Lucifer's Descendant System

Chapter 184: Fear and Legend

Chapter 184: Fear and Legend

"Aaarrgghh!!!!!" Just like Chubby imagined, those flames hurt a lot. Feeling the skin being cut by a blade hurt a lot, but feeling the skin being cut by these claws of flame seemed to disable the pain inhibitor, and an even worse pain than being cut by a blade in real life was plaguing Chubby.

Still with a horrified expression, Chubby\'s corpse turned into particles before a message appeared, floating in front of everyone.

{First Blood!}

At that point, the confidence that the Water Dragon team had in their captain, that he would manage to win the match alone, faltered a little. They knew Chubby very well, and they had never seen their ex-captain scream like that. He was very resistant to pain within the game, since in the Fortresses he had felt something much worse several times.

Looking at Lucifer with that demon face smiling at them as the claws in his hands stayed on fire non-stop, it made a couple of the weaker players even start to shake.

But luckily for them, their captain was already running past them while he aimed the sword at Lucifer with the hope that he would be able to cut through this troubling assassin.

But Noah in this match was no joke. His idea was to end this as cleanly as possible, so in order to do that, with [Hell Tunneling] and [Fire Claws], Noah started a series of very fast teleportations, which, with the help of the Pyakugan, allowed him always knowing where he was and be able to cut off the heads of each of the normal players of the opposing team in a matter of seconds.

The skill of the enemy players was terrible. The only obstacles for Noah were Chubby and the warrior, but with teleportation, he managed to kill Chubby and always stay away from the warrior, which was perfect for him.

Noah realized that whenever he entered the warrior\'s reach, that player\'s sword immediately moved towards him, aiming at the worst place for him to defend against. This was extremely problematic to deal with, since the player apparently didn\'t need to think. Maybe his hack just took control and attacked on its own.

But while that was extremely problematic to deal with, with the help of [Hell Tunneling] Noah had an idea.

"Aaaarggh!!" "Aaaarggh!!" "Aaaarggh!!"

*Bamf, bamf, bamf, bamf, bamf*

Noah was teleporting all over the place around the warrior while the screams of the other players who were burned alive hounded through the ruins they were using as a battlefield. Once in a while one of the screams would stop, followed by a particle explosion sound effect, which meant that that player had died.

This scene was becoming quite disturbing. Viewers even began to wonder if this team was masochistic for making their sensitivity to pain so high that Lucifer\'s attacks were hurting so much. But little did they know that the person with the greatest pain configuration on the team was the archer, who had only 20%. Poor thing, his scream made many mothers even cover their children\'s ears while watching.

Frustratingly, the warrior\'s hack was much better than Noah had imagined. Its reaction time was shorter than Noah had anticipated, so for his idea to work, Noah teleported away, made the flames catch fire with even more intensity, and with a clean cut, using all of his possible strength, Noah teleported at the last second to the warrior\'s back, just in time for his claws to hit the leather armor the warrior was wearing and cause a big gash that stayed on fire.

"Aaaaarrrrrggghhhh!!!" The warrior\'s cry was the most sinister of the entire team, because while the other players stopped moving to scream in pain, apparently the warrior\'s hack was still activated, so even in flames, he was moving automatically as if nothing was happening, which caused the pain he felt to intensify further.

It made Noah smile even bigger and scarier. He always liked to hear his opponents screaming, regardless of whether they were monsters or humans.

While the monsters were made by other gods apparently as incarnations of evils, or so it seemed, their scream was the most agonizing to hear. Humans, on the other hand, committed sins from the first months of life, so their screams were also very good to hear. Although while some felt extreme pain, others just felt much hotter than normal fire. It didn\'t matter to Noah, since even if the person had only a little sin, burning a tiny portion of the person\'s soul was still extremely painful for them.

{That... Lucifer alone defeated the Water Dragon team?! Wait, the assassin of that team is still missing! What?! Is he running away in another direction?! Did Lucifer happen to scare that player with the cries of pain that his team felt?! Woah!!! Was that a victory due to fear?! Damn, just remind me please not to irritate this player, as those flames would seem very scary, heh.} The narrative was able to lighten the slightly tense atmosphere of the audience after hearing so many screams of pain at once, which demonstrated how good he was at directing the mood of the audience.

And the narrator and the audience together were not the only ones who were very surprised by this. Noah\'s own team was at that moment with their mouths open in shock at what had just happened.

Noah had told them that he was going to take this game seriously, but they didn\'t think it would be like that! This "taking it seriously" of Noah\'s was practically "I\'m going to win alone". Not that the team complained, since now they were even closer to the championship title. The only thing they needed to do was eliminate the opposing team once again and they would have the victory of the match.


That message appeared suddenly in front of them, making them even more amazed by all of this.

"It is not possible that he killed everyone again, is it?" Mateo asked with a horrified expression.

"No, no, the opposing team has surrendered. Why is that?" Carlos asked with a little doubt.

No one on the From Hell team could understand the reason for the surrender, but Noah and the audience knew it well. This was out of fear; no one wanted to be tortured by such pain again, so they surrendered to avoid running the risk of going through it a second time.

The only one who was against surrendering was the captain, but since the majority had already accepted the surrender, the vote was closed and they left the game.

Everyone\'s jaw dropped at what had just happened. A single player had won a game alone and managed to make the opponent players so afraid of him that they gave up the game.

On that day, a legend was being formed. For now, it was only limited to Valorwatch, but in the future, even people in wars in real life would be afraid of this person: Lucifer.


Please read the author\'s notes down here! he he he :3 ↓↓↓

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