Strongest Businessman of the Cultivation World

Chapter 169 Recruiting Workers

"Hey, have you heard?"


"The rumors about the Golden Bell Fruit Tree… Apparently, they found one in the mountain range to the north of here."


"Why would I lie to you? I approached you to ask if you want to team up?"


The news about the mountain range quickly spread through the cultivators. Even though the Rift was large, most of the powers had claimed one specific area. The unaffiliated Sense Trainers had also banded together and taken residence near the rift\'s exit.

Ikasa found them easily with the help of the mysterious map provided by the Absolute of Water. He only had to drop the news to one of the Sense Realm Experts there and it had spread to all the other Sense Trainers!

Soon a group of people had set off towards the mountain range.


After Pei Yuan, two other teens awakened their Spiritual Sense before Ikasa returned. Hei Ying and Yan Xiao.

Hei Ying was always focused and determined, so her ability to activate her Spiritual Sense did not surprise anyone.

The case was opposite with Yan Xiao. The youngest boy was the least perceptive person amongst the kids. He was a bit dull and lacked comprehension skills.

And yet, he awakened the Spiritual Sense before Chu Qing or Luo Qiqi!

Yan Xiao had trained his ears with Gu Dan when learning the Seven Notes hammering technique. Not being able to hear anything made him very uncomfortable.

His desperation to hear anything directed his Spiritual Hearing to develop earlier than Spiritual Vision.

Unfortunately, this place only blocked the Auditory and Visual senses. If this place also blocked the Sense of taste and touch as well, Luo Qiqi and Chu Qing would only need a plate of food and a bag of gold to awaken their Spiritual Sense.

Still, three teens had connected to their Spirit. This result was no short of a miracle!

Ikasa and Feng Yan were pleased with the results when they returned. They did not wait for Chu Qing and Luo Qiqi to awaken as well. Instead, Ikasa brought the group back to the Mountain Range and had them carry as many ores as they could in their backpacks.

Then they waited for the Cultivators to gather.


"The Golden Bell Fruit tree is right over there!"

Feng Yan shouted as soon as they reached the Mountain Range in question. He had mixed in with them, pretending to be a vagabond and guided them to the correct location.

The Sense Trainers immediately became alert and scanned the surroundings. They were on alert for the Steel Guardian Beasts. After ascertaining the safety, these Sense Realm experts approached the tree.

"There is only one?"

One of the Sense Trainers questioned with surprise. Feng Yan slyly smirked as he saw the Sense Trainers go silent. One fruit could not be divided amongst the 10 people and yet neither wanted to give up on this opportunity.

Though they had banded together to protect themselves from other powers, they were still individuals who were here to find opportunities to grow further.

Most of them were old fogies who had reached the bottleneck and couldn\'t go further. Their bodies were deteriorating and senses dulled with deterioration of physique. However strong their Spirit may be, they had no chance to advance further without a strong physique.

So, the Golden Bell Fruit, which could rejuvenate the physique and strengthen the muscle and bone, was a heavenly elixir for them.

It had the power to lengthen their lifespan and give them a chance to break through to the Chakra Sensing Realm!

A few breaths passed in silence and then all hell broke loose. The Sense Trainers charged at the tree, showcasing a variety of movement techniques.

Feng Yan joined in the fun to avoid suspicion. He controlled his speed and stayed in the middle of the pack. The first person to get his hands on the fruit glowed with a turquoise blue energy outline.

"Ha Ha Ha! Nobody can stop me from becoming a Pathfinder!"

He laughed, barely clinging to the thin branch of the tree.

"Idiot! You should\'ve eaten it first and then gloated."

The Sense Trainer who was hot on his toes smacked the person\'s hand away and snatched the fruit hanging before him.

The thin branch could not bear the weight of the two Sense Trainers and it cracked. Bodies of the two fogies came crashing down with the tree branch.

As soon as they fell on the ground, other Sense Trainers jumped on them, turning it into a brawl. Without a precise vision, they could only swing wildly at the other energy outlines.

"Aigoo! Let go of my beard!"

"Which bastard wanted to end this Laozi\'s lineage? I will die with you!"

"Give me some face and sto…."

"Blastard, who hit my phace?"

Chaos ensued and Feng Yan watched them go at each other with amusement. As their brawl continued, something rolled over to his feet. It was the Golden Bell Fruit.

Feng Yan leisurely picked it up and wiped it clean. Then he climbed up the tree and sat on one of the large branches.

Raising his hands up, Feng Yan shouted.

"I have the fruit!"

The fighting stopped instantly. The Sense Trainer who had plucked the fruit was in the worst condition. He had been the target and ended up with most injuries. On top of that, he had also lost the fruit!

"You rashcal! Gib me back my phruit!"

He yelled, though his swollen cheeks and bloody lips mangled his words.

"Everyone here wants the fruit! I will become a public enemy if I give it to you."

Feng Yan said with a smirk. The Sense Realm Experts below were not fools. Since Feng Yan was talking to them instead of sneaking away with the fruit, he must want something.

"What do you want?"

Someone asked from the Sense Trainers gathered below. Feng Yan grinned as everything was going according to his plan.

"Hmm! I will hold an auction. Whoever bids the most, will win. That way it will be fair to everyone."

The Sense Trainers cursed Feng Yan when he talked about fairness but they did not oppose his proposal.

"The currency will be Prime Gold ore," Feng Yan added.

His words caused confusion amongst the few unaffiliated cultivators.

"What is Prime Gold ore?"

"Where can we find it?"

"Isn\'t this just a ploy to trick us?"

They questioned each other for information and even thought Feng Yan was fooling them. However, not all of them were ignorant. A few of them knew about the Prime Gold ore.

It\'s just that they didn\'t want to waste their time to mine the ore.

If not sold directly to the merchants from the Furnace Fire Empire, Prime Gold ore would hardly sell for 400 to 500 gold coins. Their time was much better spent on searching for opportunities like the Golden Bell Fruit tree.

The eyes of the Elders from prestigious families shone with greed. They looked at the area around the tree. They were already standing on a mine of Prime Gold ores!

They smiled contemptuously at Feng Yan, calling him an idiot in their mind. One of the old men then accepted Feng Yan\'s condition on behalf of the people gathered below.

"We have no problem with your condition."

Feng Yan looked at the greenish brown outline and smiled.

\'Someone knew about the ores among this bunch of fools. Just as Ikasa predicted. When he starts digging, others will follow suit and dig with him.\'

Feng Yan cleared his throat.

"I will only auction the fruit when all the 10 Sense Trainers present here arrive at the exit. You guys can take your time to gather the ore until then. See you soon!"

Feng Yan declared and jumped down from the tree. Before anyone could catch up to him, he had disappeared from everyone\'s view.

With this, the goal of recruiting the workers was complete. Now all they had to do was wait for the workers to deliver their goods!

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