Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 492 - 492 Chapter 492: The third dawn (2)

Ballistae lined the top of the northern wall with skilled marksman standing behind them, preparing to launch the last of the town’s bolts without restraint. Vats of boiling oil were not only placed beside the ranger corps for their fire arrows but also at various strategic crenels allowing the boiling liquid to be dropped onto the battlefield below, scalding any monsters that dared to climb the wall.

Hidden behind the towering wall at differing levels were trebuchets, large, long range war machines that could hurtle massive rocks into the enemy lines. Unfortunately only one was in decent condition, two beyond repair and another two with partial damage, likely only able to get out a couple shots before breaking apart.

Of course along with war machines there were the many magic devices that relied on magic crystals for fuel. Mana gatherers, amplifiers, the solar dawn as well as several other nick knacks that synergised with certain squads.

Hamon ordered for everything to be brought out and used to their absolute limits, wear and tear, ammunition and even effectiveness was ignored. If it had the potential to kill or even maim it was brought to the battlefield in a last ditch effort to last through the remaining 24 hours or at the very least deal a blow so painful it’d be seared into the hearts of the enemy.

Ton! Ton! Ton! Ton!

A cacophony of footsteps filled the area as everyone took their positions and drew their weapons, staring dead ahead with steely resolve.

“Chuff!” Kiba who was resting in the monster pens arrived from the sky and landed by Frost’s side. He proceeded to rub his head against his master’s hand affectionately, an attempt to hide his fear as well as overwhelming excitement. Finally he would fight by Frost’s side, as a team instead of being relegated to injured recovery.

“It’s alright Kiba you’ll get your chance to see action but promise me that you’ll listen to my orders without any resistance.” Frost rubbed the tiger’s fluffy head as he spoke, his heart warming as he did.


“Chufff” Kiba responded positively instantly, he may be young, but he was quite wise for his age. He knew that the enemies he and his master would be pitted against would be stronger than himself therefore if he didn’t want to become deadweight he needed to strictly adhere to Frost’s commands.

“Good boy. Let’s go” With a strong nod Frost jumped onto Kiba’s back and the two of them descended from the wall, joining the frontlines.

Once everyone was in position an eery silence covered the area and cold sweat started to drip down the necks of those present. A stifling pressure, a looming fear gripped their hearts as time crawled forward without any change.

“Hold your ground, keep those weapons raised!” Hamon roared while clenching his jaw, also feeling that something big was coming.

Don! Don! Don! Don! Don!

A moment after Hamon’s roar the sounds of heavy, very heavy feet could be heard making contact the ground. At first it sounded distant and rather sparse but soon it accelerated and magnified to the point that the very ground started shaking. The large and sturdy trees of the Northrend forest began falling down as though battered by the charge of a massive animal.

Some of the weaker soldiers started to lose their balance and fell to their knees. Frost and the other Majors focused their eyes and or their mana in an effort to see into the distance and gauge the enemy but Frostine and his spirit subordinates had eclipsed the area in an ice fog reducing visibility. They were in the dark, a very dangerous prospect this let in the game.

Moments later the sound became so loud that many covered their ears to offset the pain and that was when it happened.

Charging through the bare treeline and the dense ice fog were several dozen mammoths, each easily 6 metres tall, chock full of dense muscle and protected by thick hides. Fierce looking tusks that had been sharpened to frighting points decorated their faces, perfect for goring their prey no matter the size or strength. And between their tusks were long trunks that served as a fifth limb, far more powerful and flexible than a standard arm.

Nearly every soldier and adventure turned white at the sight of these monstrous beasts as they charged towards them. Their legs turned to jelly and more than a few lost control of their bladders. If that wasn’t frightening enough what followed was a veritable explosion of sound as the mammoths blared their trunks like horns. A few unlucky soldiers at the forefront had their eardrums pop.

“Fuck!” Hamon loudly cursed and attempted to roar out reassuring orders however the trunks of the mammoths eclipsed his voice. He was cut off from his men and women.

“Dammit to have to use it at the very first charge, Fuck! Damien turn on the barrier!” Instead of roaring beyond the wall Hamon yelled behind him as well as gave a noticeable hand signal just in case.

In response a dwarf with bright purple eyes smiled from ear to ear before slotting multiple high level monster crystals into a device situated before him. This was the same man who was in charge of the [solar dawn], a device designed to bring light in the dead of night this however was a barrier device of highest quality and far more demanding.

Along with his actions, support staff – his subordinates- inserted lesser quality magic crystals into connected devices that amplified the barrier generator.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The stampede of mammoths swiftly found its way before the frontline, crossing the gap in what seemed like a blink of an eye.

Frost looked to his left and right and saw nothing but fear and shaking limbs, the weaker soldiers and adventurers were overwhelmed by the pressure, stunned in place. Even Kiba who was supported by his connection to Frost had his fur stand on end as the stampede encroached.

“Tsk!” He clicked his tongue, twirled his glaive in hand and released his aura that was now infused with royal intent. His aim was to wake up his allies from their sudden fear.

Having the same line of thought all the Majors down on the ground did the exact same thing. Their powerful auras suddenly erupted and competed with the physical pressure emitted from the charge of several dozen enraged mammoths.

An invisible clash appeared in the air between the two forces and the fear induced soldiers felt an instant reprieve however time was not on their side and besides even without the strangling pressure they were still faced with the charge of creatures weighing several tons, a daunting prospect.

Even with their preparation and the Majors stepping forward, this charge of mammoths could very well break them.

Thankfully however such a thing wouldn’t come to pass.

A second before the mammoths were about to smash into the frontlines a dense green barrier grew from the ground, encapsulating the northern wall and all the forces defending it.


The line of mammoths thus smashed into this barrier instead causing it to shake violently and even develop minute cracks but nonetheless stopped them in their tracks, saving the frontline troops from a brutal death.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

As though unfazed from smashing headfirst into a solid barrier, the dozens of mammoths repeatedly bashed their tusks and or trunks violently against it, determined to bring down the sudden obstruction.

“Don’t relax! The barrier will only last for a few minutes!” Hamon yelled out, his voice finally able to reach his soldiers due to the barrier.

At his word the ranks of frightened soldiers and adventurers started to get back on their feet, their hands tightening around their weapons and resolve once again filling their eyes.

“Get those ballistae prepped and ready to cull these beasts, ready the trebuchets as well. We need to bring these brutes down quickly otherwise our defensive line will be decimated by their overwhelming mass!” Hamon bellowed out order after order as did Douglas. The both of them knew the direness of the situation.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The minute cracks on the barrier stretched and thickened with every attack, even with multiple high quality monster crystals maintaining such a large area against such strong and numerous foes for any length of time was strenuous.

“Tsk! Bastards really did have one last ace in the hole.” Frostine who was bringing up the rear and kitted out in a full ice armour loudly complained, annoyed by the fact that the bugs kept up their futile resistance.

“Hahahahaha that’s great I was worried this battle would be dull, hopefully they have even more up their sleeves.” The voice of a young man replied to Frostine however this young man was practically 10 metres tall and riding upon a mammoth that put every one of the creatures attacking the barrier to shame, he was Valend.

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