Thrown Into A New World: Let The Punishment Begin!

Chapter 857

That beautiful face and those pleading eyes reminded her of the time when she was younger.

Her daughter was a miniature version of herself with just the major difference visible in their eyes, hair color, and texture.

While her hair was soft and burgundy in color, her daughter had fluffy brown hair which resembled her husband’s.

However, she had to admit that her child’s hair was much coarser and unmanageable than theirs ever were.

The blame for this, she assigned to the tough life the child had experienced before reuniting with her after so many years.

Thinking of the pitiful life her daughter must have been through, this mother’s heart clenched in pain and she agreed to whatever demand was placed before her.


“If that is what you want then it is yours.” She announced before glancing at the older woman standing next to her.

The woman, who had brought those three grand pianos into their household and would also become the child’s piano instructor soon, nodded her head in agreement to the silent glance she had received.

“The Young Miss has a good eye.” The old lady named Governess Helena Twine praised the little girl for picking the best among the three.

Whether the selected piano could produce the best quality of sounds wasn’t the point but the fact that it was the most expensive of the three had warmed the heart of this old lady.

The black and the white pianos were made with the usual raw materials and thus would not fetch her too high an amount after selling them.

However, the red piano was created by using the finest materials imported from the Southern kingdom and it was also made by their best artisan.

Therefore, when she heard that the child wished to have the bright red piano, she was the most excited of them all.

She also made sure to reveal these facts about the piano, boasting that the child had a keen eye which helped her pick such an excellent object right away.

When the Madame heard her daughter being praised, her lips curved into a proud smile and she nodded at the Governess.

This action indicated that it was only natural that her daughter was just like her, brilliant and sharp.

The little girl blushed when she was praised but there was a reason for her being able to pick only the best of what was placed before her.

Hilda, the child who was being showered with praises, smiled before diverting her gaze towards the bright red piano that had caught her eye.

Having lived a life of luxury for so many years where only the best of the best were brought in her presence, it was not too difficult for her to figure out which of the items were worth her attention.

She recalled the time when she was the Queen and even before she had been crowned, her husband had only given her the best items he could lay his eyes on.

Therefore, she had grown to acquire exquisite tastes over the years that she had been staying with him, being the apple of his eyes for far too long.

Not to mention that after she had reunited with her family, she had also been treated very well due to their guilt and pity for letting her live a life of suffering for so long.

Though they weren’t the richest among all of the noble families, they did everything in their ability to keep her happy.

This happiness only increased when she met the Prince during her coming-of-age ceremony.

However, thinking of the obstacles that had come her way in the form of those haughty noble ladies who messed with her, taunted her, and put her down on every occasion they found, Hilda pursed her lips in displeasure.

Though her expression faded when she reminded herself that she was given a new lease on life.

She would not have to go through the same pain and trauma this time around.

She had reunited with her birth parents at the age of nine instead of struggling out on the streets until she was thirteen, close to the age of fourteen.

This time, she would get a headstart on learning everything she had missed out upon in her past life.

Never again would she let those noble ladies point out any shortcomings in her upbringing and her education.

The first step towards this goal was to educate herself by using the resources her parents were more than happy to provide for her.

Now that she was back in the place which was rightfully hers, at the tender age of nine, she would make the utmost use of the excess time she had before her coming-of-age ceremony.

Therefore, for the past three months, she had been focusing on her literature, etiquette, and history lessons.

She had already lived a whole life and even given birth to the King’s children, the Royal heirs, so it was obvious that she had a good knowledge of everything being taught to her now.

However, she had continued the ruse of learning them all for the very first time, thus garnering herself the name of a ‘child genius’ from the tutors her parents had picked for her.

She wasn’t guilty of lying to them as in this lifetime, it was true that she had indeed not received any formal education due to her status as a commoner’s daughter in these past few years.

Since they did not know about the life she had already lived before she was sent back in time, there was no reason for them to be let in on the secret she had vowed to keep within her heart as long as she was alive.

If they called her a genius for learning at such a rapid pace then she would let them believe that to be true as it was to her advantage.

“I’m sure that the Miss will turn out to be a genius when it comes to piano skills as well.” The Governess exclaimed with a bright smile when the child was lost in her thoughts.

The servants had taken away the other pianos so right now only the red piano was placed at the center of the room.

Upon hearing these words, the Madame chuckled before patting the child’s head.

“Just do your best.” She reminded her to not be too affected by those words.

This was her first attempt so achieving success wasn’t guaranteed and she wanted her child to know that it was alright to learn at a slower pace.

Hilda looked up at her mother and nodded, proving that she would keep this in mind.

However, her thoughts varied vastly from what she had displayed just now.

She had already gained the title of child genius in the South, something which belonged to a certain someone she had been unfortunate enough to meet in the past.

Though not many knew of her title now, it would not take much time before this news would spread throughout the Kingdom as well.

‘Then let us see if you can keep up with me.’ Hilda scoffed in her heart when she thought of how she had been suppressed by a trio of best friends, one of whom possessed the title she was aiming for in this life.

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