President Qin's Little Wife Is The Strongest

Chapter 49

Today, however was a weekday, her initial plan had been to spend time with her mom. However, the welcoming party that she had promised Sun Li to attend was also today making her dispirited.

“Why did you agree to go if you didn’t want to?” Qin Yichen asked curiously looking up from his system to look at the grumbling girl in front of him.

Rong Xia had the same thoughts and so she looked up from her knitting machine that Rong Yue just got from her.

“Hmmm, that’s because you two don’t understand loyalty. She’s the only friend I have now in school and she’s going to be bored at a party to welcome her military brother. Of course, I have to go!”

“The Sun Family?” Qin Yichen asked after a while of pondering.

Although each state had their notable military presence and force. Not many of the minor states had anything impressive.

More importantly, he had gotten wind of the news earlier this week. Since news has leaked that the second Young master was around from the capital, he had gotten loads of invitations all through the week.

The welcoming party for Sun Yan was one of those invites.


“You know them?” Rong Yue asked, surprised. After all, she had imagined that no family could attract him in their small city.

“Hmmm, I know the son.” He replied briefly and then went back to working.

Rong Yue eventually stood up and went to her wardrobe to check for a suitable outfit.

Since previously when she shopped, she had shopped with the intention of being home all day or going out in a disguise.

At the moment, she had no outfit that would be appropriate for the occasion.

“Mom, I’ll be stepping out for a while, I need to get a dress for the party.”

Even though she was just telling her, she was already by the door, showing the dynamics of their relationship was vastly different from the typical mother daughter relationship.

Since she was just a guest and was still in high school, Rong Yue wanted something that would not make her look tardy while still not grabbing any much attention.

After moving around all the stores in their estate and finding nothing she wanted, she changed her mind very quickly.

From visiting clothes stores, she went into fabrics stores and it was only when she got to the third store that she finally got what she wanted.

Since her goal was to not take up too much attention, she went for a cream colored material and bought real quality fur that matched the outfit.

Accessories were not something she really fancied and so she went for something subtle.

By the time she was done, she had spent close to two hours already. However, it was only close to noon seeing as she had left home early enough.

“You have gone ahead to spend money again.” Rong Xia said with slight accusation.

She had realized that her little daughter didn’t just like food, she was also quite skilled at spending money also!

“Hmmm, I decided to make my clothes myself. Since there’s still enough time, I’ll just use your machine to make a simple dress.” As she talked, she offloaded the shopping bags and kept everything she needed to make the dress on one side while she kept her adornments in another bag.

“Let me help you set up the other room, so you don’t have clothes everywhere.”

Like that, the both of them got to work. Since Rong Xia also had some skills in fashion design, she was able to assist her in the cuttings after Rong Yue drew the style she wanted.

“Your drawing has grown so much in such short time!” Her mom exclaimed as she looked at the strokes in each of the dress.

Compared to some of the sketches she had done in the past, this was very elaborate and detailed.

“You gave birth to a genius.” Rong Yue bragged shamelessly, her eyes also gleaming brightly at the style

In truth, she wasn’t sure of the style she wanted when she was getting the materials, she just knew the way she wanted to appear.

But the moment she sat down, the nostalgia mixed with her new mind made her design something very quickly.

After getting all her measurements down, and finishing the cutting of the design, Rong Yue got to work while her mother went back to her drama.

As she worked, her mind explored the different possible paths that she could take.

Her love for fashion designing was something she wanted to keep, but unlike in the past, she wasn’t sure that was the path she wanted anymore.

Why walk a path she had already embarked on before?

Before the organization, her only specialty was painting and fashion designing. But after spending that much time there, she had developed technology skills and methods that were even out of this world.

Restricting herself to fashion design only was like keeping herself in a cage.

The more she thought about, the more conflicted she was, unknowingly, she made a tear in the dress from being absent minded.

By the time she realized, it was already too late and the base of the dress was ruined.

“Is this the heavens telling me they don’t want me designing?” She mumbled in dissatisfaction as she looked at the already ruined dress.

Instead of discarding it, she placed it on a clothes hanger and sat in front of it, thinking of the best way to salvage it.

After all, she had spent close to four hours on just this clothes. If she decides to go ahead and just discard it, she would have nothing to wear to the party.

At this moment, her mom, who wanted to just check on her progress entered the room and was stunned to see the big tear by the base of the dress.

“What happened? Is your sewing already so rusty?” She asked concerned as she looked at the ruined dress.

“I was thinking about the future and ruined the present.”

Looking at her sulking face, her mom looked at the dress again.

“Go and get ready, I’ll help you fix it.”

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