Summoned and Unwanted

Chapter 703 - 703 Breaking the seal

Awa was nowhere to be seen. She disappeared without a trace.

“Did the clan chieftain escape?”

“That would be great if it was true.”

“Yeah. We can not lose a Dullahan like her. She needs to sire a new generation of powerful Dullahans.”

The three Dullahans expressed casually while looking at the moon becoming visible again. They did not fear death after witnessing the might of the dark knight of legends.

The undead bear stopped staring at the moon and lowered its gaze to those gathered around it.

There were a lot of Cefeye standing on their feet, and there were the three Dullahans, Plow, and Zero.

There was a lot of prey to choose from, yet the large pair of bright yellow eyes moved to a specific place and locked in a particular target.


“Is... is it looking at the little fox?” One of the Dullahans questioned after noticing the gaze of the undead bear landing on Plow and Zero.

One of the three Dullahans lifted Plow. Another Dullahan tried to lift Zero, but Zero was stuck to the ground.

“I can’t lift the clan leader’s plant.”

“I can see its feet are rooted because of the last attack. We need to do something quickly, or we will fail our clan leader’s final wish.”

“Last. Wish? Master. Not. Dead. Zero. Can. Feel. Master. Link. Soul. Alive.” Zero said while looking at the undead bear’s stomach, surprising the Dullahans and Plow with the positive and hopeful statement.

The three Dullahans became confused about the authenticity of such a statement, while Plow felt hopeful to see Vincent again.

They moved their gaze to the stomach. Second, after another passed, the situation remained the same. Zero’s hopeful words quickly brought them to reality. Vincent was most likely dead.

Sudden darkness befell when the moon was covered. The moon disappeared in the blink of an eye from the mysterious darkness in the sky. Even the Dullahans escaping in the forest had to stop because of the darkness.

As abruptly as the darkness covered the light, the darkness dispersed. The moment the darkness disappeared, a very loud sharp sound descended to the ground.

A thing no one could comprehend occurred. A dark object descended before the sharp sound could be heard. It landed on the undead bear’s neck, tore inside its body with ease, and exited from its stomach.

*Boom* A cloud of dust appeared in front of the undead bear. A gust of wind dispersed the cloud of dust, and a shadowy figure wearing armor carrying Vincent appeared.

*Snap, crack* The undead bear’s neck was broken, and its head tilted forward lifelessly. A massive amount of yellow-glowing mutated blood spilled on the ground from the ripped stomach.

The view of gore and overwhelming power astounded all eyes gazing at the dark knight, with a new ethereal appearance. In front of their eyes was a grim reaper that had descended on the world to deliver death.

The shadow-like body abruptly blurred and divided into three parts. A small ball about the same size of a head floated in the sky. A large body quickly formed into that of a horse with a head. The last divided part was the body of a naked woman carrying Vincent in her arms.

The three divided parts were black without leaving a shadow on the ground. Their body was composed of condensed shadow-like smoke. They appeared both real and not at the same time.

It was similar to the darkness taking the form of a smoking silhouette of the sun, a smoking silhouette of a horse with a pair of bright white eyes, and a smoking silhouette of a naked female with a pair of bright white eyes.

“Night. Take care of that thing.”

*Neigh* Night moved her head at the undead bear. Its smoke-like body expanded and took a new form. Night took the form of a dark knight.

The dark helmet cracked in a jagged line, and it opened like the mouth of a monster. *Neigh!* After making the sound, a greatsword formed in her hands.

Night jumped up high in the sky. She shot a shadow line to the ground and landed a sharp slash on the undead bear’s back. Hardened earth crumbled, and blood spilled, yet the wound wasn’t deep enough to take a longer recovery time.

Night jumped again, and attached a shadow line before relentlessly slashing and drop-kicking at the recovering undead bear. It didn’t take a long time for the colossal monster to lose its balance and fall on its back.

The loud fall of the undead bear astonished everyone. Awa and Night had suddenly become powerful enough to injure the undead bear more deeply than before.

