Lucifer's Descendant System

Chapter 291 - 291 You Scammer

"Where are you?!" he yelled atop of his lungs, in a fit of anger that could shake the heavens, but had no answer.

And watching completely silently from where they\'d crossed blades a second ago, a demon in sheep\'s skin smirked devilishly at an invisible box of text that had appeared in front of his eyes and he just now had the time to take a peek.

Noah read the messages that showed up to him as finely written fire. This was the largest boost he had ever seen. Something told him that it was nowhere near the level of what a C Rank Blessed could ever give him, but the idea that that woman was anything over C rank sounded absurd, unless she\'d just been playing around until now and had absolutely no chance to show any of her powers. But that sounded completely absurd to him. He wanted to read more about what that weaponization skill did. But there was still a battle to win, and something told him that the boy with a sword, yelling at the heavens was fuming. Probably because he thought she had deflected and abbandonned him, but Noah was not conscious enough to care explaining him any more than the bare minmum necessary to winning this fight.

"DO SOMETHING YOU PRETENTIOUS BITCH!" the man yelled after teleporting back towards the healer of his team and snapping her out by slapping her, bringing her to the ground. This was by no means something not frowned upon, but Noah guessed the healer and the flying blessed were people hired by him together, so he deflected his anger towards her.

By this time in the fight, the tides of battle were heavily leaning towards an early victory for Noah\'s team. Of the 15 opponents, three were in the back line, assisting the fight by the use of spells, four fighting in the front line, and two more were acting as assassins, hopping around the main battle. All in all, aside from the "missing" flying archer Noah had taken down, which most thought had escaped the fight, including the team\'s leader who was now losing his shit at the other team, the enemy team was down to only nine fighters. Noah\'s team was far better of than they were, having only lost two people, and those being a warrior, who was struck down, and a mage, whose mana ended too soon and failed to react to a fireball to the side.

However, Noah knew something was off. Rather, all who heard what the healer had said knew it, since nobody had shown the blessings she had warned them about just before the battle started. As he though about the chance of them winning without having to deal with such troublesome blessings, the enemy team\'s leader snapped out of his rage for a second, regaining control of his thoughts and making up something on the spot to revert the situation, or rather, stop hiding their true powers, "You all! Go all out! Don\'t worry about whatever you do, we have a duty to make things right!"

Noah looked behind to see Michael\'s face contort. He knew something about the meaning of those words that Noah didn\'t, something that made him very angry. Noah pushed this information the the back of his mind as he saw the chaos unfold as the very blessings the warrior had warned him manifested on the arena, at the same time the quick-attack leader hopped back into the combat.

Instantly, a warrior had his sword split in half by a glowing red blade, and another fell down after having the joints on his armor hit by something that felt like a sharp blade. It wasn\'t enought to take him down, as Noah saw him stand up again soon after, though with some difficulty, it was clear someone had healed him, but Noah saw that also as the use of his own blessing. The recovery was to fast to be coming only from a single C Rank Blessed healer in his team. It wasn\'t like he was looking down on her, but he knew the level of her healing already, and it was simply not enough.

Noah quickly teleported into the fight, a ball of fire appearing by the side of the warrior with a half sword in hand, but his sure-hit hit was completely deflected by an unexpected blade.

"Shit!" Noah muttered under his breath as he backed down, the warrior from his team falling unconscious after a large cut ran across his chest. He wasn\'t bleeding, though, his wound cauterized entirely by the scorching balde. \'That\'ll sure leave a sick scar even after healing,\' Noah thought before being brought back to reality by a quick jab from the oponent\'s sword.

"I know you and her are working together! I\'ll find and kill her, you hear me!" the enemy leader yelled as he crossed blades with Noah, before quickly teleporting away and back at him once again. "I\'ll kill her and you when I find what you did with my money! You fucking scammers!"

Noah was absolutely confused, after all, he\'d just burned her to ashes, what the fuck did this guy think? \'At least if they think so Idon\'t even have to tell anyone I killed her. One less thing to worry,\' he thought, before taunting, "Scammed? By who? I just defeated her and she went somewhere, wasn\'t it?"

"Defeat her?!?" He lauched a completely random attack at Noah out of anger, luckily for him, this attack was just aimed enough that he could still avoid it by parrying. This guy had far greater agility than him, and even a random attack, if not foreseen, could get him in big trouble. "There\'s no way the fames you showed off last time would get even close to burning a B Rank Blessed like that! Especially someone that was almost reaching A Rank! She used some sort of trick to make that wall of flames before you used your teleporting skill to take her away!"

Noah just blocked his hits with a blank expression, realizing he\'d bitten a lot more than he could chew. Luckily for him, nobody thought he killed her. Him being able to kill a B Rank Blessed who was just that much more powerful than him, almost enough for A Rank, was something that would give him a lot more trouble. \'Just what in the hell did that woman do in her fucking life to burn so well?! It felt like I was lighting up a piece of firewood drenched in gas!\' he thought, as he imagined how much of a shitty human being she must have been. The issue he couldn\'t anticipate, though, is how much her going missing could impact the underground of Eyrin.

"Why can\'t I kill you?!" the enemy team leader yelped, as he once again used his quick attack to try to hit Noah. Even though a couple minutes had passed since they started crossing words, he hadn\'t hit Noah even once, even though he hadn\'t even used his teleporting skill in this fight. This was taking a toll on him, as he depleted his mana by continuously using his quick dislocation. This toll was coming in the form of a growing muscular pain, and great tiredness. But Noah saw his despair as a way to end things quickly, as he had already seen more than few of his companions taken down by the other two incredible blessed on this man\'s team. One of them was taken down by Michael with an arrow to the chest, but the other was still mauling the battlefield with his bright-red sword. The battlefield was increasingly more even, and this increased the tension on Noah\'s shoulders, but taking this single opponent could quickly change the flow of the battle once again, to that of before, in their favor.

"Because you are not powerful enough." Noah said with a blank expression, making the enemy leader boil in rage.

"I am way more powerful than you, lowly scum! I am a B Rank Blessed, I am the son of the XXXX Clan Master! I am more than any of you!" He yelled turning around to the rest of the battlefield, taking his eyes from Noah just long enough.

"You are too noisy, shut the hell up." The enemy leader\'s eyes widened, as he felt the cold steel of Noah\'s favorite dagger on his neck. This wasn\'t his biggest treasure, nor the best weapon against high tier weapons like this man\'s, but againt a bare neck, unless the person was way too powerful and had some sort of protection blessing, it was enough to draw blood. Noah pressed the blade against this guy\'s neck, his body tensing up upon looking at the battlefield. His team was down to but six other blessed, including Michael and the healer. The bearded warrior was singlehandedly holding back the amazing power of the guy with the heated sword by aboiding his hits and pushing him back with his axe. Another mage and warrior were struggling against another two warriors, that battle, although tough, under control, but the backline was exatly the same, a depleted healer and a lone archer.

This battle was now perfectly even, the clock still gave it a couple more minutes. Odds were, all things considered, that unless either he showed off a lot more of his powers, or they surrendered, which wasn\'t really likely from an outsider\'s standpoint, Noah team would lose.

But with a blade pressed against his neck, a string of his blood slowly dripping into his armor, the almighty and proud leader\'s mindset cracked.

"I... I surrender. We surrender..." he muttered like a scared kitten.

"Say it louder," Noah whispered into his ears, like a demon in someone\'s sleep.

"We surrender, please don\'t kill me!" he said out loud, almost crying, before dropping to the ground trembling as Noah pulled his dagger away from his neck, breathing a sigh of relief.

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