Lucifer's Descendant System

Chapter 367 367 - Snakey Introductions

Noah waited for them to leave, however, his mind was somewhere else, focusing on the strange awe he felt when meeting the shy-looking girl.

"Noah?" a voice that sounded far away brought him back from his daydreaming. "Noah! We\'re done already,"  Al\'s voice became more and more clear, Noah finally raising his head and waking up from the daydream.

"Is there anything wrong?" Sha asked him.

"Ah, no... I was just wondering about what she was talking and the name of that girl... I feel I heard that family name before," he said, pensive. "Either way, let me check with Carlos whether the driver is here already."

"I wanted to go on that strange car again," Al pouted, naking Noah tilt his head in confusion. This was not a behavior he was expecting from her.

"It wouldn\'t fit all of us, actually. But Carlos is sending someone to pick us and the car up anyways. You can always ride it another day," he said, seeing a smile in Al\'s face. \'Since when did she become this emotive... She was always as cold as an ice cube,\' he thought, noticing there were small changes in Al\'s behavior, even when compared to earlier today. "Oh, they arrived, let\'s go," Noah said, standing up and walking out, everyone following him down the corridor and onto the main lobby of the restaurant.

"Noah, there\'s a driver waiting for you and they asked for the keys to the car you came in," the waiter told him as soon as he reached the lobby, "I was about to go there and call you," he said. Noah could see he was a little flustered, but couldn\'t understand why. It\'s not like him having come down before he was told the driver arrived was that great of an issue, especially to himself who could teleport in case anything went wrong. Yet, he seemed a bit on the edge.

"Is something the matter?" Noah asked, seeing his strange behavior patterns.

"Not really. It\'s just that you are now a High Profile client so it makes me feel weird because I\'m already used to you as a regular... And I got called out by management for it," he said, scratching the back of his head.

"You can call management here if you want, I\'ll clarify things with them and make things right," he said, making the waiter go pale, then red, then pale again.

"No, no, no. There\'s no need for that, It\'ll be ok. Just, I\'ll be more attentive to you guys\' needs next time to not get called," he said making Noah even more confused.

"Is it about the whole "strange people" situation?" Noah asked to make sure, but the man quickly shook his head.

"No, that\'s not it. It\'s—I shouldn\'t have taken Nayeon to meet you guys since she\'s just a trainee... but I wanted you to meet her," he said, laughing wryly.

"Oh! So that\'s the thing," Noah understood his situation, and deicded to just go along. "It was a pleasure meeting her. Make sure she\'s with you next time I come," Noah said, turning towards the door.

"Noah, do you know someone from my girlfriend\'s family?" he asked, making Noah stop on his tracks and turn around. His question confirmed his suspicions, but only because of the nervousness in the man\'s voice as he asked, yet he still couldn\'t recall where he knew that family name from.

"Maybe... I can\'t recall for sure," he said, making the man let out a sigh of relief, as he saw Noah and the women accompanying him walk out of the restaurant.

"Maybe it\'s for the best that he doesn\'t remember." The waiter muttered to himself, as he turned away and back into the kitchen. "At least this way he won\'t get in too much trouble..."

Gettting out of the restaurant, two men in suits welcomed Noah and the girls.

"Mr. Noah, feel free to chose who will drive you home and who will transport the vehicle," one of them said. Both of them looked so plain Noah thought they might be robots for a second.

"You can take us home," he said, tossing the keys to the prototype car to the other man.

"This way please," he said, walking towards the parking lot of the restaurant.

They walked until the cars parked became sparse, since the restaurant was now quite a ways emptier than normal because of the suspicious raid. Realizing he was alone, Noah turned behind to find Khish in shock, as she stared intently at a pearl-white limo parked to the side of the lot.

"Khish, let\'s go," he said, making the girl shake his head and jogh towards him, and reaching the others who were in the middle of the way behind.

The girl was surprised at the large car in the parking lot she had never seen in her life. Despite being from a well-off family, she had been practically deprived of everything over the years after awakening as a Blessed, lacking a lot of the social skills necessary for daily life.

"Sir, may you go in?" the driver asked, as he opened the door to the limo, making Khish freeze in place again, but this time speaking.

"We are going to ride on this?" she asked, wide-eyed.

"Yeah, why? Is it too plain to your tastes?" Noah asked honestly, only wanted to grasp what exactly she was thinking.

"It\'s her dream to ride a limousine," Sha whispered into Noah\'s ear, making him quickly understand what was happening and extend his hand to the lost girl. Al and Sha had already gotten inside when Khish took his hand, as he pulled her in with him, the door closing immediately, as the driver hushed to his seat and turned on the car.

"Why is he in such a hurry?" Al asked, looking across the glass window that separated the driver\'s cabin and the passenger space inside, a detail of design that took a page off of aviation, completely isolating the driver. A perfect car for parties.

"Probably because it\'s hot as hell in here and the car was not on," Al said, fanning herself, as she waited for cool air to start flowing out of the air-conditioning system.

"It\'s all fine," Noah said, and immediately the cold air started hushing out of the vents.

[Mr, Mses., You can find food on the fridge in the middle of the car and drinks on the small frigobar behind the front passenger seat,] the driver said, almost as if guessing Noah\'s question, and drove off.

During the trip home, Khish did not say anything, only reading through their idle toics and drinking. The trip took a little over half an hour, letting them arrive at Carlos\' place before midnight.

"Did you like the car?" Carlos, who had come out to meet them outside, was the first person to welcome them home.

"Let me introduce these," Noah started, "This is Khish, she\'s the Blessed from earlier," he said, making Carlos furrow his brows for a second, scaring Khish. After all, they had come to this person\'s house, and to her, his mansion was something otherworldly, although she herself lived in a place far larger than Carlos\'. However, she had never gotten to a place like this through the front door.

"Oh, nice. I feel the pink haired girl is Sha, right?!" Carlos asked, taking a glance at the rest of the girls who had come with him. "Hi, Al, did you guys finish the proceedings?" Lastly, he asked Allie whether him and Noah had done everyting already.

"Yeah, we have. She\'ll be staying at my place that\'s going to be empty for a while. As for Khish, I\'m sure we\'ll figure something out," Noah said, making Carlos\' eyes widen.

"Don\'t talk like this outside, man! You already know they are trying to sneak in. Let\'s go in," he said, calling Noah out and walking in, with Noah following him. Side by side, the girls followed the two, not really understanding the situation.

"NOAH!" As soon as they crossed the door, though, a certain Maggie pouced at Noah, making his heart melt.

"Hello, Maggie," he said, patting her head, while she looked behind him.

"Brother, who are these girls? Wait, that pinky is the one from the arena!" she exclaimed, recognizing Sha from the recordings. "And the big sis looking one is... Wait, are you the ice-cream lady?" she asked, making Al nod while laughing. "All that\'s left is..." she started speaking, staring at Khish without saying a word.

"Why did you bring that woman here?" A female voice sounded from the corridor, making Khish gulp. This was the voice of the person who wanted to torture her earlier. But much to her surprise, who came from the corridor looked nothing like a regular woman.

"Noah, why are you bringin home more women?" she asked, slithering towards him, leaving Khish to gulp in silence.

\'Is there someone elsewhere controling this as a familiar?! No, I\'ve never seen that be the case.\'

"Perdon my intromissior, Noah but... Who is controlling this familiar?" Khish asked, making Noah turn at her in disbelief.

"Controlling? Oh, rigth," he reliazed he had forgotten to introduce the two. "Khish, this is Lilith," he said, pointing at Liliht, and the girl widening her eyes.

"She\'s an actual snake?!"

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