Thrown Into A New World: Let The Punishment Begin!

Chapter 636 - Call It Even?

Chapter 636 - Call It Even?

\'What did he just say!?\' Yvonne\'s eyeballs almost popped out of their sockets when she heard the Prince\'s earlier statement.

Prince Fritzen was looking at her with worried eyes and she was looking back at him but with her eyes widened in surprise.

Her eyes remained fixed on the boy who had broken the shocking news to her but the coughing had never stopped.

"Should I call someone?" Prince Fritzen panicked to see her worsening state.

However, before he could turn and yell to summon whoever was nearby, the child shook her head.

Yvonne covered her lips and tried to stop her coughing fit while regulating her rapid breathing.

The Prince had been observing her every expression and sighed when she finally managed to calm down.

As they were outside, he could not even offer her a glass of water..

However, thinking of how she had insulted him in the past, he clenched his hands and pretended not to care for her anymore.

It took a few more seconds for Yvonne to completely settle down and once she was better, she raised her head and looked at the reluctant face of the Prince.

She did not have time to think about what was on his mind but rather hopped to the pressing matter at hand.

"Uncle?" She questioned after a brief moment of silence.

Prince Fritzen had already revealed too many things before her so he did not hide this and only shrugged in response.

\'What is with that answer!?\' Yvonne growled in her heart but put on a forced smile on her face to cover up the scowl which was beginning to form.

"Is this Uncle…" She did not have to complete that sentence because the Prince gave her a nod before she could.

There was only one person who held the title of the Prince\'s uncle in this Kingdom.

Yvonne grimaced upon gaining this positive response.

\'So the Pig Prince was with his Scum Uncle?\' She mulled over the new information she received from this boy.

Lowering her head, her mind tried to recall everything she knew about the script and the events that had taken place in the past.

In the dream she had seen the night before she saved the Prince, she had heard the voice of a third person at the gardener\'s house.

However, before she could turn around to glance at who it was, her dream had come to an abrupt end.

The next morning when she had saved the male lead, she had been unable to stay to the very end and figure out who that person might be.

Now listening to what Prince Fritzen had said, the answer was clear to her.

She had figured out the identity of the person who had made an appearance at the very end of her dream.

A strange sense of unease began to bubble up in her heart at the information she had gathered today.

So many things had already gone awry from the original script and this was another event added to that list.

Closing her eyes, Yvonne started to take deep breaths to calm her nerves and her raging emotions.

\'At least he did not see me.\' She repeated in her mind as she had left long before that person could make an appearance.

On the other hand, watching the child behave in an odd manner, Prince Fritzen did not know what was wrong with her.

However, in the next second, a certain thought popped up in his mind which made his lips curve into a sneering smile.

"You not only insulted me but also injured my Uncle." He disclosed another incident that she had caused.

These words led Yvonne\'s eyes to snap open as she gawked at the Prince with a confused look which indicated what she was feeling right now.

Finding the foolish expression on her face to be refreshing and amusing, the Prince decided to humor her.

"Do you even know how much trouble you have caused us?" He questioned and that mocking smile from earlier only deepened.

While Yvonne was cursing him in her mind for going round in circles rather than getting right to the point, Prince Fritzen raised his chin at her.

With a magnanimous look on his face, he scoffed before revealing what she had done to his Uncle.

The more Yvonne listened to his words, the worse she felt.

Not only had the Grand Duke, the man she was supposed to marry in the future and suffer, been present in her estate during that time but she had also managed to injure him.

When the Prince revealed that it was her who had injured his Uncle by falling on him when she slipped off the horse\'s saddle, Yvonne was shell-shocked.

She had heard of this incident from her father back when she first entered this world.

The Yvonne from before had tried to mount a horse only to fall off its back after not being able to steady herself.

However, a stable hand working at that time had broken her fall when he tried to save her.

"You landed straight on him and he ended up injuring his back because of you." The Prince\'s words were entering her ears but her mind was in a complete mess to even react to it.

\'Wouldn\'t that mean that the person I did not ever wish to meet was the first person I met after entering this world?\' The little girl grimaced at this discovery.

As if just meeting him was not enough, he had also saved her from her fall and hence had been injured on her account.

This reminder only worsened her mood further than it had been all day today.

Grand Duke Draco Roschester was a character whom Yvonne disliked due to his loyalty to the Prince and the lovely lady Hilda.

He had eyes on one woman all through his adult life but did not bat an eye when he was asked to marry another.

Without even paying attention to the wife he had married, he continued to wander around the female lead, ever-present at her every beck and call.

\'And that is the person I first met!\' Yvonne growled in her heart.

Gone was the chaos and worry from her mind when she recalled the type of man the Grand Duke was.

Those emotions had been replaced by a raging fury for having met him upon her arrival into this world.

The man she did not wish to face ever was the one who saved her from the fall.

Yvonne felt her body radiation animosity when she learned that she was indebted to him.

Prince Fritzen furrowed his brows after noticing this strange child\'s reaction to what he had said.

In the next second, that cold air emanating from her was gone as though it was an illusion of his mind.

Yvonne looked up at the Prince whose eyes had been fixed on her all along.

"Prince, your Uncle saved my life and I saved yours." She uttered each word in a clear and firm voice.

Fritzen had been wondering what was going on in her mind but hearing her thoughts now, he was more confused than before.

"Shall we call it even?" She proposed with a nonchalant look on her face.

So what if she had met him upon first arriving in this world?

She did not even remember seeing his face and hoped to keep it that way.

For whatever reason he might have saved her, she would assume that she had repaid that favor obtained when she saved the Prince from the stream.

With that thought in mind, she proposed that whatever connection they had between them could now be severed as the dues had been paid.

They did not owe each other anything and would not have to interact regarding this matter any further.

Her goal from the beginning had been the same.

She wished to stay far away from the Royal family and most importantly, the man who was supposed to be her husband according to the script.

Therefore, her proposition to the Prince right now was meant to remind him that they had nothing to do with each other anymore.

She did insult the Prince in the past but she could use her ignorance of his true identity as her defense.

As for the matter with the Grand Duke, she had no relation with him whatsoever and would like to keep things that way in the future as well.

Her decisiveness and her firm words stunned the Prince who blinked while looking at the little girl before him.

His aim for this secret meeting today was to figure out if she truly was the one he had been looking for and if yes, to avenge the insult he had faced.

However, the conversation they had engaged in did not go as planned and she had managed to turn things around in her favor with just a few sentences.

It was no wonder that she was called a genius for someone her age as she had left him speechless too many times during their short conversation.

Even now, he had attempted to use his Uncle\'s injury to make her feel guilty so that she would promise him to keep everything a secret as long as he did not bring this to the notice of his father, the King.

After all, everyone knew that King Ophire cherished his little brother from a young age.

This child had injured that same brother so it would cause her a lot of trouble if the King heard about it.

He had thought of using this information to threaten her into maintaining silence about everything that had taken place during their stay in her estate that summer.

However, she had once again left him speechless when she cut all ties with him and his Uncle with just one sentence.

The dues were all paid and they owed each other nothing now.

While he should have been pleased with this outcome, he had a strange sensation that things had gone wrong somehow but he could not place his finger on what it was.

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