President Qin's Little Wife Is The Strongest

Chapter 61

As for Rong Yue, she strolled leisurely out of school, instead of going the way she used to usually, she took another route.

After numerous attempts, Rong Yue had finally made it easy for one of the people from the Anxi association to reach her.

They had fixed a meeting for evening today and she had to change her appearance back to the boy she had registered as.

Just as she turned by the alley to the left side of their school, Rong Yue saw about six to five men gathering something. Her brows furrowed as she wondered what exactly they were doing. For security reasons, she turned, making sure that her steps were light and quiet so that they wouldn’t spot her.

Yet, from the corner of her eyes, she spotted that familiar ruffled brown hair and hoodie making her pause in her steps.

‘Song Jian?’

As if to answer her questions, some of the men moved aside, allowing one of them, a burly and sturdy man that looked like he ought to belong in some wrestling ring face him alone.

“You dare try to cheat our master, huh?” He said arrogantly as he delivered a kick to Song Jian’s chest.


Rong Yue winced slightly as she imagined what that pain would do to his young ribs.

Was this why he was always bruised?

“You dare to come to school today? Huh?” The man grunted and then raised his leg, ready to deliver another kick to Song Jian.

“Stop!” Without even thinking it, Rong Yue rushed, her legs and training proving to be useful as she took less than a minute in reaching there.

With her yell, she had successfully distracted the man who turned to see who it was.

The moment he saw Rong Yue’s flawless face with her ponytail swinging as she ran towards them.

The arrogant and irritated look that was on his face a moment ago from being disturbed immediately faded away and was replaced by a stunned and lascivious look.

“Little beauty.” He said with a lustful look in his eyes as soon as Rong Yue got to them.

From afar, it was easy to see that Rong Yue was a beauty. But upclose, she made anyone take in another breath and the man in front of her was no different.

“What’s the matter? Do you need me?” He asked in a rush, quickly forgetting the Song Jian behind him as he moved towards her.

“ what are you doing here?” Song Jian struggled to say. Although his words lacked empathy, the worry that was reflecting in his eyes was deep and genuine and Rong Yue sent a nonchalant glance at him.

Before the bulky man or Song Jian could say anymore words, Rong Yue threw a kick at him, sending him flying without even flinching at the strength used.

“Ahhhh!! Damned bitch!” The man cursed as he struggled to stand up.

Gone was his fawning expression and the men that were all gathered around him immediately started approaching Rong Yue while still waiting for their commander’s reaction.

Even if it wasn’t already obvious, everyone on the team knew that their commander was a womanizer, to be more specific, he chased anything in pants.

Faced with a beauty like this they weren’t sure to attack.

“What are you looking? Grab her this very moment” he roared as he rushed over to grab Song Jian.

“Here’s when we know how well we have been training.” Rong Yue muttered as she gently dropped her school bag and flexed her muscles.

Song Jian on the other hand was already a shaking mess as he repeatedly waved his hand to tell her to run off.

He was a guy and all they could do was beat him up. But for her, who was a girl, he was worried that they would do some immoral things to her if they captured her which would make him feel terrible.

Yet, the next scene that happened in front of his eyes had Song Jian opening his mouth down in shock.

In less than two minutes, Rong Yue had taken down three of the six men that had gathered around her.

While a lot of people fought and tried to use brute force, Rong Yue had learnt from the organization to use tactics and directs jabs.

From where she was, the first thing she checked were the weak points in their stance. More importantly, they were all regular people that didn’t know any special techniques like she did, thus, it was easy for her to find where they were vulnerable and give them a hit that was strong enough to keep them down.

“So weak.” She spat as soon as she had kicked the last man far away to some dark corner of the alley. The commander looked at her in shock and his brows wiggled gently in fear.

“Don’t try to threaten me with him, I don’t know him, neither do I care what you do with him.” She said before he could open his mouth.

She shot a glance at the Song Jian who was looking at her with shock from hearing her deny him.

“But anything you do to him, I’ll do ten folds to you also. If you don’t believe, then I dare you to try.” With each word, she took one step and the daring smile on her that made her look like some seductive demon that coming straight from hell.

The man felt pure fear gripping his heart from her aura that he didn’t even think before he dropped Song Jian and started to move backwards slowly.

After seeing that she had no interest in pursuing him, the commander without bothering to wait for his team dashed off on his heels.

Seeing that even their commander took off, the young men all scrambled to stand up and started to run for their dear lives too.

Before one of them could dash off completely, Rong Yue pulled him back with his tshirt and grabbed him by the neck.

“Why are you all grown adults all gathered here and beating a young boy like him up? Have you no shame?”

She had saved him, but she also felt like she deserved to know exactly why he had run off, after all, if he had been the one at fault, then she had also acted alongside him.

“Yo...young miss, I...we were sent by our boss, this young man owes us a huge sum of money. Other than that, we have also noticed that the hours he has been working for doesnt match the amount of money he hands in everyday.”

Rong Yue shot a glance at Song Jian that was back to kneeling on the floor and frowned as she saw him bow his head.

“You are a man. You should never bow to any man except your parents and a master.” She scolded with dissatisfaction and then stretched out her hand to him.

Song Jian looked at the stretched fair hand and then looked at that flawless face again before grabbing on to it with a sigh.

“Don’t think I don’t know you are the man seated beside me. All those men were not fatally injured, any of them or maybe all could do a sneak attack if I start to fight with their commander.” She explained and then added,

“Besides, I truly don’t know you.”

Song Jian nodded in understanding. “Thank you very much. I’m sorry for putting you through such trouble.” He apologized sincerely.

With his hoodie off, Rong Yue could see that battered face clearly and she felt a sudden pity for him.

This was a student just like her, why was he getting in matters with thugs like those.

“If you want to move in their circle and world, you must at least know how to fight.” She advised, and then turned away from him with the intention to go.

“Please... wait.” Song Jian asked as he leaned forward and grabbed her sleeves.

“I’m not a thief, they simply don’t know the hours I use at work because of the time I’m in school.” He muttered softly.

All his life, he had been called all sorts of names, they had gradually begun to lose value to him and became nothing but words.

Words that didn’t matter. That didn’t define him.

That was how he had trained himself.

Yet, in front of this girl with those bright brown eyes and valiant soul, for once, he didn’t want to have just any name.

Didn’t want her to think that he was the person they painted him to be. And so him that would usually shut the whole world off and be whatever it was that the world wanted him to be was anxious to explain himself.

Rong Yue sighed softly as she looked up at the face that was desperate for some trust and nodded.

“But why do you have to work for them?”

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