Demon King Ascension System

Chapter 77

Ever since Robus and the skeletal wing demon charged toward each other to see who had a figuratively bigger fist, the two humanoid demons, the greenish demon, and the brownish demon had already started drawing runes with their fingers.

Their casting speed would be considered snail-paced at best, but with the three physical humanoid demons backing them up and covering them while they spent seconds drawing their runes, they would be considered a real threat that couldn’t be ignored with their plethora of spells.

And if the five of them were to gang up on Robus, especially if Robus didn’t have the dark earth armor on him, then it would be 100% guaranteed that Robus would be defeated miserably by them.

However, the current circumstances couldn’t be more different.

Aside from Robus having the dark earth armor that could absorb impact, and even elements to strengthen itself, Robus was also not alone.

Behind him was a single demon mage that could equal the two humanoid demon mages, even surpassing them in terms of his ability to cast spells compared to them.


So when the two humanoid demon mages just started drawing their runes, Robus’ mage had completed his.

Drawing two sets of runes in just a second, which means two spells at the same time with each of his hands, Blake had cast Vera’s binding spell that automatically targets the enemy that he aimed at using the intention of his mind.

And of course, in this case, Blake targeted the two demons that posed the highest amount of danger, which were the two humanoid demon mages.

He had seen for himself how the physical type demons couldn’t even do proper damage to him when he wore the dark earth armor.

Imagining the three physical demons trying to do anything even remotely painful to Robus, Blake just smirked it off and prayed that the three demons would at least have good-tasting souls for him and Robus to enjoy later.

So in his mind, the real threat was the two demons that could cast spells to trap and limit his and Robus’ movements.

Hence why the two darkness binding spell was launched toward those two.

Just like how Blake was sensitive to the nether around him and could feel when the nether around him rose from a certain level or gathered at a point when a spell was about to manifest, the two demon mages could also feel them, albeit not as sensitive as Blake.

And even though Blake’s spell was Vera’s original spell and slightly different from the usual darkness binding spell, it was still a spell that worked the same as any other spell.

The moment the runes that Blake drew flashed and vanished, nether began gathering beneath the two humanoid demon’s feet.

Just like one’s affinity in the elements or in the nether differs from each demon, their sensitivity to the nether was also different.

The sensitivity of nether for the two humanoid demons was also different.

The brownish demon, the supposed leader of the group had higher nether sensitivity compared to the greenish demon, and the brownish demon was able to detect the gathering nether faster compared to the greenish demon.

If the brownish demons had thought about the greenish demon and quickly shouted so that the two of them could dodge the moment the brownish demon felt an unusual amount of nether gathering at their feet, the two humanoid demons could have saved themselves.

However, that thought never crossed the brownish demon’s mind. Its years of experience living and surviving in the demon realm made it focus on its own survival, even when it was supposedly the leader of the group.

The moment the brownish demon detected a lot of nether gathering beneath his feet, the brownish demon quickly abandoned the set of runes that he was drawing and quickly jumped sideways as far as it could.

The greenish demon, of course, noticed the brownish demon’s sudden movement.

And knowing that the two of them should have been drawing their runes to catch the huge gorilla, the greenish demon knew something urgent must have happened that the brownish demon scattered the runes that it had drawn.

The greenish demon was about to follow the brownish demon’s footsteps and also abandon the runes that it was drawing.

However, a one-second delay was too much for a spell that was already halfway towards manifesting.

Before the greenish demon was able to jump away, darkness tendrils, very similar to the roots that the greenish demon had cast several minutes ago, appeared from the ground.

And different from the roots that it cast that appeared from a single point at the ground, the darkness tendrils came from all directions from the ground.

Left, right, front, back, diagonally, dozens of darkness tendrils spurt out from all angles and quickly latch themselves all over the greenish demon’s body.

A few darkness tendrils latched themselves onto the greenish demon’s feet and pulled it, essentially making the greenish demon fall over to the ground.

But that wasn’t the end of it as more darkness tendrils appeared and pulled different parts of the greenish demon’s body, resulting in the greenish demon’s body completely glued to the ground, not being able to move a single limb.

The brownish demon who had seen how the greenish demon had been completely immobilized in just about 2 seconds at most, quickly reassessed the danger level that it had put on the unknown humanoid demon that suddenly appeared on an island where it was supposedly full of and only consists of demonic beasts.

Seeing the spot where it had been standing just a second ago was full of the same darkness tendrils that were responsible for incapacitating the greenish demon, the brownish demon gulped before staring at the humanoid demon that was responsible for doing all of this alone.

But the stare didn’t last long as the brownish demon soon found the humanoid demon had finished drawing another two sets of runes that were aimed in its direction.


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