Rebirth: A Cat with a System

Chapter 31 Prince Korkhatin Snowbrewer

Oh, he is waking up huh? Well, at least we know that the sap works,

The dwarf with brown beard and hair, started to move, and everyone took a step back just in case, the only ones that stayed as they were was me and the lion, he looked relaxed, there was no sign of any nervousness on his face,

Now that I think about it I should probably change my size back to my kitten form, he might just die if he sees two big beasts as soon as he wakes up,

Hmm, let\'s do that, I used [Size manipulation] to go back to my normal size, and then I, just sat down as Zeno and everyone else stepped back and Ena was still in Ailyn\'s embrace licking her hands, how long is she going to take to finish the sap on her fingers anyway, it has been at the very least 10 minutes, since she started it, is she just severing the taste? Might be, I haven\'t consumed anything other than that death raven one time when I was first born or revived, well anyways all that\'s in the past.

"Oh holy god of smithing" the dwarf cursed out as he slowly opened his eyes, he had blue eyes just like the ocean, not gonna lie he looks good, he might be a knocker for dwarf girls, or maybe not who knows I have never been there anyways,

As I thought this the dwarf lifted his upper body and looked around, many emotions were going through his eyes, but soon tears started falling,

​ "Thank the smithing gods I finally found people" he cried out,

"Who are you?" Zeno asked the dwarf, but I noticed something, they were both speaking a different language, Zeno was speaking the ancient language that I had started speaking out of nowhere and the dwarf is also speaking some language that sounds ancient but its somehow different,

"What? Wait do you not understand me?" the dwarf asked, what the Fuck is he even asking if he can see that Zeno is speaking a different language,

"Is he speaking Dwarfish language?" Ailyn asked Zeno,

"Looks like it?" Zeno said, as he looked toward me, well I just licked my paws and acted like a normal cat, I want to see how they would react, it\'s a good source of entertainment, and well I can observe him if I do this, I hope he understands what I mean, well, for now, I am just a normal kitten,

"Z-en-o" Zeno spoke his name as he pointed towards himself, oh did he understand what I wanted to say? Might be,

"Zeno?? Of is that your name perhaps?" the dwarf said, as he stood up, and slowly walked towards Zeno,

"My-name-is-Krokhatin-Snowbrewer" Korkhatin said as he pointed towards himself,

[you were right this is some high-quality comedy]

I know right, I can understand both of them clearly, so it\'s funny seeing them act like that.

[hmm, I wonder how they would react when they come to know that you could understand both of them this whole time]

It would be worth it to see their faces,

\'Hay lion, you should leave I think he hasn\'t noticed you yet, thank you for bringing him here, ah right while you are at it, tell the other three, that the sap of these black trees can heal anything, you guys are free to use it as you please,\' I said, inside the lion\'s mind so that others won\'t listen to me talking,

\'Yes Lord Nova\' he said, as he left the hill without making any noise, damn he must be strong to do that, without making any noise,

"I got lost in the jungles do you know which direction the Snowbrewer kingdom is?" Korkhatin tried to explain what he was saying the best he could to Zeno but from the looks of it they seem to be having difficulty understanding each other, I should just act like a normal kitten for now,

But he said, Snowbrewer? Did he not? Does that mean he is part of the royal family? Hmm might be, but how did he even get lost here in the first place shouldn\'t he be with some highly trained guards?

"Fe-ll-ow-us" Zeno said as he gestured Korkhatin to follow him, he commanded the other leaders to leave them and go back to their duties, and he took him back to his home? Might be. As they started walking, I started following them my trails going from one direction to another, should I do it?

[well normally cats do this kind of stuff so why not?]

Alright let\'s do this, I sped up and then the only thing a cat would do when it sees someone walking,

That\'s right

I went up to Korkhatin and started to rub my body against his led while walking, and then went from one leg to another, making it hard for him to walk,

Hahahahaha this is fun,

"Step aside little kitten," he said, as he used his hand to push me to the side,

Nope, not gonna happen,

"I said step aside kitten," he said, there was a smile on his face but it was twitching like crazy, as his hand came closer to me I moved to his other leg, if he tries to grab me he would have to pass his hand between his legs,

Hahahahah fuck you,

"God damn it," he said as he started using both his hands.

Is he challenging me,

Bring it on bitch,

Korkhatin tried his best to catch me but I kept jumping from one place to another, at times jumping on his head and giving him a slight slap, and jumping down just before he would grip onto me,

Hahahahahaha this is so fucking fun, now I get it.

This is why cats do these kinds of stuff, HAHAHAHAHA

"Aham" Zeno gave a dry cough as he looked at both of us, we had reached his home at some point, and he had been looking at us for a straight minute, I could hear Ena laughing her ass off from her mothers embrace, and Ailyn was trying her best top hold her laugh in as to not offend her guest.

"Aha sorry," Korkhatin said, as he tried to grab me one last time, but I jumped into his arm and climbed up to give him a paw slap on his other cheek, as he entered Zeno\'s house there was 1 paw mark on both sides of his face\'

I am the greatest HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA

"Elf," Zeno said as he pointed toward himself and his family. And then pointing towards Korkhatin he said, "dwarf" as Korkhatin heard the word dwarf he stood up pointing at himself, "dwarf yes I am a dwarf" he said excitedly, it was clear that he was really happy that there was someone who knows what species he belongs to.

Well at the very least I can say that he is truly lost and he doesn\'t have any ulterior motives, I should look around the jungle to see if there are any more people that are in the jungle or not, I went to a corner of the living room and sat there, as Ailyn started to prepare dinner for everyone in the background, and Ena started to help her out.

I used [Plant Manipulation (LV 2)] in the corner as I tried to find anything that could be odd in the jungle, and after looking for a while, I found it, people following some sort of foot prints, on the ground well they don\'t look to be dwarfs so are they humans? Hmm might be and they are heading this way huh? If they keep going at this pace, they might reach this place by the end of this week. Now things are getting interesting,

I deactivated the skill and looked around, Ailyn had started to put food on the dinner table, and there looked to be one plate for me too, nice I haven\'t tasted anything for almost a century,

Everyone sat at the table, Zeno and Korkhatin were still having trouble understanding talking to each other but well this they had found a mutual ground where they were able to talk to each other as in sign language, by pointing at things and stuff like that, emerying sat on the dining table, but me so I jumped onto the dining table and found out that there was meat in my plate, and it looked to be cooked to perfection, I walked up to the plate and sat right in front of it and took a small bite,

Holy shit this is good, I thought to myself as I ate some more,

[nova you are forgetting something,]

Oh ya right,

I finally stopped, eating as I heard star and looked up towards Korkhatin and coincidentally he looked back at me,

\'So Korkhatin Snowbrewer or should I call you Prince Korkhatin Snowbrewer\' I said to him in the language he spoke,

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