Night landed beside Awa and returned being a horse. They gave the impression of being in sync with each other because they moved forward simultaneously without peeking at each other.

Awa and Night moved confidently as if they didn’t need to look behind them. As if they didn’t need visual confirmation to know what was happening behind them.

Awa lowered Vincent to the ground and took a good look at him. His long pants had become shorts, and one of his legs was missing. His upper body was bare, and one of his arms was also missing.

Vincent’s hair became short after most of his long hair melted. Additionally, his hair tie with the slime core was lost or melted. His skin was red as if it was scalded and a few areas had melted skin.

“Vincent Vincent!” *Pho!* Plow exclaimed before jumping off the Dullahan’s arms and approaching Vincent’s corpse.

“Clan chieftain. We want to help you avenge the death of our clan leader.”

“Yeah! This is the first time a clan leader did so much to save the lives of our people.”

“No need. ” Awa said. She lowered on her knee and touched Vincent’s chest. “Can you hear me? You can start.”

Awa felt the time slow down. She closed her eyes, and the next time they opened, she was in front of an emerald throne.

Awa walked on the emerald grass and approached the emerald throne.

She saw an exhausted little wolf and sixteen butterflies resting on the wolf. An emerald vine rested on the armrest. On its head was a flower with cracked pedals, and a watch displaying (-_-) around its neck.

Awa saw two dim balls on the emerald throne beside wolfie. She guessed one was the green sun she previously saw illuminating the darkness of the Soul Domain, and the other dim ball of light was Kazumi.

Night approached, and she stared at the emerald throne. *Neigh*

“You are right. I do not see Vincent anywhere. Isn’t this place his soul world or something along those lines? Where could Vincent be?”

[I can vaguely see you...] [I managed to invite you...] [But I do not have the...] [power to let you stay here for long...]

“What can we do to help? Night and I will do anything. I want Vincent to live even if I have to give the life he gave me.”

[Remove this throne...] [It is the seal to the monster known as...] [Egos]

Awa and Night didn’t hesitate to help. Night quickly turned into armor thanks to Dark Knight Trait being active, and both their soul was complete because of Soul For One.

Awa took Wolfie, Freerie, and Kazumi, while Night took Helle, Watz, and Bright. They moved away from the emerald throne and gently placed all of them on the dark ground.

“Kazumi. Can I know where Vincent is?” Awa curiously asked.

[After what happened last time...] [I found a way to divide...] [Vincent’s soul in us...] [His soul can live longer...]

Awa could now completely understand the grim situation, even if Kazumi mentioned the possible way to save Vincent.

Vincent’s body was not only in a terrible condition, but his soul had to be divided in order to be sustained. Time was quickly running out.

Awa and Night quickly returned to the emerald throne. They tried to push or knock it down with a couple of kicks, but try as they might, the emerald throne remained in the same place.

Awa recalled what Kazumi had told her. They needed to remove the seal. The removal of an object could be achieved in different ways. One of the ways was to destroy.

Awa and Night’s thoughts connected. They arrived at the same idea. It was to destroy the emerald throne with a combined falling kick.

Awa stood on one side of the emerald throne, and Night stood on the other. Both jumped at the same time. They reached the same height and descended at the same time.

*Crack* The emerald throne cracked instead of breaking after receiving a kick in complete synchronization. Regardless of the undesirable result, it was enough for what was contained to escape.

The cracks shone brightly, and the Soul Domain began to tremble. The marks on the emerald throne shone brightly, one after the other. After the last mark shone, the emerald throne completely became covered in bright green light.

Awa and Night returned to Kazumi’s side. They were ready to protect them from what could happen next.

[Egos has awoken...] [Awa. I will leave...]

“Huh?” Awa questioned as her dark surrounding was fading. Awa understood she was returning to the living world.

Awa didn’t want to leave at this unpredictable moment.

Night swung her leg, and Awa jumped slightly. She was kicked toward a humanoid figure of light forming on the emerald throne.

“Give me Vincent back!” She shouted while trying to drop-kick Egos.

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