Thrown Into A New World: Let The Punishment Begin!

Chapter 567 - Coincidences

Chapter 567 - Coincidences

The moment that everyone had been waiting for had finally arrived.

The Decree from the King announcing the end of the Lockdown had reached all the fiefs a few weeks after the new year began.

The plague had officially come to an end.

The King on the advice of Sir Barton Merde had waited for a week longer before the Decrees were sent out to the numerous fiefs.

Only after making sure that no active cases of the plague were reported did the Lockdown finally come to an end.

The Capital of Rosenhyde, Amarthea would soon be bustling as nobles from all over the Kingdom would return to their estates in the Capital.

The routes leading to Amarthea would start gaining too much traffic thanks to the numerous carriages rushing on it.

Due to this reason, Earl Rutherford St. Claire decided to not follow the crowd.

Instead, he and his family would be waiting for a few more days before starting their journey back to the Capital.

Thus, Yvonne and the rest of the people who had come over to the St. Claire fief were both excited to return to Amarthea and also gloomy that they would have to leave this place soon.

This summer estate had been their home for a little less than a year and now it was time for them to leave.

It was understandable that there would be melancholic reactions as they would have to part ways soon enough.

Jax, the friendly butler, would be missed by the large majority of the older servants as they had come to like the young boy too much over the course of many months.

Demon too loved this land where he was free to move as he pleased but he would not choose to stay back if it meant that he would be separated from his Master.

Therefore, both Jax and Demon were willing to leave at any time with their Boss and Master.

Butler Limo and Old Butler were making preparations for the carriages that would set out after a few days.

The servants too were either bidding farewell to each other or busy with the tasks assigned to them.

At this very moment, Yvonne and Howard were by the stream that they often visited which had now become their picnic spot.

"I am going to miss this place." The elder brother sighed as he was used to this scenic view of the stream and the constant thrashing sounds of the water that flowed within it.

Yvonne chuckled and nodded as she too had come to like this place despite her initial aversion towards it.

This was the place where she had first come in contact with the male lead, Prince Fritzen, and saved him which had brought negative feelings in her heart.

However, spending time here had changed those feelings now and she had to admit that she would miss this place.

\'Though I still hate that Pig Prince.\' She scoffed as her feelings regarding this spot were the only ones that had changed.

Turning her head to the right, her amethyst eyes fell on the trail that led to the previous gardener\'s cottage.

Currently, it was occupied by the middle-aged man who tended to her vegetable garden but earlier, it had belonged to the family of three she had met in the past.

The female lead, Hilda used to live in that small cottage with her parents before they quit and moved away.

\'Adopted parents.\' The little girl corrected herself as Hilda wasn\'t their biological child.

From the script that she had read in the past and the numerous dreams that she was having, she knew this truth from the very beginning.

However, Hilda had been under the belief that she was the gardener\'s only child all her life.

The female lead\'s hidden identity which she was also unaware of would be discovered by someone whom she had met in passing.

A lady who had come to lodge in Cozy Inn, the establishment run by Hilda\'s adoptive parents, was someone close to her biological mother.

Sadly, the two had only met briefly for a few days during her stay in Cozy Inn after which she had forgotten about the kind child of the innkeepers.

After this lady, a young maid, returned to her Madam\'s side who happened to be Hilda\'s birth mother, she would realize that her Madam\'s portrait painted when she was a child resembles the little girl she had met at the Inn.

Upon mentioning this coincidence to her Madam, an extremely well-kept secret was shared with her which widened her eyes.

This maid had started working with the Madam a few years ago and thus had not known the events of the past.

The Madam who had found a glimmer of hope from the narration she heard from the maid, reveals that she had given birth to a child before.

However, that child had been snatched away by someone with ill intentions and she was ashamed to not have the ability to protect her baby.

Thus, to save face and hide the truth from her family, she bribed the physicians to declare that she had given birth to a still-born child.

With this devastating news, her husband and his family did not mention the child any longer as they knew that it would hurt her.

She, on the other hand, continued to search for her child in secret but as time passed, she was beginning to give up hope.

The Madam had already stopped looking for her daughter as it had been almost nine years since that event had taken place.

No matter how much she tried, while making sure that no one in her family would know of her actions, she had always failed to gain any more information about this child of hers from whom she had been separated after her birth.

Yet that changed after hearing the maid mention the existence of a child resembling her appearance.

The Madam was now eager to figure out if this girl in the Lumex fief was the same baby who had been stolen from her in the past.

To clarify the doubts in her mind, the Madam then commanded her maid to bring that child back to their fief immediately.

However, before any of that could take place, the plague had hit their Kingdom and there was terror everywhere which hindered her from traveling to the Lumex fief.

The little girl who was thinking of the events written in the script recalled another matter which held great importance to the flow of the story.

\'Hilda\'s adoptive parents die in that plague.\' Yvonne sighed as that was a pivotal moment in the female lead\'s life.

When her adoptive parents had contracted the plague, she accompanied them when they were brought to the Royal Hospital in Wescott, leaving their Cozy Inn in Lumex fief.

Unfortunately, the little girl was left orphaned when her parents succumbed to the plague after suffering for too long.

Now in a new place, she was without any adult supervision and no one helped the lonely child.

Hilda, in the script, tries to return to the town she lived in but it was an overwhelming task for a mere nine-year-old child.

Thus, she was left wandering on the streets of Wescott\'s fief as she attempted to return to Lumex after the plague came to an end.

While she was struggling to survive on the streets on an empty stomach, her birth mother\'s maid reached Cozy Inn as quickly as she could.

However, much to her surprise, she was informed that the entire family of the innkeeper had died in the plague and someone else had taken over the inn.

Devastated by this news, she had no other choice but to believe their words and returned to her Madam to deliver this saddening information.

All these years, the Madam had given up hope of finding her child but now that a glimmer had awakened, that would also be brutally destroyed after hearing this news.

However, the maid had no other way but to return to her Madam and disclose what she had learned.

As expected, the Madam was shocked by this news and fell seriously ill.

The entire household was thrown into a state of distress after looking at their Madam\'s deteriorating condition and this was when the Master of the house learned of the secrets his wife had kept from him all these years.

As infuriated as he was with his wife, he lamented a second time for the death of the child he had not even had the fortune of holding in his hands even once since her birth.

\'That blue bird truly made the female lead\'s story too distressing and pitiful.\' Yvonne grimaced while recalling these major events of Hilda\'s life in the script.

However, what none of them knew was that right around the time that the couple was mourning the death of their child who had been separated from them at birth, that very child was wandering on the streets, homeless and orphaned.

Howard glanced at his sister who once again had the same contemplative expression on her face which was now a common occurrence to him.

He could never understand what grave thoughts were running through her mind and never could ask her about the same.

This was because he always received the same answer each time he asked what was on her mind.

This time as well, Yvonne felt his inquisitive gaze to which she shook her head with a smile.

\'Just like always…\' Howard did not press her for more and only patted her head, accepting that untrue answer from her as he always did.

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