Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 345

“I’ll take Nanna and Loki to the children’s clothes section to try on those outfits I spoke of why don’t the two of you enjoy some alone time before joining us.” Cassandra offered while holding onto Nanna and Loki’s hands.

During the carriage ride Maya revealed that Frost and her had begun officially dating and that she was looking for some new clothes to win him over. Cassandra recommended a few areas in Calder’s mall which caught Maya’s interest.

“Thank you we’ll take you up on that, let’s go Frost.” Maya wrapped her arm around Frost’s, dragging him towards the female clothing section while waving goodbye to Cassandra and the kids with a smile on her face. Frost didn’t resist, eagerly looking forward to assisting in her choosing her outfits. Regardless of what Maya wore she’d be beautiful, but Frost had quickly learned that he had his own taste in fashion, particularly in what he’d like to see either Maya or Daki wearing.

Frost would also be purchasing some outfits based upon his girlfriend’s tastes. Though his noble robes were very fitting for near all occasions Maya wanted to see him in different styles and colours.

While Cassandra had fun with many other mothers, grandmothers and shop clerks dressing up the adorable Nanna and Loki in all manner of outfits, sparking off another fashion show, Frost was enjoying his own private show. Maya would try on any and all manner of beautiful and sexy dresses finding out which ones garnered the best reaction. This was followed by him doing the same for her.

While he showed a fondness for skin tight dresses that generously promoted her curves such as the red and white qipao she wore the day they met she enjoyed seeing her new boyfriend in a tailored suit, black or midnight blue with a red shirt. When Frost walked out in that get up she had to wipe away her drool, his appearance was absolutely devastating. In his white and blue robes Frost gave off a noble and scholarly magnetism, but with the dark suit and red shirt he became seductive, a much more wild feel that suited him well.

Seeing Maya’s obvious reaction as well as the not so subtle looks from the other shoppers plus his own opinion on how he looked in the mirror Frost called out to the nearest clerk. “I’ll take two sets of this outfit please.” He didn’t even bother to look at the price that was sure to be sky high for such well stitched fabric. Maya clearly liked it so that’s all that mattered. He did the exact same thing for a few outfits that she showed off, immediately adding them to the order the second she left the changing room.

“Yes sir, will that be all?” A handsome clerk asked while another moved to retrieve two fresh sets of the outfit in Frost’s size.


“My, my you certainly have great taste in clothes Sir Frost and Lady Maya.” Before Frost could respond to the clerk, Calder appeared with a smile on his face, his eyes showing a glint as he examined Frost in the suit. The young dungeon core put all of his fashion models to shame, he smelled a financial opportunity.

“Grant Frost here a 20% discount on all of his purchases today, on me.” Calder gave an order to the handsome clerk who was in charge of this area.

“Understood sir.” The handsome clerk bowed slightly before assisting the other clerks in arranging Frost and Maya’s purchases. Even with the 20% discount they’d make a substantial profit in selling the chosen clothes. Each of them had quite high price tags and were usually only purchased by the very wealthy and nobles. However it was very rare for the purchaser to look so good in them, the clothes were going to an appropriate home. Something the designer could appreciate.

“You’re very generous today Calder.....what’s the catch?” Frost asked with a gentle smile, he noticed the glint in the merchants eyes. Calder was a thorough business man, someone who wouldn’t give out benefits to others unless he could profit in some way. They were already established acquaintances perhaps even friends, so the discount wasn’t to generate a relationship.

“Hahahaha am I that obvious?” Calder laughed lightly before continuing. “It’s not really a catch, just a little request, you’re free to decline however and I’ll still give you the discount.” Frost’s eyes narrowed as he prepared himself to hear this so called request.

“Nanna and Loki have once again gathered quite a crowd downstairs providing a substantial business opportunity, along with Lady Cassandra participating we’re likely rake in a record amount of daily sales in our children’s clothing department.” Calder’s eyes sparkled as he spoke, so much money being made with no set up costs, a merchant’s dream.

“I was thinking that I’d like to try something similar for our adult clothing department. Utilising some very attractive models to highlight the clothes, making them more appealing to the customers.” Calder already had this idea in mind but lacked some truly eye grabbing talent in terms of models. Children were far easier since they just needed to be cute, the demands not nearly as rigid. Frost and Maya however more than met the criteria, young, super attractive not only in looks but also shape. They could really bring out the best in the clothes they had to offer. Not only would sales sky rocket, local designers could make a name for themselves. As a talented merchant he couldn’t help but ask for Frost and Maya’s assistance in this matter.

“You want Maya and I to model for you like in that children’s fashion show you set up?” Frost eyed Calder with a frown, he wasn’t keen on the idea of parading himself off to everyone. Maya also showed a disinterested look, her dresses were bought to appeal to Frost and her own tastes, she didn’t want others ogling her or her man.

“Yes” Calder responded without an ounce of shame, several of the nearby clerks nodded their heads thinking that such an event would work wonders for the store. Unfortunately their hopes wouldn’t be realised.

“Sorry but no, I’ve got no interest in becoming your fashion model, Maya?” Frost rejected the proposal and looked to Maya for her opinion.

“I agree no interest.” She shook her head in refusal, even if Calder offered her a substantial discount she’d still refuse.

“Are you sure? I can give you a better discount and I can even pay you?” Calder wasn’t one to let up after an initial setback. He knew exactly how much money he could rake in by utilising Frost and Maya’s beauty. It was too much to give up without trying.

Frost and Maya both frowned showing irritation before strongly shaking their heads, there was no room for discussion, the answer was a definite no.

“You can continue your little show with Nanna and Loki since they seem to enjoy being dolled up in all manner of outfits and being doted on by Cassandra and the other women, but Maya and I will not take part. You’ll have to find someone else.”

Calder’s lips twitched in response to Frost’s stark refusal, he could see the money slipping from his fingers before he let out a defeated sigh.

“Haaaaaaaaa well if that’s how you feel I can’t force you.....shame it could have been a lot of fun and a lot of money could have been made.” Calder truly felt disappointed, so much potential wasted, he’d never find a more ideal pair of models for their clothes. Frost and Maya were by far the most attractive people he’d ever seen, even the noble elves seemed lacklustre in their presence.

Calder was a man of his word, he allowed them to retain the 20% discount despite their refusal to take part in a fashion show. With their clothes shopping now done Frost and Maya split up. Frost went with Calder to check out the bookstore while Maya joined up with Cassandra and the kids. Calder extended the 20% discount towards Frost’s book purchases as well as the children’s clothes saving them quite a fair amount of coin.

Before Frost left to head to Borris’s weapon shop the total had already climbed to 3 gold coins and was still rising. This didn’t include the purchases made by Cassandra on behalf of Nanna and Loki. Hell she even wanted to buy stuff for him and Maya, not caring in the slightest about the costs.

‘I guess when you’re a noble in charge of such a large territory you’re used to spending such lavish amounts without care.’ Frost concluded that he and Cassandra were from different worlds, different standards when it comes to money, at least at the moment.

Once the dungeon camp was up and running he’d surely be able to experience the wealth of a territory lord and perhaps then tossing out several gold coins here and there wouldn’t even be felt. Frost looked forward to that day.

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