast as possible.

The man chuckled ostentatiously in his ornate blue robes with gold embellishments abound. “It’s been too long since I’ve ventured to the residential district. Hopefully, your masters will offer some company in return for all the effort I’ve made to come so far. Shouldn’t you just open the gate for us? We’ll be entering either way, won’t we?”

“I-I...” The remaining guard stammered, “I’ve been given strict orders that haven’t yet been relaxed. For now, only those with direct permission from the patriarch are allowed to enter.”

“Oh? Well I can assure you that–”

“There’s no need for you to waste your time in our meager home.”

Looking away from the guard, the noblemen laughed again, “Hurman, there’s no need to be so crass. I’ve taken the time to come and explain–”

“Here’s your first payment.” A large coin purse was suddenly thrown over the closed gate, as if the payment wasn’t enough of a bother for Hurman to even step outside. The patriarch was already turned around and leaving as he added, “And there’s no need to hide your face, Mertin. Just make sure to bring back the bag for next month’s payment.”

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