Summoned and Unwanted

Chapter 308

“This is the power source to make the smartphone work. We were in a crisis when Ester was about to die from her cold magic running rampant. So I sacrificed all batteries but this one to keep her warm. ” Vincent placed the battery in Sakura’s hand and continued, “The smartphone can work again if you could one day replicate a battery with the best crafting class in the world.”

Sakura’s eyes showed the burning determination of creating an object from another world. “I always made weapons and armor. I sometimes carved wood sculptures to keep my finger coordination at the highest level of accuracy possible.”

Sakura stood up and raised the battery to cover the sun. She stared at the battery with great interest and thought how nice it would be to stop doing strength-requiring jobs such as blacksmithing.

“I want to make this battery object with the skills I honed all my life. This job is like a dream come true for me. I can now show my delicate touch and how petite and feminine I am.” Sakura said with an excited smile.

“You know Sakura. You don’t have to prove yourself about how much more refined your fingers are than others. You are you. My strong Sakura that has years of experience in blacksmithing and, as I now learned, in intricate woodwork.”

Vincent pointed at himself and added, “Look at me. I don’t have many talents. I tried to copy many subjects such as food, game design, painting, and even figure modeling... but I ended up stopping when I failed too much.”

” So, in a way, I am a jack of all trades but master of none, hehe. ” Vincent chuckled at his past self. Now he has learned and accepted that there are many jobs because a person can’t do everything perfectly. Well, unless they are Kazumi.

Vincent stored the smartphone and raised a thumbs up. “But you are different. I never saw your work, but I believe you are a master in blacksmithing and woodwork. And if not, then we are here for you to support you.”


Sakura smiled. She handed the watch and the battery back to Vincent. Then she shyly turned around, “Am I such a great woman? I-I never thought I would hear someone tell me this. T-thank you.” She said while her tail gently swayed.

“Accomplish what you want to accomplish as we will support you. So start learning how runes work and slowly transition to more advanced crafting. I believe in you.” Vincent suggested a small roadmap to Sakura.

Sakura turned around with a light blush on her cheeks. “Thank you for believing in me. I will master rune work and search for a beautifying rune...” *cough* “I mean runes to attract eyes, hehe.” She said while scratching her cheek when revealing why rune craftsmanship became interesting to her initially.

[I wonder what we can ask Sakura to make first. A mask, a heavy, hehe. A heavy-duty bed frame, or... oh, I know, a wheelchair for Teresa. I don’t know if she was temporarily unable to walk or it was a recurring thing.]

[Ohh. Look. Plow is running here.]

Vincent turned his head and saw Plow rushing for some reason. Vincent waved his hand and asked, “Did something happen?”

“Vincent Vincent. Please hurry.” *Pho* Plow stopped talking to catch a breath and continued in an urgent tone, “Many foods came. Food now cooked in the clean kitchen because Plow cleaned the floor well, but Plow was asked to bring Vincent and Sakura. Please hurry. Plow is hungry.”

[It looks like Teresa Lionheart has already provided us with food. It seems to be a lot of food if Plow became this excited. ]

“Well, were are finished anyway. Lead the way Plow.” Vincent said. He wanted to tease Plow, but he was also starting to feel hungry. Covering the small pits took a lot of energy, and his energy tank needed refueling.

Plow arrived in the small guest hall and went beside the sofa a while later. On the floor lay a plate filled with warm cooked meat. The juices were still sizzling, and the warm steam was rising.

“Welcome back Plow. We placed the plate for you a moment ago. ” Ester said. She turned her gaze at the hall’s entrance door and shortly saw Vincent and Sakura enter.

Ester noticed Vincent looking at the six four-person tables placed beside each other to form a long table line, so she said, “Yula should be done cooking some of the abundant food Lilith’s parents sent.”

