Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 86

Bastion withdrew a couple healing potions and new weapons from the storage ring he wore. Leo had packed extra supplies in case they came across Taka and Bruno, but the weapons were supplied by Bastion himself, a way of an apology for failing to protect them.

“Here, hopefully this should be sufficient for replacements.” Bastion handed over a blue bow to Taka. It was a 3-star weapon, the limbs were made of blue yew and the bow string was frost wolf sinew, along with a quiver of steel headed arrows. A great improvement over his now broken 2 star weapon.

Taka gawked as he held the new bow, admiring the feel of it in his hands. Never had he imagined that he’d get to own a 3-star weapon at his age, such weapons were far beyond his price range, even his 2-star bow was a painful but necessary expense.

For Bruno, Bastion handed over a new metal shield made of a steel alloy, since the other one now had dents and cracks throughout, thanks to Frost’s heavy glaive blows. He also withdrew a 3-star hammer made with duram metal for the shaft and head, with the face being fitted with kyanite, a tough and durable crystal found in cold climates.

Bruno’s reaction was similar to Taka’s he was full of amazement, these weapons were incredible. With these weapons their strength would soar to new bounds.

Bruno couldn’t help but look over at Frost with slight provocation, wishing to go another round with his new gear. Frost saw this look and smiled, excitement in his eyes. Their fight earlier was incredibly enjoyable, he also looked forward to the prospect of facing off against them with their new additions.

‘They’ll be even tougher now.’ Frost thought as he gripped his glaive. Although his weapon was still superior the gap wouldn’t be nearly as large now.

His urge for battle was building, his blood heated up and his smile arced upwards but now was not the time.


“Haaaaaaa” he sighed as he calmed himself down, not forgetting to send Bruno a look saying, ‘we’ll fight again later’. He thus returned to silently leaning against the side wall, waiting to move forward.

“Tsk” Bruno couldn’t help but click his tongue, yet he was still smiling, completely forgetting that just a few moments ago he and Frost were fighting against one another as enemies.

Taka however looked towards Frost with respect, a gentle smile was on his face instead of a provocative one. He knew that he had been spared and held no grudge towards Frost. In fact, he actually had a rather high opinion of him and wouldn’t have issue working alongside him.

“The health potions should alleviate some of the more serious injuries allowing you to move and guide us freely, however fighting will still prove to be an issue.” Bastion spoke with gravitas when he noticed the fire coming from Bruno as he stared in Frost’s direction. Giving him a subtle hint.

Bruno shrugged in response, relaxing his tense muscles. Of course, he wouldn’t really start another fight with Frost right now, but he was a young man full of fire and couldn’t help but throw a few taunts.

Seeing that Bruno and Taka understood him Bastion smiled gently and walked back towards Leo.

“Drink the health potions and then we’ll move.” Leo spoke to his two new party members.

“Yes sir”

“Understood young master.” Bruno and Taka responded with respect before downing their newly received health potions.

“Bleurgh” Bruno gagged after downing the red potion, like most medicine, low-level health potions -well at least the ones he had access too- were incredibly bitter, not something you’d choose to drink for the flavour.

Taka didn’t have such a pronounced reaction, but his brow did furrow as the liquid ran down his throat.

Once the potion flasks were completely empty, they could feel the potion start to take effect.

‘Hoh, I wonder how it works.’ Frost opened his eyes and stared at Bruno and Taka with interest. He knew that health potions healed wounds and restored stamina similar to a healing spell, but he didn’t exactly know how and was intrigued.

Bruno could feel the red liquid flow through his body melding with his blood as it circulated his body. The areas with the most damage such as his fractured arm and ribs were smothered in the liquid, quickly reconnected the bones. Whereas severely bruised areas started to become lighter as if they happened days ago.


Bruno cracked his fists, testing the strength he recovered. He was no longer in intense pain whenever he moved. The majority of the damage had been healed; his bones now only sported minor cracks but were still tender. He could move around without impunity however, rapid and forceful movements would still result in a burst of pain, but nothing he couldn’t handle.

Taka’s injuries were mainly focused on his hands and abdomen, so the potion focused most of its effort on those areas. His sliced up hands quickly stitched themselves back together leaving just a few slits on his skin.

He wiggled his fingers, his dexterity was still hampered but, if need be, he could fire a few arrows without difficulty, using his piercing shot skill however would be out of the question. Unless he wanted to burst open his hand again.

Taka and Bruno looked at one another and smiled widely, they were finally free. They stood up fiercely, their new weapons in hand and faced Leo.

“We’re ready young master.” Bruno spoke and Taka nodded in agreement. Their injuries were healed enough, they were dying to test out their new weapons and who would be a better target than the bandits and underworld scum that mocked them and abused them lying in wait in the next few rooms.

