His Dark Desire: Tales of a Yandere

Chapter 50

She begged him to at least let her keep what they have a secret. She knew the bullying will just worsen otherwise. Plus, he will be placed in a hard situation, maybe even lose his position as the CEO.

That’s what happens when a CEO chooses to fuck his lowly secretary. Well, especially since his family controls the majority of the shares and she knew exactly how they feel about her.

She looked at his handsome face as he sleeps soundly in bed. They finally did it, she finally was no longer a virgin.

She blushed thinking about the events of the night and the smile of triumph on his lips at finding out she was still a virgin. This confident punk making her suffer like that, she smiled.

He was gentle, holding himself back until she begged him to go faster. She blushed thinking how that word just seemed to have granted him access to tap into an inner demon.

The bed sheets were tussled, carelessly discarded from the bed together with their clothes. She inspected her arms, they were still a bit bruised from the events of the night.

To be honest, her whole body hurts but especially that part of her kept well hidden under her clothes.

It was as if he wants her to be reminded that she was his now. She smiled at the thought. Of course, she was his, always has been, and always will be.


She caressed his cheek and remembered how smug he looked as she moaned out his name like it was the only thing that existed in her vocabulary.

To put it simply, he made her lose her mind. She blushed as she imagined the events that transpired. How can she get over it, she wondered, when it has been the most blissful experience she ever had?

She went to the bathroom and stared at herself in the mirror. She blushed as she studied the marks he gave her.

It is as if Dominus wanted the whole world to know.

He gave her quite a problem. Why did he even agree to hide their relationship when he seems to be enjoying making her task of hiding his marks so hard?

She sighs, her neck will need a lot of foundation and so will her shoulders. To think she doesn’t even have any sort of foundation with her, she never bothered with make-up anyway.

Except when they were in high school and she desperately needed to hide his marks on the visible parts of her skin, her neck for instance all the way to her jawline. Now it looks like she needs to relearn the process since he seems not to be so keen on keeping her innocent facade.

She felt shivers run down her spine as she recalled the way he licked on her skin and sucked on it, letting his teeth graze over as if he wanted to eat her alive.

Ahhhh... she does perfectly recall how she curled her toes from such familiar sensations bestowed by her then tormentor.

Well, not like he gave her any options. He assaulted every part of her skin exposed to his eyes, intent on making her lose all of her self-control.

It was a maddening feeling, blanking out from pleasure and being aware of nothing else but his touch and kisses.

She blushed recalling his nickname.

His nickname fits him so perfectly, Dominus fucked her like a barbarian would, she giggled at the thought. Ah so raw and hungry and... she closed her eyes again, so satisfying.

She opened the shower and started to soap her body, wincing when the warm water touched her skin. Good lords, it hurts like hell and at the same turns her on just the same.

Why does he have so much command over her body? Her body belongs to her and yet she couldn’t help but feel so needy of him.

Every corner of her body hurts and yet she couldn’t wait for them to do it again. It’s like she can’t get enough of what he did to her. She needed another taste of their so forbidden fruit.

It will be hard to work through the day. She frowned seeing her knees still shaky as she held into the bathroom walls for support. Ahhh, that man turned her into a sex maniac in just one night!

She can’t blame her body, for still feeling the effects of what he had done. He wasn’t just blessed with an enviable length and a thick girth, but he also has the stamina of a beast. He was quite so... despicable.

She winced when she had to clean her private part, she felt like it was black and blue from the intensity of the lovemaking they had last night.

Surely she can’t take more, and yet her privates start to water just from the memories of how wild he thrust his girth inside her walls, making her clench into his length quite so tightly.

How can she be expected not to think about what they just did? He has been so insatiable as he took her over the edge, not caring that the room was filled with her cries and that the sturdy bed was already creaking from his powerful thrusts.

He was like an animal in heat, ahhhh... what a perfect description indeed. He will like that and maybe boast about it when he wakes. He loves teasing her that way.

A smile painted on her lips as she realized there is no other way she would have wanted him to take her.

Somehow it is exactly how she imagined he would take her on their first night.

Of course, there is no doubt her first will be him, it has just been a little delayed since they went their separate ways. But she never wanted any man’s touch aside from his.

If she will have to be honest, as much as he was an insatiable beast, she also was thirsty and willing to be his meal.

She missed him so much and she had fantasized about this moment finally becoming a reality between them.

There were so many times they nearly did it in the past, but she is so glad that they finally did it now. The waiting made them drive each other to the brink of famish.

