Everyone Else Has a System

Chapter 68 Character Introduction: Isaac Rose

While there were many cruel people in this world with each crossing the limits of humanity in their own ways, our guy Isaac here did something that most people will find unthinkable. What he did was not simply kill but brutally obliterate every one of his own family members from their very roots… or at least tried to do so with only one member left alive, Elle, that too because of pure luck.

He might look like a cool guy, but don\'t get mistaken by his kind persona, for he was probably the main perpetrator behind the attack that happened last night.

He is a wolf hiding in sheep\'s clothing… no! Calling him wolf would be an understatement… he is… he is… well you understand right?! Okay, so how about I tell you how he died… that is my favourite part, all right. After all, I was the one who killed him.


A year before the first Cataclysm...


Lucia forcefully opened the jammed door of the already destroyed Rose mansion. A few days ago, we received the news that the eldest grandson of William Rose went on a rampage as he was found experimenting on his cousins, who went missing a few months ago. Ironically, it was on the same day, when a party was held for his success in getting a high ranked skill of his own, after all these long years.

In the rampage, he threatened his already weakened grandfather, revealing that he was the one responsible for Annabeth\'s death along with the person responsible for his parents\' death. He also revealed all the scandalous secrets of his family to the media at that exact moment as he stood there laughing maniacally.

Supposedly, he was planning this for a long time, just because he liked the taste of blood when he killed a young child back in his school days. He had contact with some vampires, with the help of the other vampire enslaved deep within his family mansion, and was planning to become a vampire himself.

Though his Rose blood blessed by the Moon Goddess, Luna, prevented him from turning into one. When he forcefully tried to convert into a vampire, his blood reacted heavily, giving out a signal to the rest of the family and exposing him. While he could have managed to keep this a secret, the fact that he did the conversion ritual at the same place where the bodies of his cousins were kept, closed all doors for him to escape that situation.

However, after a fight that ensued for almost half a day, he ended up successfully killing each and every family member of his, except Elizabeth, who was studying in the Arcadia Academy and couldn\'t be there due to a certain event going on there.

Perhaps he also slowly poisoned the rest of the family, making the fight shift considerably to his side.

"Is he really here?" I asked as I walked into the mansion behind Lucia along with Madonna, real name Cristine, and Spike, real name Mike.

"Don\'t you still trust me, kid? Haven\'t my skills already proved to be trustworthy already?" Mike spoke with an unamused face. Mike was the information broker of our group and his skills were really top-notch, however…

"But still, why would someone be in the same place where he killed his whole family? Wouldn\'t it be more sensible to hide and plan his next steps?" I asked again and instead of getting irritated, Mike too pondered over the question.

"Some people are just that insane. Don\'t think much about it, concentrate on the objective. We are here to get the dead bodies of all the members of Rose\'s family, including Isaac\'s," Lucia spoke as she looked around with caution, moving forward with each step more carefully than before. Although we took it that he poisoned his whole family, Lucia still didn\'t erase the thought that he might have done it on his own using his powers. Hence, she had prepared for some backup plans in case something goes awry.




"So we have a few guests here, huh? Sorry! I would like to apologise, unfortunately the party is over, you are a tad bit late," Isaac stepped down the round stairs at the distant hall as he saw Lucia entering it, while I also moved a bit front to observe him more carefully.

He had a scarred face, half flesh visible with burnt marks on his hair. I almost vomited as I looked at his horrendous face, before controlling myself as I looked at him again. He wore a clean white suit with a piece of flesh in his hand and blood smeared all over his mouth.

"Madonna. Reaper. We are going all out from the beginning. Spike, try to find the other\'s bodies, we will join you soon," Lucia spoke without wasting any moment and I narrowed my eyes as I took out my guns and then concentrated on him with my white eyes turning light grey. Cristine also prepared her needles, while Lucia\'s eyes turned red as she spoke.

"Blood Magic: First Moon."

And then she vanished from my front before arriving behind Isaac, who nonchalantly raised his hand


Blocking Lucia\'s kick with his eyes slightly widened in interest as he spoke,"you are a vampire, huh?!"




I shot towards him and he just stood there taking those shots directly, not getting any effects whatsoever from my shots. Even the poison needles of Cristine doesn\'t seem to be working on him. I started getting restless, but before I could panic,

"He has become a ghoul," spoke Lucia as she jumped away from him and stood at the highest point of the railing of the stairs. \'Ghoul?\' a bit confused about it. I looked at Lucia for an explanation and she answered,"Ghouls are undead, who have strong physical bodies. They survive by eating the flesh of other living bodies."

"How come I have never heard of one?" I asked with a curious face as I looked at her, because from what I have known, only Vampires and an another species are considered to be more or less undying. Lucia spoke again,"Ghouls have vanished from this world, they shouldn\'t be in this world, anyway. There are certain species who force themselves to gain immortality, and many times they take forbidden paths to achieve their goal. Ghouls are the products of one of those paths.."

I looked at Lucia objectively before sighing and asking,"so, how do we defeat him?"

While I was interested in this ghoul thing and forbidden magic, our priority lay in defeating Isaac for now.

"Killing him faster than he could heal," Lucia spoke before she vanished again and began hitting him from all around. I looked at their fast-paced fight, concentrated on their moves and, after a quick calculation, began shooting at the ghoul.




Cristine switched from her poison needle to exploding needles and began throwing it at the ghoul whenever she saw an opening. While Lucia fought a close combat against the ghoul, I and Cristine maintained the distance from their fight… however… we were losing… I saw the ghoul healing at a much faster rate than we could injure him… I looked at the fight unfolding, him beating Lucia more than she could take and a certain dreadful thought creeped into my mind.

\'What if Lucia dies?\'

Naive me, didn\'t know that this Lucia was just a clone. Panicked on that sudden thought, I released a magic that I had seen hundreds of times, but never thought that it was possible. It was a subconscious thought yet I spoke…

"Blood Sacrifice: First Moon"

If I can\'t use magic from the blood, then I will use my whole blood as a sacrifice… is what I was thinking before my whole body turned red. Blood began creeping out of my orifices and my eyes turned deep red.

Interestingly enough, my blood sacrifice was about a dozen times more powerful than Lucia\'s, with about a dozen more side effects as well. Though, I wonder if Lucia uses blood magic within a limit to not end up how I get after using the blood sacrifice.

The others stopped fighting and looked at me with disbelief in their eyes. Even Lucia was baffled at the sudden development as she observed me and then…


I reached closer to that man Isaac in an instant and punched him with all the force I could muster. But I did not stop there… from that point I kept hitting him over and over… despite me losing more and more control, I still managed to take a look at his face.

He was shocked, horrified, confused… I saw him scared… I wonder if there was something else that I was doing to him… and yeah, I was. Supposedly, he was immortal through and through with no way of being killed… However, my special blood magic which contained parts of my life force was eroding whatever life force he was living on… and in the end…

I lost consciousness.

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