Thrown Into A New World: Let The Punishment Begin!

Chapter 416 - The Events That Had Transpired

Chapter 416 - The Events That Had Transpired

Yvonne\'s decision to wait for the perfect moment lasted for more than two whole months.

During these two months, she had numerous discussions with Marquess Samed, learning about the people whom she was up against, and finally, she had found the exact area to hit them where it hurt.

\'Good things come to those who wait.\' The little girl snickered as the perfect moment to execute her plans had arrived after this long wait.

Right now, she was heading in the direction of her father\'s Office room to inform him of what she had come up with.

As she walked ahead, she thought back to the events that had transpired during these two months.


A few days after Topher Tanner\'s thirteenth birthday came Howard\'s ninth birthday.

On that day, the Earl upon Howard\'s suggestion opted for a private event rather than inviting everyone they knew.

The boys from the Tanner family and Damien were the only ones invited.

Duchess Tanner accompanied the boys to their estate and the children spent the day doing outdoor activities with the Earl while the Duchess and Countess watched from the sidelines.

Among them, the little girl was also seen riding her huge horse keeping pace and competing with the boys.

As Duchess Tanner was aware of Yvonne\'s classes with the Captain, she did not find it odd that the girl knew how to control and ride a horse.

However, Raylene and the rest of the people continued to keep the fact that Demon, Yvonne\'s horse, was an etcher a secret from the lady who was ignorant of this matter.

That birthday ended with a bonfire that the Butler arranged for the children before they all headed to their respective homes.


After her brother\'s birthday, there were no more celebrations for a while and things went back to their usual routine for the little girl.

Her classes were as per her usual schedule and the weather was beginning to get warmer, indicating that Summer was en route.

Though she continued to avoid parties like earlier, she did not avoid heading to the Commercial District with her mother on a regular basis.

This way, she made an appearance in public to ensure that those nasty rumors about her did not reignite while she continued to remain at home.

As her days passed, Yvonne began receiving letters, some she looked forward to and others which she did not.

The ones she looked forward to and even enjoyed were from the friend she had made, Silvia Zavanth who kept her word of writing her a letter every time something new happened in her life.

{Governess Lester yelled at me again.}

{Brother bought me a new dress.}

{Father will take us back to the fief for the Summer vacation. I might not be able to write to you from there.}

These were the contents of a few of her most recent letters to Yvonne.

The little girl shook her head at her friend who was so energetic and sent her letters almost every week.

Not wanting to dishearten the other girl, Yvonne was always courteous and even a little mean in her replies.

{If only you would practice each day, Miss Silvia. Practice makes you perfect.}

{I\'m sure you would look great in it.}

{We can meet after Summer break if you wish to.}

Yvonne smiled while recalling their little exchanges and was glad that she did not have to be overly vigilant when talking to Silvia who seemed untouched by the politics prevalent in their noble society.

\'And I blame that overprotective brother of hers.\' Yvonne shook her head while thinking of Robin Zavanth.

The boy pampered and took great care of his sister which resulted in Silvia wearing her heart on a sleeve instead of being wary of what she said and before whom she said it.

However, her naivete was a part of her charm which Yvonne wished remained the same and not get tainted by the cruel society that they lived in.

\'She needs to grow up sooner or later so let her enjoy her childhood in peace.\' She nodded and continued with her reminiscing about the recent events.

While she enjoyed the cute back and forth she had with Silvia, she was not so pleased with another set of letters that she received frequently.

\'Stupid SO.\' She mocked the sender of the letters through the middleman, Tutu, the golden eagle whom she now knew was an etcher just like her Demon.

The golden eagle was a regular to their mansion and whenever she appeared, she brought a letter from her Master, SO.

This mysterious person\'s identity, Yvonne had deciphered over the past few months that they had been in contact with each other.

Piecing all the information she had gathered from the letters that arrived at her window, tied to Tutu\'s leg, she had managed to arrive at a conclusive result.

The one writing the letters to her was a man, most probably the one whom she had met while debating with Miss Elna Leopold about the name of the gemstone which turned out to be a Tanzanite.

SO were the initials of his name and after exchanging a few letters with him, she had understood that he held a high position in Ocular\'s business.

He would often send her letters informing her of his whereabouts and that they had acquired a new treasure which sometimes irked her while at other times, piqued her curiosity.

\'I now know that he is a man who holds a high post in Ocular.\' She summarized as that was all she knew about him.

Though she grumbled every time she saw Tutu appearing at her window, she was beginning to like how SO would describe the new places he visited and the new treasures he had found.

In her previous life, the only times she had traveled outside her city were to close business deals or earlier to complete a photo shoot during her modeling days.

She had never gotten the chance to visit new places with the leisure that somehow SO managed to do even while he was working.

\'Right now they are in the Eastern part of Rosenhyde.\' She recalled the last letter which he had sent over a week ago, revealing his whereabouts.

The Ocular\'s caravans were trading at the coasts of the Kingdom and would stay there for a while before they headed to the next destination.

SO insisted on being \'Best friends\' with Yvonne in each letter as that was how he ended them.

{- Your best friend, SO <3}

No matter how many times she chided him in her letters about the hearts he drew and the title that he had given himself, the man never changed his ways.

Shaking her head, Yvonne wiped that helpless grin off her lips when she noticed that she had reached her destination.

\'They still do not know who sent me the gem and that first letter.\' She noted as their interaction through letters brought by Tutu was now a tight-lipped secret she kept from her family members.

If her father had any clue of who that hooligan was then he would have peeled his skin for ever daring to send a heart to his beloved daughter.

Thankfully, the entire estate except for Demon was ignorant of the fact that another etcher would often visit the little girl\'s bedroom with a letter from its master.

As a matter of fact, even Fryght, Rutherford\'s etcher had no clue about this as he often stayed in the Lower hall which was situated under the Mansion.

Being underground hindered his chances of sensing the etcher who often flew in the air and thus stayed out of his radar.

Yvonne sighed when she thought of how her father might have freaked out if his etcher had caught a whiff of Tutu\'s presence in the estate.

Now, standing outside the door of her father\'s office, the little girl took a deep breath in and glanced at the Butler who was standing before it.

Butler Limo bowed to her following which he knocked on the door and announced that the Little Miss wished to converse with the Master who was already inside.

Hearing that it was his daughter waiting outside, Rutherford was quick to grant permission and the Butler pushed the doors open for her to enter.

Yvonne smiled at the old man before she raised her head and looked at the door which had now opened completely.

\'Time to make some revelations!\' She declared with confidence and lifted her feet to enter the room.

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