Lucifer's Descendant System

Chapter 102: Truly Beautiful

102 102 - Truly Beautiful

[User: Terrence

Title: Lucifer\'s Descendant\'s Companion

Level: 01, 00/200 exp

HP: 8/8

Strength: 7

Agility: 13

Stamina: 12


(Locked ????)]

"No fucking way..." Noah said aloud, startled by the screen that appeared in front of him. He had already imagined that since the system depended on his imagination to make the contracts, as long as he wanted to, he could do things like give the system to his monsters, but Noah did not imagine that the system that Terrence was going to receive was actually as complete as Lilith\'s.

This was what had most helped Noah to communicate with Terrence when he was just born and still couldn\'t understand things very well. Noah being able to communicate with him since he was born made little Terrence use his brain more, so his brain developed better and faster, making him much more intelligent than his peers.

Noah thought that now, in addition to Lilith, he would also have to take Terrence to the Fortresses, since the monster also needed exp to level up. But it also made Noah think of something very important.

\'If Terrence has a level now as well, then does that mean he is no longer limited to his birth classification? Does it mean that as long as he level up, Terrence will be able to reach the strength of a high ranking monster, like possibly a Rank A monster, or even an S Rank?! That would be incredible! If that is true, the chance that his appearance will evolve along with his strength is also very possible. I hope it is still a manageable appearance, and he will not become a giant bird that does not even fit in my living room...\' Noah began to have several thoughts, imagining Terrence\'s future and what they could do when he became more powerful. Noah\'s plan to be able to invade Fortresses alone and level up faster was getting closer and closer; the image of just him, Lilith, and Terrence in a Fortress killing all of the monsters and not being limited to anything else was something incredible that Noah truly yearned for.

But leaving these thoughts aside, Noah changed the clothes he was wearing, since that outfit was still the one he came in with from the Fortress. Because of Terrence\'s anticipation of their walk, he didn\'t even have time to bathe and change, and with clean clothes, Noah signaled Terrence, which the bird quickly understood and climbed on Noah\'s shoulder.

Noah had proposed this agreement so that Terrence would not be captured or killed. Since Noah had no contract with him, he could not claim to be Terrence\'s owner and say that it was safe to have the monster inside the city.

Fortunately, Terrence was very intelligent and understood perfectly what Noah meant by that, strictly complying with what they had agreed. Even though he now had a contract, that contract was equal; unlike other contracted monsters, which were forced to obey the humans\' orders strictly, Noah\'s contract with Terrence did not oblige anyone to obey anyone. Terrence was not obliged to do anything against his will, since Noah considered the bird more than just a tool.

So with the big bird on his shoulder and the little snake on his wrist, Noah left the house to take a walk with his monsters.

Terrence was big enough even though he was still very young, when he sat on Noah\'s shoulder he was still 70 cm tall. His wings had a wingspan of 2 meters from one end to the other when fully stretched.

With the bright red feathers, it was inevitable that Noah would attract attention when walking in the street with such a majestic bird. And unfortunately for Noah, Terrence knew how handsome and noble he was to the humans and he made a point of puffing out his chest and acting proudly, sometimes even spreading his wings to show the humans how amazing he was.

Noah was embarrassed a few times, but just as he learned to ignore the people who were paying attention to him since he received the Blessing, in a short time he just added these people who paid attention to him and Terrence in the same group and went on to ignore them too.

Noah didn\'t go out for a walk with Terrence because he wanted to draw attention or show others how amazing he was for having a bird like that, no, what Noah really wanted was just to let Terrence relax so he wouldn\'t be at home trapped by the whole atmosphere.

When they arrived at a park, it was already beginning to get dark. This was the perfect time for Noah, as this way, Terrence would attract even less attention, since due to the low light it would be more difficult to pay attention to the big red bird.

As soon as Noah sat on the bench he normally sat on, Terrence had already started to spread his wings and was just waiting for Noah\'s permission to fly out into the open. Noah was not concerned, and with a simple nod Terrence flew into the air and sometimes screamed with a cry that sounded much like an eagle, but that Noah, probably because he had been with Terrence since his birth or maybe because of the system, could at least understand the intention of that cry, which was genuine happiness. He wasn\'t shouting like that for others to pay attention to him, as much as he liked attention; that shout was more like an outburst to the heavens to say that he was released once again, celebrating.

Noah sat completely relaxed looking at Terrence flying from side to side while breathing in the icy breeze that only night could provide at this time of year, while he started to recover the energy he had spent in the Fortress, in the fight against Chad, and in the formulation of contracts.

Without him even realizing it, an hour had passed, and the sky, which was once orange because of the setting sun, was now completely black with beautiful stars and planets illuminating the black immensity.

Noah\'s thoughts wandered far and wide until he felt someone sitting next to him on the bench.

The aura didn\'t show much strength, but Noah could feel that this person was definitely dangerous. He couldn\'t understand why the other person gave off a weak image, but that wouldn\'t stop him from being more cautious and let his guard down in a situation like this.

Before Noah could analyze the person who sat next to him, in a sweet voice the person spoke quite relaxed, "It\'s beautiful, is it not?"

Paying attention to the person, Noah saw that she was a woman his age, probably somewhere around 20, maybe a little older, possibly a little younger, but not that it really mattered to Noah. This woman had short black hair that only reached shoulder length, which added to her white skin made an incredible contrast that made even Noah take a second look.

In addition to her skin and hair being beautiful, this woman\'s facial features could not be described with anything less than the word "enviable". That word would surely be the ideal word because no matter where this woman went, Noah was sure that the other women in the area would be envious of her. He knew this feeling very well because he was also an "enviable" person himself, since everywhere he went, there was also someone feeling jealous of him, wanting to be him: to have his hair, his face, his calm expression, always envying something he had, something that Noah believed was also the case with this woman.

Not to mention that in addition to her physical appearance, Noah, as a good reader of body language, managed to realize that in addition to the woman showing an apparently relaxed and composed expression, by the position of her muscles and where she had decided to rest her hands on her legs when sitting, she was prepared to attack someone at any time - a real battle woman.

This whole process of analyzing by Noah may have seemed like a long one, but in fact he didn\'t need anything more than two seconds to analyze every detail and build up his conjectures about her.

Like her, Noah also had a relaxed expression in addition to exuding an air of casualness that was well used when he replied, "Yes, truly beautiful."

Hearing what Noah said, coming with such sincerity and honesty, the woman raised an eyebrow and asked, "What do you think is most beautiful here?" She said this as she pointed at the sky, trying to find out what Noah was talking about when he said that.

Noah did not look at her, and answered in a simple way. "Life, both mine, and the infinite lives that are within my view, including that of the planets in the background, and of course, that of the bird."

Hearing Noah\'s response, the woman raised her eyebrow further and looked at him seriously for the first time.


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