Savagery had become their game as they both tore through each other’s clothes, wanting, needing their own release. Patience indeed is a virtue not meant for them both.

She frowned as she recalled how squeaky his bed has become. They probably need to have it repaired. She is quite sure they have destroyed it somehow.

Damn the darned bed, she is quite sure they will have to wreck the bed before either one is finally satisfied. She blushed at the lascivious thoughts that filled her mind.

Why can’t she think of anything else aside from that four posts furniture? Like how about the window for instance?

She blushed as she recalled the past when he tortured her on his balcony, making her gaze outside as he played with her privates.

Will they do it again or... she blushed, at one point he would have to insist. Not like she is looking forward to it, of course!

It will be so humiliating if others were to know how lascivious they are toward each other. Her mother will get mad at her for one. And Malavar will guilt trip her, saying he never expected her to do it before marriage.

But why should it matter? She is his woman now. Dominus’s woman. It’s his thoughts that matter to her most.

Was he perhaps satisfied, or was she too naive and inexperienced for his taste?

He did say he likes teaching her things. But that was so many years ago, did he expect a more knowledgeable girl in the art of seduction?

She hurriedly finished her bath and dried her hair and her body, wearing her slippers she ran to their bed and sat beside her sleeping lover.

She pushed her index finger against his arm, “Dominus, wake up for a while. There is something I would like to ask.”

Dominus turned his back on her, he is as we would have to expect, already awake. He never really slept. He loves staring at her and just memorizing everything about her.

When she started to move her limbs, he just pretended to sleep for fear of her finding how literally crazy he is about her. He wouldn’t be able to explain quite simply how he stayed awake the whole night as she surrendered to a peaceful sleep.

His little queenie will not be able to understand yet. She needs more time to cope and accept the real extent of his love.

“Dominus!” she occupied the space in the bed beside him and hugged him, her arms trying their best to circle his waist.

“Please wake up,” she pouted seeing him sleeping so peacefully still.

Ahh, how can he continue with his pretense when she makes that cute pleading voice of hers? He ‘wakes’ slowly, yawning first and then turning to face her.

“Good morning sweetheart,” he smiled lovingly at her, admiring her damp auburn hair finally freed from her usual buns.

It must be a crime to put them in any sort of a ponytail. Her hair is so pretty when her locks are let free on their own. Like rivers of fire are framing her cute little face.

He can admire her more later, for now, he needed to focus on the pouting woman beside him, he reminded himself.

“What is it darling? You look so pissed it is scaring the hell out of me,” he teased her.

“Hmph! There is just one thing I need to know. Are you disappointed that I was inexperienced after all this time?” her cherub-like innocent blue eyes stared hopefully at him, making him smile more.

“Baka, why should I? There is no other way I would like you to be. You only belong to me, honey,” he took her hands and brought them to his lips.

He wanted to call her his queen. He missed calling her queenie more than anything, but that would give him away in his pretense.

So instead, he wanted to use all the sweet nicknames to refer to her. So that she knows how much he adores her exactly.

“Really? You are not saying that just to make me feel better?” she frowned, trying to see any trace of a lie.

He chuckled heartily, loving how easy it is to converse with her again. This is exactly what he missed. His Mary.

“I am positively sure, honey. Now you seem to be in a need of proof. Do you not?” he licked his lips making her blush.

“Yes, I do need some proof,” she blushed but her eyes nearly popped out when he placed the palm of her hand on top of his boxers.

“Enough evidence, I suppose?” he whispered in her ear as he leaned closer.

“Dominus!” she scolded him as she felt her body heat up just from feeling how that part of him already is as hard as steel.

“What did I do? I simply wanted to show you some proof of my... enjoyment,” he grinned, this time his arms were trapping her under him, caging her in his well-built frame as he hovers above her.

“I- I am still so sore!” she protested even when she felt her privates start to create a little dampness on her robe. Curse the gods, she has become as lascivious as he is.

He smiled knowingly and began kissing the tip of her ear, trailing kisses down her shoulder, “Let us see about that, baby.”

“No! I am saying the truth! I am still so tired and sore, and... and...” she felt her cheeks turn as hot as molten lava when she added, “I could not possibly take another orgasm.”

Her honesty made him laugh wholeheartedly, ahhh, she really is cute this way. Then he would need to tease her further, doesn’t he?

“I don’t think so baby, daddy makes the rules,” he claimed her lips making her shut up.

Ahhh, surely we should close their curtains and let them have this private tussle.

After all, just a night ago, Mary was still an innocent virginal little lamb.

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