World End: The Successor's Contract

Chapter 26 Riva Stone

"What\'s wrong?" Zeno stepped out of the arena and started walking toward her.

The rest of the villagers all stood up one by one, walking towards the maid that just entered.

From the look of it, she was in a fight, her clothes were torn and her face and dirt all over it.

"My lord, it\'s the Fiona village, t-they took my friends, both of them were kidnapped by those men, I tried to stop them but I was outnumbered, I\'m sorry" The girl panicked, looking at Zeno who was getting pissed off from what he was hearing.

"And you are sure, this is the work of Dazai?" The grandmother asked, walking toward the scene with Hina following behind her.

"Yes, grandmother, I\'m sure of it, they said something about making Dazai proud" She yelled, coughing as she held her throat.

Zeno stood up from the ground, "You should go rest, thank you" He said before stomping off.

"Zeno!" Hina ran after him, "Listen, I know you are angry, but you have to calm down, and let\'s look at the situation".

Zeno opened the door to his room and walked inside, "What\'s there to look at, he kidnapped yet another girl again, I\'m not just going to let this slide".

Zeno put on his clothes and grabbed his sword that was resting beside his bed.

"You don\'t have to come along if you don\'t want to, but I have to let him hear a piece of my mind" Zeno uttered, turning to Hina with his blue glowing eyes.

"Of course, I\'ll come with you, I am your warrior servant after all" Hina replied.

"Thank you".

When they both got outside, they met most of the male and female warriors standing in front of the building.

One of the leading warriors of the female, Elsa, stepped forward and knelt down in front of Zeno, "My lord, we would also like to accompany you" She uttered.

The male leader walked forward too, "I would also like to assist you, they have gone too far this time " Boss Slayer uttered.

"See, you\'re just overreacting" Zeno whispered to Hina who immediately gave a deep sigh.

Looking at his soldiers, he couldn\'t help but feel proud, there are four main leaders in Rizaha village.

The female warriors, known as the Velkyries, who\'s leader was Elsa Gimora, a swordmaster, known for her elemental magic.

Then Boss slayer, the leader of the guard task with protecting the village, he is known for his close combat magic.

Selvin Hexane, The although he is one of the servents of Zeno, he still has his own small team, they help the village domestically, hunting and the likes.

lastly, Hina Hexane, the leader to the Blue bloods, they mainly go into war against other villages who chooses to go against their lifestyle and peace.

"Thank you for your assistance, ready your troops, we catch them once the sun is down, they won\'t even know what hit them".

*Fiona Village*

Two guards were standing at the entrance of the village. They had a lamp that was filled with small flying flies that lit up the place

One of the guards heard a twitching sound coming from the bush beside him, curious, he walked toward the bush and used his spear to poke the place checking if anything was in there.

He was suddenly sucked in, and before the other guard could react, Else had already struck him in the back with her fan.

. . . . . .

Meanwhile, Uta and Anna were locked up in the room where Dazai usually keeps his female prisoners, and Andrew was placed in a cell chamber right under the castle.

Dazai sat on his throne as Sira walked into the palace and knelt on the ground.

"So, has he finally spoken?," Dazai asked.

"No sire, he still dines knowing anything about the Ankia sir, he seems just as shocked as we are" Sira uttered.

"I want you to go back and get answers, even if you have to yank down his balls, \'\' Dazia groaned, slamming his fist on his throne.

"As you wish" Sira stood up and exited the palace.

"Damn you, Uta, I\'ll make sure you don\'t even reincarnate again, mark my words" Dazai grinned.

Anna and Uta were seated in a corner of the rooms and all around them were women, some scared, some angry, some even lustful at the sight of any male guard that passed.

"This is your fault," Anna said, using her fingernails to scratch the wall.

"I know, I underestimated him, who knew he had a Green Riva stone with him," Uta said, laying on her back as she looked at the ceiling.

. . . . . .

*Flashback back*

"Andrew, move back" Uta started walking forward, her body was enveloped in red Mana and a huge blade appeared on her hands.

"Don\'t interfere" Dazai told his guards, he charged towards Uta, sending a huge ball of magic blast at her.

With a smile on her face, she propelled her body up, a small magic circle showed up on her hands and the magic ball on Dazai\'s hands depleted.

He was shocked, "What?" He landed on the ground getting ready to send another attack.

She gave him a powerful kick to the side, that sent him flying and crashing to the wall of the palace.

Dazia coughed as he got to his feet, he frowned his face as his eyes lit up green, "Don\'t fucking play with me!" He yelled.

He opened his mouth and multiple green glowing insects rushed out of his mouth and charged.

Uta stretched out her hands, and magic fire busted out of her hands, burning the insect as they massively clashed against each other.

Dazia suddenly showed up beside her, and in his hands was a dark magic powerball, he was ready to strike at her.

Uta blocked it with her blade before cutting Dazia in half.

As soon as he was attacked, he turned into a green stone and it dropped to the ground.

"Clone magic? He has a Riva stone!" She uttered, she suddenly sensed an attack coming from her back.

Dazia charged towards her from behind, still holding the dark magic in his hands, Uta tried to move but the stone just kept drawing her back like a magnet.lm

"Shit!" Daizai landed the attack, he pressed the magic ball against Uta\'s ribs, she went flying out of the castle, which was accompanied by a sonic boom that destroyed the front side of the castle.

. .. . . .

"What\'s a green Riva stone?" Anna asked.

"One of Zeno\'s first creations, it was meant to seal rouge demons, draining their power and keeping them in a place" She replied, "it\'s going to take some time before I can get my powers back".

"How long? It has already been two days," Anna said.

"That\'s the whole point of the stone, it\'s dangerous against demons".

. . . . . . . .

*Whip whip*

"Just tell me, where you came from and promise I\'ll let you go" Sira uttered, she was holding a long whip in her hands that was covered in magic aura.

Andrew was breathing heavily, trying to keep his consciousness as he stared at Sira, "Fuck off".

Sira took the whip and began whipping him again, labeling his body with different marks as blood dripped down from Andrew\'s body.

His screams echoed throughout the room but was silenced by the sudden knock on the door.

"What do you want?" Sira asked.

"Lord Dazia wants to see you," The voice said.

Sira walked to the door and was about to open it, but she stopped when he suddenly sensed that something wasn\'t right.

The door went flying and crushing both her and the wall together like a pancake.

Boss slayer walked inside the room with two of his men standing behind him, "She really did a number on you" He uttered, resting his blade on his neck.

. . . . . .

Author\'s note

I would really appreciate your comment and support of this novel with your power stones.

Your active comments would motivate me to write more chapters.

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