Rebirth: A Cat with a System

Chapter 38 Afti Jaguar

Author note: hay everyone, sorry but the chapter will be a bit late, you don\'t have to worry as I will just replace the chapter here. Well, the reason why it\'s late is that I had to give an assignment where I had to hack and find the hidden message or something, but well after about 19 hours of trying I failed and decided to just drop out of the course.

well anyway, reload the chapter after a few hours, it will be there.

Edit: I fixed the chapter so enjoy.


Horror and terror that was all that was written on both of their faces, as I went back to my full size, and released my aura, the bone fairy who had been standing proudly fell on her butt in shock, and as for the tooth fairy, she had flicked me on my nose, so she was even more terrified.

She was shaking like a leaf, her pale face becoming paler as tears threatened to come out of her eyes,

\'Do you still think I am weak?\' I asked as I lowered my head at their eye level and showed them my cute, and sharp smile.

Now that I think about it I haven\'t had a chance to fight someone. I have never really tested the limits of my body, nor have I ever fought other than 2 times and that was when I was back when I got reborn.

Well not like I want to fight for no fucking reason.

\'So are you going to tell me the things I want or should I take some drastic measures?\' I asked as I went back to my kitten size.

"Y-yes..w..e….w…I.ll..t.ell." The bone fairy said as she shrunk back to her small form, and as for the tooth fairy, she was trying to hide behind her, and failing miserably.

\'So tell me something that has changed in this forest, that is suspicious.\' I asked her. Well, I am not hoping to get any useful information but it\'s all worth a try. For now, only beasts are going missing there might be others that might go missing sooner or later.

"Th.e on..Ly…thi.n.g..w.e…k.n.o.w….I.s..t..h.a..t..b.e.a.s.t.s….a..r..e…ch..a..n.c.I.g." she said, really slowly, I could tell that she was trying her best to speak as fast as she could. And she was swatting buckets, even in her small form I could see that there were small droplets on her face.

\'Changing how?\' I asked.

"I..c.a.n\'t..ex.p.l.a.I.n…it..I.n…w.o.r.d.s" she said,

\'Why not?\' I asked, I am getting bored, why the fuck does she have to speak so slowly now she can\'t explain things, what use is she if I can get any answers.

As she saw that I get impatient, she gestured and said ""

Well, this might be a little faster, hopefully.

I followed the fairy through the jungle she was leading me somewhere, however where I had no idea.

As I followed her, I kept looking around, it just looked like a normal forest from earth at first glance, however, the only different thing was the tall trees, these trees were naturally grown, and they weren\'t influenced by my blessing.

They paled in comparison to the trees that, were near the hill but even so they were Tall.

There were small glowing plants and some other magical moss that was growing around the trees, and around the roots there were mushrooms of all kinds some looked like normal mushrooms and some looked like they were straight out of a fantasy book about a magical world and more.

Well, it is a magical world, a new one at that.

Only 1000 years old, rather young to even have life I know that it took a long time for the earth to evolve humans or any other species at that.

Is it because of mana? Might be I would say that even if the species were made or should I call it evolved 500 years ago they are too fast, their development is at a stage where they are making kingdoms and such. That is fast.

If we were to compare it to earth I would say that humans would still have been monkeys at this time. Wait, did humans and elves and such all evolve from monkeys or evolved from something else? Now that is something that would be considered mysterious.

In every fantasy story, they tall us about elves, dwarfs, and all those magical species but never talked about how they evolved.

Well, it might be good to figure it out when I get a chance.

As we were going through the jungle we finally reached, an open area bone fairy gestured for me to stay quiet as she hid in a bush, I quietly entered the bush as the bone fairy pointed towards a Jaguar like creature that was sitting on a tree right across the clearing.

The only different thing was that it had claws like a bird instead of his normal feet or paws, there was another pair of claws growing out of its back, all having bone-like claws at the end, and two thin tongues were coming out of its mouth, that never seems to go back, its mouth was a bit longer than usual, but soon I found out why and what I saw left me shocked me to my core, it opened its mouth and as it opened, it deviated into five different parts, the only part staying where it was was was his skull itself, its jaw had sharp teeth that were attached to the four peaces of flesh, there is no way there are any bones in his lower jaw, I thought, as I looked at it.

[Author\'s note: Reference in the comments]

"Th.e.y…c..h.a.n.g.e.d." bone fairy said, as she looked at it. There was sadness in her voice, Even the tooth fairy looked sad as it saw that creature.

\'Were they different before?\' I asked as a bad feeling arose from my gut.

"The.y…n..o.t….l.I.k.e…t.hi..s" she said,

All I could, say is that something is going on and I am sure of it. Animals are not supposed to be like that, they are not supposed to just mutate like that.

But there is supposed to be some reason, right a reason why all this is happening,

"The. y…c.h..a…n.g.e.d……" bone fairy suddenly spoke, as I was thinking,

\'Overnight huh?\' I thought, that is fast way too fast I would say, but there aren\'t many things that can do that, I thought as I looked at the creature.


Afti Jaguar (musted)

A Jaguar native to the frorest of nova, these creatures are known as the silent hunters, as they hunt in silence they are considered to be one of the most silent creatures in this world.


Well fuck me, there is a mutated tag right beside its name, it is getting more complicated as we speak, should I capture it and then cut it open to see what\'s making him mutate, actually I should get a normal Afti Jaguar as well, it would be a good comparison, I hope it\'s just some fucking virus or something like that, or else it would be a big problem for me.

\'I don\'t think it\'s safe for you or any intelligent creature to live in the outskirts of the forest, try to go to the middle part where the elves Live\' I said to the fairies as I stepped out of the bush and then to the clearing,

As I walked to the middle the Afti Jaguar saw me and as if someone had flicked a switch his eyes, went blank for a second and then shrank, what the fuck was that?

[you don\'t have to cut him open I can just scan him]

I see, then do it

[you will have to be in direct contact for that, touch it or something]

That sounds wrong but alright, I said.

Afti Jaguar opened its mouth and then jumped out, toward me with all its might however, it crashed into something solid mid-air, and even the air vibrated from the impact, I had used [Barrier Magic (LV 57)]right in front of me and made an invisible barrier which he collided, with.

Next, I turned the ground into liquid and then made him sink to trap all his limbs with [Ground magic(LV 70)], and for the finishing touch, [ Gravity Magic(LV 62)] a little bit of gravity so that he won\'t move, as I did all this in a split of a second both faeries just watched with their mouth wide open,

I hopped onto Afti Jaguar\'s back,

start the scan Star.

[scanning target, 0%]

[scanning target, 10%]

[scanning target, 30%]

[scanning target, 70%]

[scanning target, 90%]

[scanning target, 100%]

[scan completed, a foreign substance found in the targets body]

Oh, what kind of substance is that?

[I don\'t know but it\'s not supposed to be there, it\'s forcing the body of the creature to mutate and then slowly taking control of the body,]

FUCK, my life I cursed out aloud as I knew that there was only one reason for this to happen,

There is a fucking reincarnated being, somewhere who is causing this mayhem.


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