Rebirth: A Cat with a System

Chapter 2 Accident!

"Fuck" was the only thing I could say as I faced the other way and grabbed the cat in a protective embrace and then.


An amount of pain that I had never experienced before, hit me. I felt it, every single bone that broke or cracked, my arms had broken I could feel the pain from my bones that had protruded through my skin. I felt my legs break on impact.

My back hurt, and I felt my ribs that were penetrating my organs.

I wanted to scream, but the pain was too much. I wanted to cry but all I saw was a bright light.

After the impact, everything seemed slow.

As if time had stopped, I could see the two bikers running towards me, I could also see the women that was filling gas in her car, she looked horrified. And as for the kids, I could see their screaming faces. As for noises, I could hear nothing.

The time started flowing normally just as it had slowed down. And the next thing I knew was that I was flying, I was lifted a few feet off the ground and soon I hit the ground.

I felt more pain, and a cracking noise as I landed and rolled on the ground for a few seconds before stopping completely.

Finally, it was all over. That had been the only thought that came to my mind. I still felt incredible pain but even so, I knew that it was a matter of time before I died.

When I finally stopped rolling on the ground my face had been facing the truck that hit me, and as if to mock me it was still heading my way, as I saw this I knew that the speed of the truck was too fast and it won\'t stop any time soon.

It was heading straight for me, I could smell that burning rubber from the tires of the truck. I saw as the tires of the truck came towards me, they were going to go straight over my head. However, at the last moment, the direction of the tires changed and they moved to the side. The only problem was that it was too late to move them, the tires that moved away from my head moved down towards my lege,


I felt unbearable pain, all the bones in my legs were crushed,


A blood-curdling scream escaped my mouth, it only took an instant to go over my legs but that one instance left as if it would never end.

After the front tires of the truck passed my legs, I saw something that made me want to cry, I wanted to run so that didn\'t have to go through all that pain again.

The tires of the trailer were, heading straight toward my legs on the same path that the front tires took.

At that moment the only thing I wished was to just finally die. I closed my eyes, as the tires of the trailer of the truck were moving towards me, I was bracing myself for the pain that would hit me any moment, I waited for it.

However, the pain never came. I slowly opened my eyes to see that, the tires had stopped just a few inches away from my crushed legs, and the truck had finally stopped.

I could hear people screaming, but I didn\'t have time to think about that. I felt cold, incredibly cold as if someone had poured a bucket full of ice onto me. But the cold feeling soon disappeared more like it was replaced by something hot, it felt warm to the touch as it started to cover everything near me. I already knew what that was, I was bleeding.

I was in a pool of my blood, but I could only focus on that for a second as the feeling of burning assorted my brain. I could feel my body burning it was hot too hot infect. However, I was not on fire it was the pain of all the injuries on my body.

The pain from my injuries felt as If I was burning, the pain was just too much.

I wanted to scream, but I couldn\'t no voice came out, my vocal cords had been damaged by my scream earlier.

When I was done inspecting myself, I looked at the small black fur ball that was on top of me,

I had kept the small kitten in my embrace the whole time, even when the bones in my hands cracked and protruded out of my skin.

But I didn\'t have any more strength to hold the kitten anymore, so it had escaped my hands and it was too painful to move them any longer.

The black kitten sat on my chest calmly as if nothing had happened, its green eyes looking at me, there was still a faint glow in its eyes.

\'Why?\' I heard a voice as I looked at the cat.

It was a really sweet voice, of a woman, it made me forget all the pain for an instant.

"Hahh, cough cough" I chuckled when I heard the voice. But soon violet\'s coughing joined the chuckle that made everything hurt even more. I finally started hallucinating before my death.

\'Why did you hold on to me even when it hurts?\' I heard the voice again, was I hallucinating about the cat speaking to me? I asked myself, but this time I decided to entertain my delusions and went with it.

\'Well I didn\'t want the kitten to get injured\' I thought

\'And why is that?\' the voice asked me back.

\'I don\'t know I answered, I had no idea why I protected that small kitten, was it petty? Or perhaps something else.

\'I see\' the voice said before it stopped talking.

As I lay there, I could see blue and red lights around me, I knew that the ambulance had finally come, but I knew already that it was just a waste of time, I had started feeling light-headed a while ago, I had lost too much blood, and my body was too damaged to recover.

I still couldn\'t hear anything. All I could feel was my heart which had been weakly beating and the pain from all the injuries.

\'Are you not afraid of death?\' I heard the voice again, there was curiosity mixed within the voice this time.

\'Why should I be afraid?\' I asked back instead of answering \'I have nothing, I have no family, and few friends, but I still know that there is nothing for me in this world. I was alive until now because I didn\'t have the guts to kill myself I said, as I looked the cat right in her eyes.

\'Then why did you speed, when you were so afraid of killing yourself\' the voice asked me.

I stayed silent for a few seconds. When I heard the question as I ponder what I should say.

\'It\'s because I wanted to die,\' I said and then continued \' I lived every day as if it was my last, there was no happiness in my life, I felt as if I was dead inside. But after I started to drive my bike at full speed. I felt alive, when I was going at incredible speed past cars I felt as if I was alive again, I knew that I could die the next time I drove my bike, what was I supposed to do? Save myself?" I asked.

\'You are an interesting human\' the voice as the kitten tilted its head to the side as if confused about something.

But before the voice could ask something else, I felt something near me, I looked to the side as I endured the pain, and I saw that red helmet biker was approaching me with some other people, I was still under the truck, after all, they soon arrive in front of me. There were some other people with a stretcher. They genially lifted me and put me on top of the stretcher, but even so, the pain was still unbearable.

They slowly took me out the from under the truck and put an oxygen mask on top of my face. When I was out I could finally see, the things around me. There were cop cars all around us and an Ambulance that I was being taken to, as they moved my stancher towards the ambulance the kid from earlier came into view and our eyes met, I smiled at him as soon as I looked at him. I could see that he was worried even when I was just a stranger to him.

But soon I was in the back of an ambulance and with doctors assessing my injuries

They cut open my clothes and attached some heartbeat-monitoring devices to me and started to inject some sort of transparent liquid into me, but the strangest thing was that no one had noticed the kitten which was still calmly sitting on my chest

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