His Dark Desire: Tales of a Yandere

Chapter 162

She freaked out and let out a scream. Alerting the maids as they enter in hordes.

“What are these? Who brought them inside? Most importantly, who sent them?” she asked, her eyes widening in shock.

No one dared to say anything as they simply looked down at their hands. Someone came forward and brought an envelope.

That is right, these people are prohibited from even talking to her or meeting her eyes. It was Dominus’s instruction that they do not communicate with her in any way aside of course from making sure she is comfortable.

Now you see why she still couldn’t wrap her mind around her situation. It is because of how crazy he is about dominating her very being.

It’s like she either talks to him or never talks to anyone. She has been deprived of basic human interactions, basic liberties, and choices about her own life.

All because he said he feels jealous when she looks and talks to other people. Even if they be a mere servant.

She hates that. She tears the envelope and takes out the paper inside.


It’s a letter from Dominus. That madman who had kept her trapped.

He has been away for a week now. He said he was settling some family matters with his grandmother.

She didn’t bother to ask what it was all about and why he has not even introduced her to the woman who has raised him all his life.

It is that other part of this set-up that makes her uncomfortable. Her whole life has been like an open book to him.

With his mindless intrusions and research about her life, and of course having her tell him everything that happened to her the past years of her life before they met.

But he on the other hand has remained closed off to her. In every aspect of his life, he chose to keep a secret.

Like a bolt has been locked on his past, she couldn’t even get a general idea of how his life has been the past years before their meeting. It is so frustratingly unfair!

The only assurance he has given her of course was that he is unmarried. In fact, all he talked about lately was how much he wanted to tie the knot with her.

She sighed. That madman. She wanted to fall in love first and she couldn’t fall in love this way.

The more he restricts her, it leaves her wanting more of the taste of freedom. It drives her insane how he couldn’t seem to see that.

She had barely breathed in the scent before gift boxes and packages were entered into her chambers, lining up her walls like some sort of decorations.

She didn’t even bother to take the envelope when it was offered again to her. She screamed and ordered everyone to leave the room immediately.

Everyone of the staff scrambled away from her room as if their very lives depended on it. She let out a harsh sigh and took her phone.

Dominus immediately picked up and let out a confident, “Missed me, queenie?”

She hissed and replied, “You have the nerve to say that! What on earth do the roses and gods know what that you have ordered to be brought to me?!”

Understandably, she indeed was angry. In fact, she was seething in emotions she couldn’t control. She couldn’t help it.

One crazy act after another, what on earth was running in that crazy mind of his? Is he bribing her for her to keep quiet and bear everything without complaining?

“I told you, you shouldn’t try to buy me! For I am someone who is not even interested in your wealth,” she pointed out.

“I wasn’t trying to do that,” his voice was serious, making her stop from saying more of her accusations.

“Then what is this all about? Please be real with me. Everything about you is already suffocating me so much. Everything is already so hard for me. So why are you doing more of your inexplicable actions? Please stop confusing me even more,” her voice trembled in response.

“I am not trying to confuse you. If you feel like I am trying to buy your affections, that is far from the truth. I know you have no interest in my wealth. You have given me back an entire castle, for goodness sake,” he didn’t want to lose his temper, but he couldn’t stop himself from raising his voice a bit.

“The reason for the flowers and the gifts is only one thing. I want to make you happy. I want you to feel that you are always in my mind despite the distance between us. I want you to feel my love from across the sea. I know you don’t care at all about these things. But give me a little consideration, this is the first time in my whole life I’m sincerely courting someone,” his voice was calmer now, making her feel butterflies in her stomach.

What a wretched thing this is. Feelings for him that seem to sprout at every moment they spend together. Even if it is just through a simple telephone call.

“I- I’m sorry. I panicked seeing this much. Immediately I thought of what this could mean for you. Why you were doing this unconventional thing? These are all the things that ran through my mind upon seeing your gifts. Please also give me some consideration. I am not used to having someone court me sincerely,” she admitted.

She blushed even when he couldn’t see her. She imagined it will be even worse than this if he was looking at her right now.

“Then please at least try to be used to this, because I have no intention of ever stopping,” he told her.

“You say it so believably but where are you now? You have left me to be somewhere around the world that I am not allowed to be in. You are keeping me like some dirty little secret,” she couldn’t even stop the words from spilling out.

Are these really her thoughts? Are these the emotions she tried to fight so adamantly? No. This better not be it.

“I have no intention of keeping you a secret. I told you I came to Italy to settle some business matters. And now I am on my way to meet my grandmother. If you wish to come, I can make the arrangements for your transfers,” he offered.

“You are insane,” her voice trembled from excitement.

She always felt an affinity towards Venice. Of course, she would like to come.

The problem of course is knowing she will have to meet with his family. It is one thing to run away from him, it is entirely another to be running away from his entire clan. That is if they were anything at all like him.

If they were the opposite though. It could be worse. She felt a sudden panic in her heart at the simple thought of it.

What if they didn’t like her? It doesn’t make sense for her to care about leaving his family a good impression of her, but she couldn’t stop herself from her expectations.

By they and them, she of course could only be referring to that one person. Dominus’s grandmother.

She wondered what kind of a lady she is. The one who raised a super tycoon who was also partly a murderer and a kidnapper.

What does it mean to be on that woman’s bad side? Even she couldn’t help but ask herself that.

She gulped before tightening her hold on the receiver. What was she supposed to say now?

“Do you want to come over?” his voice lacked any emotion.

She couldn’t guess if that was a warning she shouldn’t come or an invitation for her to go and visit where he is. It’s not like she could just ask him directly.

“Then is it true I can really come over?” she gulped, half expecting him to raise an argument.

She was not even sure she would feel bad about it. She could just take it as a sign that it wasn’t meant to be.

It was after all his very nature to keep her set aside from the rest of the world. So knowing this, she naturally didn’t want to expect much.

“I’ll arrange for the transfers. And don’t dare complain about security. You want this, yes?” his voice was solemn, so much so that she couldn’t help but feel giddy.

“Aye, no complaints,” she whispered before dropping the call.

She closed her eyes and counted to ten. She couldn’t help it. It really all sounded like a bad joke.

Her knees were trembling so badly that she even thanked the gods she was sitting on her bed. She hugged her knees as if to stop them from shaking.

That woman. For some reason even the thought of meeting her makes her feel as if she couldn’t breathe.

She hopes this is not some warning from the heavens. All she wanted was to pick up the phone and call him back.

She wanted to tell him she changed her mind. It is permitted, is it not?

But then what about every inch of her pride? She closed her eyes and cursed the gods. What a bad joke it indeed is.

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