Parasyte System

Chapter 44 - Blood Pills

After that conversation, which ended with Jay accepting Jenny\'s offer, the two talked a little more about things like the pay for every photo shoot, the days when Jenny would come, and also adding each other\'s contact number to their smart watches so they could communicate with each other.

"Then, I\'ll be going, thank you very much for your time..." said Jenny, who was now much less nervous than before.

"Don\'t worry, although... it\'s a little late, probably nothing will happen if you go alone...but it\'s better to be safe than sorry..." Jay replied, clutching his chin as if worried.

It really wasn\'t late at all, just 1pm, but Jenny didn\'t care much about that fact.

\'M-maybe...he wants to come with me...?!\' she thought, getting a little excited.

"So...why don\'t you go with her, Noah?"


Sadly, Jay broke her little fantasy once again before it even began, turning his head to talk to Noah.

"O-oh! Um, a-are you sure...?" Noah replied, stopping to wash the porcelain plate in his hand, his expression giving away the fact that he was nervous.

He\'d already started cleaning since Jay left the living room, thinking that since he was going to live here, it wouldn\'t hurt to help with the cleaning of the house, as to why he was doing it alone, it was because he didn\'t want to further bother Jay.

However, the moment Jay entered the living room with Jenny, Noah immediately focused even more on cleaning, not wanting to interrupt them and giving his best effort to blend in with the surroundings, but unfortunately, the fact that Jenny was considerably pretty did not help him focus at all on his task.

This was something that happened frequently in Noah\'s life, since he was a child he had not been very good with the opposite sex, which got worse over time until it reached the point where Noah felt nervous just talking to a girl, even more so when he thought the other part was attractive.

"Yeah, and you can buy a few things for dinner while you\'re at it."

Of course, Jay had no idea about this, so he just gave Noah one more reason to leave while he got up and headed to the kitchen to take Noah to the center of the living room before introducing him to Jenny.

"Jenny, this is Noah, Noah, this is Jenny."

"...Nice to meet you." Jenny replied, with a slight smile devoid of any kind of emotion.


Seeing that exchange of words, Jay couldn\'t help but laugh a little in his head, \'Looks like now it\'s someone else\'s turn to be nervous.\'

Moments later, he led them both to the entrance, saying goodbye again to Jenny and giving the confused and nervous Noah a jacket as well as some money to do the shopping.

Thus ended the first meeting between Jay, Jenny and Noah, although of course, it would not be the last.


At the same time that Jenny and Noah were leaving Jay\'s house, in the warehouse that served as the base for Metal Body, a meeting between the executives and the boss was taking place.

The hierarchy of Metal Body, from the lowest to the highest was, Member, Guardian, Executive and finally, the boss, with the Guardians supervising the Members, and the Executives supervising the Guardians.

Taking that into account, the fact that only the executives and the boss were present highlighted the importance of this meeting.

"It seems they couldn\'t wait any longer and launched their attack...I knew they were planning something by staying quiet for so long!" Angrily said one of the people sitting at the round table where all the executives and the boss were.

The appearance of this person was similar to Chuck\'s, wearing a leather sleeveless vest and a military cut, although his face was undoubtedly rougher than the previous one mentioned as he had a large scar that ran from his left eye to his chin, all the way through his mouth.

"Fortunately Aiden was close by, otherwise they would have really taken over District 30 and 31." Added another of the executives, this time a sloppy looking, skinny man who was wearing jeans and a tank top.

"Alhough...those bastards are good...they escaped before I could even catch one, tch..." Aiden replied, giving a simple answer before clicking his tongue.

"What should we do then, increase the security or attack them? Said another member.

"You idiot, the only option here is to attack!" Replied another of the executives.

"But if we do that, we will leave several districts without the strength to defend themselves..."

A debate began among the various Metal Body executives, between those who supported the idea of attacking, and others who thought of improving security, thus creating a noisy environment.

At that moment, the boss, who had been sitting quietly until now watching a folder with several pages full of information about different people of Wolf\'s Fang, loudly clapped his hands several times to calm the executives.

"Alright, that\'s enough." He said, putting down the folder he was reading and resting his arms on the table.

After saying that, all the executives present went silent, demonstrating that the boss authority was above them all.

"Wolf\'s Fang has attacked, using a good amount of skilled (D+) rank doubt they have become stronger in these last months...but as you know, that is not by far all the power they have." He continued, with a serious expression on his face, "Taking advantage of the opportunity that the police, hunters and heroes are temporarily busy, this is definitely the best time for them to launch an attack..."

Hearing those words, all the executives nodded in understanding.

It was no secret that thanks to the overflow of monsters in conjunction with the recent confrontation of the Laers Guild, the forces in charge of protecting the city were busy.

Adding the fact that the South Zone has never been a major priority for Nightown City, that would give them a week or two in which no one would interfere in South Zone gang affairs.

"However, that also applies to us." The boss added, showing a slight smile on his face, something that was rarely seen, "While it is true that they have become stronger, you know very well that Metal Body haven\'t been idle either."

After saying that, the boss put his suitcase on the table and opened it before taking took out several small but visibly full cloth bags and throwing them on the table, falling in front of each of the executives present.

"Medicine pills?"

Several of the executives raised their eyebrows in surprise, being rank (C-) supers, their senses were quite acute, so they could not help but be surprised by the rich and strong medicinal aroma that these cloth bags gave off.

But of course, that surprise was not so big, after all, being executives of Metal Body, they had already seen and used medicinal pills before.

"This... blood pills!?" shouted the executive who looked like Chuck after opening the cloth bag in front of him and pulling out what was inside, once again creating a commotion.

"What did you say?!"

"Are those really blood pills?!"

With the first scream, all the executives took out one of the pills to check if what he said was true.

Now in their hands, they could clearly see the bright red color of the spherical shape pill, even though its size was quite small, nobody could deny that a great amount of energy could be felt coming from inside the pill.

Finally, the indisputable proof that they were real, the slight thirst for blood that was emanating from the pill!

"Th-They are real..."

"And the quality..."

Now knowing that the pills were not only real, but also of considerable quality, the executives were quite surprised.

They could not be blamed, after all, the price of each blood pill was quite high, of course, that was in accordance with the effects that each one of them gave to the person who took them.

The blood pill, as its name suggests, used the blood of the person who took it, burning it to the maximum to forcefully squeeze out all the potential and vitality the person had to offer, causing the miraculous effect of a temporary breakthrough!

And even though it was only usable for supers of the (C+) rank or below, plus the fact that the side effects were extremely severe, no one could deny that the benefits it gave to the person who consumed it were definitely worth it.

"I have given 5 pills to each of you, keep one for yourself and give the remaining 4 to some members you consider strong enough to defeat a normal Wolf\'s Fang member."

Listening to the boss\' words, all the executives nodded with a determined look.

They didn\'t know the price the boss had had to pay or what he had done to get these expensive pills, but they were sure it wasn\'t cheap at all, so they couldn\'t afford to let their boss\' efforts go to waste.

"It\'s time for us to show everyone who truly is the ruler of the South Zone!"

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