“Lupa and Lilith are helping to bring the food here while Iris and I are placing the food, arranging the tables, and watching over little Tusk and Nix on the sofa.” Ester placed the last set of cutlery on her side and continued, “We found these tables after Lilith remembered how Maid Xu would use these tables. She would prepare the food in a clean place with these tables and later transfer the ingredients to cook as quickly as possible in the old filthy kitchen.”

Iris glanced at Sakura, yet she averted her eyes after becoming nervous to say a word. She turned her gaze at Vincent and raised a slight smile. However, she blushed and turned her head to look at Nix and Tusk when their eyes met.

Nix and Tusk were on the sofa alone. The two of them looked both sleepy yet attentive from the appetizing aroma of food. They appeared to be pretty content on the soft and comfortable sofa.

Tusk looked sleepy, yet its eyes would stare at the few plates filled with vegetables. On the other hand, Nix moved its sleepy yet alert gaze on every plate with meat. Nix even glanced at Plow eating happily.

Lupa, Lilith, Yula, Tula, and the five children soon entered the small guest hall, which now became a dining hall.

Lilith, who looked exhausted to be around, so many people regained life the moment her eyes saw Vincent. “Vincent, could you store the excesses food outside? My parents brought a month’s worth of food, I estimated.” She asked.

Lilith then placed a plate of vegetables on the table and hurried over to Vincent. She smiled at him, and it made Vincent feel as if he was the only one in the dining hall to her in order to suppress her panic attack.

“You look better than two hours ago.” Vincent noticed Lilith was less tense, and she spoke without nervousness. However, he knew problems took time to get solved, yet the improvement was noticeable, like night and day.

“I am getting used to being surrounded by many people. I am not as anxious as before, and being surrounded by kind people is helping me a lot.” Lilith explained. She turned around *Gulp* “Thank you, everyone, for being kind to me.”

Ester, “Everyone has a small or large problem because of their past, but only with good and kind support can the problems be overcome. Vincent helped us, so in turn, we can help each other.”

Lupa, “Lupa is best girl. Best girls are good people, hehe.”

Iris, “... okay.”

Sakura, “I didn’t help much, but I want to help in the future if I can.”

Yula respectfully bowed and said, “It is the least I offer to help...” Yula soon noticed the five children and her daughter picking food with their hands.

“Wait for me to start placing food on the plates. Use a fork while you are stealing food because it is still hot.” Yula frowned and lightly scolded them. Then she went to prepare the plates with various vegetables, chicken, and pork.

Lilith smiled after she heard how no one minded her panic attacks, and they even offered to help whenever she needed it.

‘My knight in shining armor not only saved me. but he even brought people who are good to me, don’t judge me for being fat, and want to help me without wanting something in return.’ Lilith thought as her worries began to wane.

“I will go to the store in my storage and preserve the food then. But first, I have an announcement to make.” Vincent said. He approached Sakura, held her hand, and raised her and his hands together.

“Sakura decided to become my wife. Ester, Lupa, Iris, and Lilith will have a new sister in our large family. I hope you all can support each other as a good family.” Vincent announced.

*Clap, clap, clap.* The temporary dining hall was filled with approving and cheerful clapping.

Ester congratulated Sakura for making her decision to join them instead of only living with them and possibly keeping her distance. Sakura was the first woman to wish a body like hers, and it made Ester like Sakura for the unexpected praise.

Ester opened her arms and fearlessly hugged Sakura. Well, Ester didn’t see Vincent struggle in one of Sakura’s hugs, so she didn’t know how dangerous it could be without physical resistance. Sakura remembered what she had mistakenly done in her last hug, so she gently rubbed Ester’s back with one hand.

Lilith wasn’t too far from Sakura, and she wanted to congratulate Sakura for the challenging decision to be with both a human man and a man that has a harem. Lilith turned around and approached her.

Previously, Lilith felt a little afraid of Sakura because not only she was of the demon race which the books depicted in a horrible light, but Sakura also looked very strong and intimidating whenever she didn’t have a light blush in her cheeks or say how she wanted to act more feminine and petite.

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