‘those assholes should shitting themselves about now’ Bruno smiled evilly as he imagined the faces of the men and women lying in behind them. The fierce sounds of battle and his screaming for Frost to stop must have alerted them of the danger that was about to come.

Bruno was right, at the moment the goons waiting in the next rooms were incredibly anxious, trying to force anyone bar themselves to check on the situation. But of course, none of them volunteered to risk their own lives, the groups were on the brink of internal strife.

“Good, having such promising adventurers aiding us will greatly increase our chances of success, uncle Ryuu.” Leo turned to face Ryuu who had remained rather taciturn throughout this event. He was using every chance he got to restore his mana levels. Out of everyone here only he was going to fight against someone of equal or possibly higher capabilities and needed every ounce of strength he could muster.

However, this was a team effort, with Leo’s instruction he casted a defensive spell on the weaker members of the group i.e., Leo, Bruno, Taka and of course his daughter, who probably didn’t need it due her heavily enchanted robes, but he wouldn’t take any chances in regards to her safety.

“[Mana become a stable wall, protect thy target from forceful aggression, Protect].” At the end of his aria, a magic crest appeared on the four target’s chests, coating their bodies in invisible mana. This spell [Protect] was a third circle defensive spell that would protect its target from physical harm, greatly increasing the target’s survivability.

It acted much like Bruno’s skill rampart but with a much more passive and constant effect. Unfortunately, it didn’t help against magic, but it’d be very rare for a mere goon to be capable of casting spells.

Thanks to Ryuu’s magic capability the spell would protect them for the next hour or until they receive a blow beyond the defensive properties of the spell, in which it would shatter.

They’d be up against multiple lower level opponents in tight quarters, it was easy to miss someone in hiding. Using such as spell was integral for safety. Not everyone was as strong as Ryuu or Bastion after all.

With the weaker members protected by a defensive spell it was time to continue their assault. Right about now the underworld gangs on Leo’s side should be closing off Adam many escape routes.

Down in the third basement, within a finely decorated room at the end of the floor, Adam was sitting at his desk with a frown on his face. He just received an unpleasant report.

“Bastards!” Adam flung the items littering his desk onto the floor in a fit of anger. One of his scouts just told him that 5 underworld gangs just turned against him, collapsing his escape routes, effectively boxing him within his own mansion. He had nowhere to run.

“Tsk seems I really underestimated that nephew of mine.” Adam clicked his tongue before grunting in displeasure , his eyes filled with anger and hatred. He was so close to his goals, why did his damn nephew have to chose now to take action? His gaze was then drawn to his elite bodyguards, the B-rank mage in particular.

“Looks like you’ll get your wish, Ryuu and Bastion will likely be heading here shortly, you’ll get to have your grand battle.” He spat those words in annoyance. Adam didn’t like things that didn’t play to his tune. If he could avoid a confrontation with Bastion and Ryuu he would, they were both former B-rank adventurers after all, it was an unnecessary risk.

The mage and two close combat specialists smiled widely, fire in their eyes as their blood started to boil in excitement. The group of three had found no opponents here in Furano. Guarding Adam for the past several months was incredibly cushy albeit dull. The group had grown frustrated long ago. Finally, it was time for them to earn their pay.

“Hahahah perfect we can finally stretch our legs.” One of the close combat guards loudly proclaimed as he started stretching.

“Couldn’t agree more brother.” The other close combat specialist agreed with a large grin. The two upper C-rank goons were in fact brothers each with a substantial bounty on their heads. They had their hand in assassination, kidnapping, robbery, intimidation and pretty much every other violent crime imaginable. Adam reached out to them when they were run out of a nearby territory and since then they’ve acted as his loyal bodyguards, more than willing to aid in his dirty work.

The mage however was much more composed only releasing a cold smile in response that sent shivers down Adam’s spine. The B-rank mage was different from his other subordinates since he wasn’t the one to seek him out, in fact the mage was referred to him by a certain noble in the capital making their relationship a tad complicated.

“Do not fail otherwise you know the consequences.” Adam looked coldly at the group of three, intimidating them as best he could. The C-rank close combat specialists simply nodded and smiled in response whereas the Mage trembled slightly before nodding.

If they were defeated here then all their work would be for nothing, not only would Adam be taken down, all of his past dealings would come to light and certain parties even more dangerous than Adam would not react kindly. There would be nowhere for them to hide even if they did manage to escape from Leo’s group.

“The trash will keep them occupied for a short while as well as reducing their strength and stamina, you three wait in the previous rooms while I attend to the some of the goods. When you kill them, we still have business to deal with after all.” Adam stood up after giving his instructions and then proceed to one of the walls.


Adam pressed an area on the wall starting a mechanism that opened up a hole in the wall akin to a sliding door. This was his holding vault sort to speak, he kept the most valuable and attention demanding goods here.

“Make it quick.” He spoke coldly before stepping into the hidden room, closing the wall behind him.

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