Thrown Into A New World: Let The Punishment Begin!

Chapter 554 - The Bird Gods Inconsistency

Chapter 554 - The Bird God\'s Inconsistency

Yvonne was still laid on the picnic blanket as she focused her attention on the dream that she had witnessed earlier.

Her mind was busy comparing the events mentioned in the script, written by the Blue Bird, and the dream that she had experienced which was from the perspective of her counterpart in that script.

This made her little head hurt as the difference between the two was immense.

The script she had read did mention the event of the reunion of the two main leads of the story after many years in great detail.

However, she was now sure that many other things had been ignored just to portray the encounter between Prince Fritzen and Lady Hilda.

The biggest evidence of the Bird God\'s inconsistency was the fact that the confrontation between Yvonne and Hilda in the script had been distorted after what she had seen.

In the script, their first interaction was completely focused on Lady Hilda being nervous after facing the girl she once knew.

However, this was because Hilda had recognized this old friend but at the same time, she was frightened as she had lied about the past.

Back when she was still a child, Hilda had questioned her parents about the boy whom they had saved and thus had gained knowledge of what had truly taken place.

It was the daughter of the Earl who had saved the stable boy and fainted by the time the gardener and his wife had come to rescue him.

To save themselves from the wrath of the Earl, the couple had lied that she had fallen unconscious due to the high heat and kept the other matters a secret.

Thankfully, when Yvonne had woken up after a long night\'s sleep, she had forgotten everything about the events that had taken place during the day.

To her, the boy whom she had saved was a mere stable boy and hence had not bothered to remember his face, forgetting the act of kindness that she had shown to him.

Therefore, even after interacting with the Prince for so many years as the Princess\' playmate, she had not recognized him.

\'He was also in disguise.\' The little girl added as she had also seen the boy using the same disguise when she had followed the script and rescued him.

Therefore, Hilda was nervous and anxious that her appearance here and interaction with the Prince might bring up the memories which Yvonne had forgotten in the past.

Her frightened expressions made everyone believe that it was Miss Yvonne who had bullied her and hence she was persecuted without any fault of her own.

In the script as well, Asmodeus had written about how the gentle and meek Hilda could not withstand the cold aura erupting from this Miss who had come to seek justice for her two best friends.

Nowhere was it mentioned that Yvonne had only come to greet her, without any malice or ill intentions.

The event in the script focused on how Hilda was being oppressed by the side villainess to put her in her rightful place as the daughter of a mere Baron.

This was also used to highlight the Prince\'s care and concern for his savior whom he had reunited with after many years.

\'The handsome prince coming to rescue the damsel in distress.\' She cringed at the trope that Asmodeus had utilized during this incident.

After the Prince had succeeded in protecting his savior from the vicious hands of the villainess, he led his lady away to safety before she could face any more harm.

\'Nothing of that sort happened in reality!\' Yvonne glowered at how Asmodeus had twisted facts to make the script more appealing.

However, she still could not find the appeal which he was trying so desperately to bring out.

The Prince had assaulted a maiden to protect someone who was pretending to be weak and defenseless.

That was what Yvonne had experienced in the dream which was nowhere close to what Asmodeus had written in the script.

This only made the little girl scowl at him as she shook her head.

\'Not to mention that the Pig Prince was too stupid to make proper judgments.\' She denounced the same man who had condemned \'Yvonne\' for something she had never done.

Being accused of crimes one had not committed was a feeling no one preferred, therefore, she was sure that even \'Yvonne\' had been annoyed with that man.

However, Yvonne was pleased that her counterpart had not remained silent to bear all the accusations but had fought back to save her innocence.

Just like how her friends had spoken up in her favor, Yvonne St. Claire of the script never hid behind a friendly facade to attack her foes.

She faced them head-on and that was exactly what she did after realizing that Lady Hilda was not as simple and sweet as she appeared to be.

However, Asmodeus had turned this around to display the three budding villainesses abusing their powers to gang up on the Female Lead.

\'I dislike both the leads.\' Yvonne declared once again as she did not have favorable opinions about either of them.

One was manipulative and sought her profit even if it meant that she would be taking the place of someone else by using falsehood.

While the other was stubborn, proud, and bull-headed when it came to the one whom he had given his heart to.

\'Not to mention that he is too blind to see the bigger picture.\' The little girl sighed at the man who was supposed to become the next King of this Kingdom.

This thought reminded her of the man who always stood behind this Prince, supporting him and leading him onto the right path.

\'I wonder what would have happened if that Grand Duke wasn\'t there to advise him?\' She clicked her tongue at this thought.

While she also disliked the Grand Duke for what he had done to \'Yvonne\' she could not deny that he had played a vital role in the development of this Kingdom.

He was a strong pillar that the Prince and Lady Hilda could always fall back on even if it meant that he would be overburdened by carrying out their duties.

Yvonne quickly swatted away the sympathy which arose in her heart for this man as he did not deserve any.

She was already aware of his wayward ways of loving his nephew\'s betrothed while being married himself which was clearly mentioned in the script.

To add to this, she had also noticed something unusual about him in the dream that she had seen earlier.

Unlike the others, he followed the same path as what was written about him in the script.

When he noticed his niece\'s sullen face due to Prince Fritzen\'s initiative to dance with an unknown person, he stepped up to fill in for him.

He escorted Princess Felicia for the second dance and tried his best to keep her distracted so that she might forget about her displeasure and enjoy the dance with him.

He was also miffed by his nephew\'s actions and had planned to give him an earful whenever he would get the chance.

However, the moment their dance had come to an end, the Prince left the hall and led his partner to the balcony.

Felicia abandoned her uncle on the dance floor and walked to where her friends were.

Therefore, Grand Duke Draco Roschester could only wait until the Prince reappeared before they could talk.

He did not have to wait for long as the pair had re-entered the hall soon after.

The Grand Duke was seen whispering something into the Prince\'s ear then they walked to a corner where they would have a serious chat.

\'Blue Bird concentrated on that conversation.\' Yvonne was glad as she could not have known what was said between them if that weren\'t the case.

For this incident, Asmodeus gave snippets of how Hilda was beginning to get nervous out of both fear and guilt for the lie that she had just spoken, confirming her identity as the Prince\'s savior.

Anyone who read the script would assume that the meek girl was being bullied by the domineering person before her.

However, she now knew that reality was different from what was written in the script.

While everyone was under the belief that Yvonne had come to avenge her best friends and put Hilda in her place, the Prince and Grand Duke were in a serious confrontation.

The uncle was mad at Fritzen for abandoning his duty as the Prince which was to escort the Princess for the dance.

The Prince realized his mistake but his excitement for the one he had met was greater than his guilt for deserting his little sister.

Therefore, he did not hide his joy from his uncle and revealed the entire conversation that he had with Lady Hilda on the balcony.

Earlier, the Grand Duke had been against Fritzen\'s obsession with finding his savior.

He too was under the impression that the gardener\'s daughter had saved his nephew and thus did not want them to mingle due to the difference in their statuses.

One, the future Ruler of the land, and the other, a servant\'s daughter.

As romantic as it might sound, he was rational and constantly reminded Fritzen to give up on such childish dreams.

However, when he was informed that the savior was in fact the long-lost daughter of a Baron, the Grand Duke\'s opposition faded away without a trace.

His only complaint was the gap in their status of royalty and commoner but that disappeared when she turned out to be of noble birth.

\'Two-faced,\' Yvonne scoffed at the man whom she should marry in the future if everything went according to the script.

Thankfully, she was glad that she stayed away from every one of the main characters and hence would not have to suffer the same fate that she was already aware of.

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