Thrown Into A New World: Let The Punishment Begin!

Chapter 729 - Have Something To Say?

Chapter 729 - Have Something To Say?

Once Raylene had received the answer she was aiming for, she announced that she had plans with Trisha and left the room soon after.

The two ladies had planned to spend the entire day shopping yesterday but had not been able to do so for various reasons.

Therefore, they had decided to head out today in order to make up for the day they had missed.

So, to prepare for her day out with her sister-in-law, Raylene rushed away as soon as she had accomplished her task here.

This left the father and daughter in the room which was now engulfed in silence.

Yvonne did not wish to speak to her father who had practically blackmailed her to get his way.

Sadly, as much as she wished to give him the silent treatment, she needed his help which made her remain seated even when she was free to leave.

"Have something to say?" The father inquired when he saw the dissatisfied look on her face.

She appeared to be wronged and he knew what the reason for that might be.

However, he was not going to apologize for what he had done as her actions had led to this outcome.

If she had not done something stupid and later gotten caught red-handed then he would not have to punish her.

Though using this kind of punishment was a first for them both, he had to do something which would make her understand that she could not act wilfully and expect to get away with it every single time.

\'And I am an equal culprit in that incident as well.\' He buried the guilt of hiding this incident from his wife deep within his heart.

When the time is right, he would surely explain everything to her but for now, he would keep his silence in this regard.

Yvonne was oblivious to her father\'s inner conflict as she was preparing herself to place her request before him.

"Papa, Marquess Samed, and I reached a conclusion yesterday." She began speaking, bringing his attention back to her.

Rutherford was confused at first to find her talking about the tutor as he had expected her to continue the topic from earlier.

However, he was wrong as Yvonne had already given in and now had moved on to the next topic as well.

She found no comfort in mulling over what was out of her control right now and thus chose to focus her attention on something that was still within her powers.

With this intention in her mind, she continued revealing what had taken place during her class with the Marquess yesterday.

Rutherford knew that the Royal Tutor was someone who loved gossip and had a big mouth to go with it.

However, today was his first time hearing about the solemn promise that had broken between the tutor and pupil.

Thanks to the various snippets he had heard from Topher during their lunch together yesterday, he was now well aware that there was a lot that his child had kept from him and the rest of their family.

Therefore, he wasn\'t too astonished to hear about the cold war that had taken place between the child and the manchild who she called her tutor.

"He kept me in the dark and assured me that everything was alright even after revealing my involvement to the King." Yvonne huffed while pouring out her grievances before her father.

Upon realizing what she had just done, the little girl was quick to look away from her father as he too had treated her wrongly.

Rutherford sighed at the sudden shift in her expressions but there was nothing he could say to comfort her.

Therefore, he only nodded his head, asking her to move along with what she wished to say to him.

The little girl cleared her throat and finally disclosed her purpose for staying behind in this room.

"CLOVER will be renewing its one-year contract with the Samed fief for a modified price." She stated the reason she needed his help.

All of CLOVER\'s previous contracts to the different fiefs had been written by the notary who worked for her father.

Based on his ability to maintain privacy and also being a trusted worker of her father, Yvonne had asked him to make the contracts that would be signed later by the two parties enforcing the legal document.

The notary still had no clue that VC, the mysterious owner of CLOVER was the young daughter of the Earl he worked for.

He was still under the impression that the Earl had asked him to help his relative, the Valente family member who most assumed to be VC.

Thus even today, Yvonne had asked her father to help her contact his employee who could make her the same contract as the previous ones but for a modified price.

"He agreed to pay?" Rutherford questioned incredulously at what he had just heard.

He would ask his employee to arrive anyway so he did not waste any more time on that matter but instead inquired about the part that had stunned him.

Almost everyone knew that just as much as Marquess Sullivan Samed\'s mouth opened to gossip, his treasury was quite the opposite which he kept sealed shut unless it was absolutely necessary.

Therefore, to now learn that he was willing to pay a hiked price in order to gain the little girl\'s forgiveness once again was shocking to the Earl.

"What will you use that extra money for?" He tossed out another question when he saw Yvonne\'s head nodding in reply to his previous one.

Children of nobility were often given a considerable amount of money as their allowance but he had always been moderate in doing so.

Howard and Yvonne were both too young to possess large sums of money which might cause them to forget the value of money and the hard work needed to earn it.

However, his son was a modest young man who only spent money when it was absolutely necessary.

Likewise, the little sister was even more economical with the money she earned and never spent one single coin for herself.

The money she received from Baron MacIntyre\'s cafe for the sales of the cupcakes were all allocated to the funds of her company and the profits coming from CLOVER were put back into its resources.

Thus, until this date, he had not seen her spend anything from the money she had earned from CLOVER for her personal expenditure.

Every time she wished to buy something, it was either him or his wife who would make the purchase for her as they should.

At other times when the item she wished to purchase was too low in value, she would use her limited allowance for this purpose.

Thus, now Rutherford was curious to know what she would do with the large chunk of money that would be coming after she and the Marquess signed the new document he would have ready soon.

Yvonne was still not at the age where she needed anything more than what was already provided to her at home.

Her mother took care of her clothing and even bought more whenever she asked for it.

Her father and brother too would bring her gifts and the same were for her relatives from the Valente family.

Even her sworn brother, Taylor, and business partner, Sevenz had brought her presents of great value many times in the past.

Thanks to their loving generosity, the little girl never needed anything.

Thus she had put the profits she had made through CLOVER in its first year of sales back into the company\'s funds.

The previous year had been slow for every business in the Kingdom as the plague had disrupted their distribution and sales.

Therefore, everyone was looking forward to earning some extra money now that the pace of life was beginning to pick up once again.

"CLOVER will need all the funds it can get for its expansion." She revealed what she planned to do with the excess money.

Rutherford had assumed that she would finally think of using this profit for herself but could only shake his head at her helplessly.

"If that is what you want, Vonna." He acquiesced with her frugal ways and decided not to interfere in her way of doing business.

The little girl had deciphered the cause of his defeated reaction but found no reason to change her answer.

After all, everything she needed was provided to her already.

Therefore, she chose to use this money for the advancement of her business rather than spending it on clothes or jewelry as she already had too many of them at home.

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