Strongest Businessman of the Cultivation World

Chapter 72 Once A Land Of Treasure...

Three men, one young and two old, deboarded the carriage halfway down the road.

The Carriage driver refused to go further when he came to know of their destination. Instead, he advised them with good intentions to rethink their choice of entering the building.

"Sir, that building is a haunt of ghosts! The previous owner left because he heard voices of people talking in an empty room."

Ikasa became interested in this piece of news. He probed for more information.

"When did the owner leave?"

"It was a year ago. He began to hear voices a month before that."

Ikasa narrowed his eyes. Knowing the day he left is one thing. But also knowing the time those voices appeared? That was suspicious.

"You seem to be very knowledgeable about this incident. May I ask why?"

"Everyone in the City knows the story of this haunted house, Patron. It would be weird if I didn\'t know."

Ikasa exchanged glances with the two older men that accompanied him. Chu Kuang shifted uncomfortably on his spot and avoided talking about it. Ikasa tossed a silver coin to the Coachmen.

"Thank you for your warning. We will be careful. Until we return, wait for us here."

Once the trio was far enough from the Carriage, Ikasa turned to Chu Kuang.

"Uncle Chu, what is it? Why are you so eager to get this plot of land?"

He didn\'t think even for a second that a thorough man like Chu Kuang would be unaware of this story if it was publicly circulated.

His eyes moved between Ikasa and Han Shu. Then he quietly whispered.

"This land was a herb garden 4 years ago. Most of the City\'s medicinal herb supply came from this place. Then one day the soil cracked. The energy density in the soil dropped and it became unsuitable for growing herbs."

Ikasa could see the excitement in Chu Kuang\'s eyes. It was as if he was telling a very valuable secret. But neither he nor the Caretaker understood what he was trying to say.

"Uncle Chu, speak clearly. What does the incident from four years ago have to do with the current infamy of this herb garden?"

Chu Kuang looked at the two unimpressed men with frustration.

"Master, I have seen a similar phenomenon before. These incidents happen when a very powerful Spiritual Herb is born!"

The look in the eyes of the two men changed from apathy to sudden shock and excitement.

However, Ikasa suddenly remembered that what Chu Kuang described was an incident from four years ago. His exuberance cooled down.

"Uncle Chu, though fascinating, this story is from four years ago. I don\'t think we can get our hands on that Herb."

Uncle Chu came closer and whispered.

"That\'s not true. If a spiritual herb came out of this herb garden, it would be the talk of the town. And yet, there is no such rumor."

"Then the owner must have found it and used it himself." Ikasa reasoned.

"No, the owner died mysteriously. And within a few days, a new owner bought the garden. He kept it until last year, and then he too left."

Ikasa understood what the bald man was trying to say. The owner found the treasure and hence, gave up on this place with no value. Or he had to leave because of some external pressure and still hoped to find this Herb.

"Are you saying that this new owner spread those rumors just to scare people and keep them away?"

Caretaker Han asked, shocked by what he heard. He couldn\'t imagine any treasure would be worth going through such elaborate scheming.

Chu Kuang ignored Han Shu\'s outburst. His excitement had also faded after going through the events again. The chances of them getting their hands on the Herb were much lower than he expected.

He calmly answered his friend\'s question. He directed his answer to Ikasa as well.

"It might be a rumor or it might be someone playing tricks in the dark. What is true though is that no one has paid taxes for this land in the last year. And therefore, this place is under the City Lord\'s administration again."

Ikasa looked at his new employee with admiration. This man had done his homework. He had gone the extra mile and even checked tax records.

\'I should send Xin Ruo to work under him till she learns all he has to offer.\'

While talking, they had reached the rusted gates of the property. At this moment, the quivering voice of Caretaker Han sounded in their ears.

"What if… What if the rumors are true?"

Chu Kuang slapped the back of Caretaker Han.

"Buck Up, Han Shu! Show a little courage?"

However, Han Shu was not assured. He looked at his Employer.

Ikasa looked at him with a smile, and with a mighty push, he opened the gates.

"Let us find that out ourselves. Now, shall we?"

Chu Kuang took the initiative to lead the way. Ikasa followed him with Han Shu in tow.

The building looked dreary in the orange rays of the setting sun. The rumors they had heard fueled their fear. They jumped at even the smallest of sounds.

"I have visited this place twice before. There is no ghost or anything of the sort."

Chu Kuang informed his companions. His voice echoed in the empty hallway. Instead of reassuring Han Shu, the echoes spooked him even more.

Once they crossed the passage, they came to a rectangular open space surrounded by rooms. The way they were arranged on two floors reminded Ikasa of his college dormitory.

In the center of this open space, he noticed a giant tree.

"That tree bears the Honey Gold Fruit, a delicacy popular among the rich."

Chu Kuang explained, seeing Ikasa look curiously at the tree.

"Is it still able to bear fruit?"

He asked with interest, remembering Luo Qiqi\'s ecstatic face when she stuffed herself full.

\'This fruit should be to her liking.\'

"I don\'t know. But probably, we will need to seek help from a professional."

Chu Kuang expressed his opinion, indicating the brownish-red leaves interspersed in the green foliage. As they chatted more about the care required by the tree, they arrived before the entrance to the rooms.

He persuaded Ikasa to choose this place by showing the numerous doors and windows of the rooms.

"These many rooms should be enough to house everyone who came with us. Captain Feng\'s new recruits can also bunk in one of these wings."

Ikasa nodded, having similar thoughts. He had also taken a liking to this estate. And he voiced his praise.

"Uncle Chu, you have really found a great place. Are you thinking of restarting the herb garden again? That would also solve the unemployment issues."

Chu Kuang was unused to receiving a compliment and struggled to accept it. He pretended not to hear the praise and addressed Ikasa\'s question.

"Master, it is impossible to grow herbs with the current state of the soil."

Ikasa looked puzzled. He was erroneously equating the loss of energy to the loss of nutrients.

"Shouldn\'t four years be enough time for the soil to recover? We saw weeds thriving in the land out there."

"The land is arable. It can support the growth of weeds and some other food grains. However, Herbs need energy. Only way to replenish it is if we sprinkle Energy-infused water or an Energy Storm comes here."

A smile appeared on Ikasa\'s face upon hearing the conditions. He suppressed the joy as he still had not confirmed his hypothesis.

\'This is a perfect place for me to perform those experiments. It is far enough from the center of the City that no one should notice the weird phenomenon. And best of all, I can get this place for free from the City Lord.\'

He immediately ordered Chu Kuang to make preparations.

"Survey the buildings and prepare a list of repairs to be made. Don\'t hesitate to ask Caretaker Han for the funds. We will own this place by next week!"

Ikasa said with a smirk. Both men turned to look for Caretaker Han. He was still suspiciously eyeing the surroundings.

He had not uttered a single word since they entered the building.

"Let\'s go, Caretaker. We can leave now."

These words were like a pardon to someone sentenced to death. He immediately rushed to the gates to leave this scary place.

The two left behind looked at each other and exchanged helpless glances. And then they followed their scaredy-cat butler.

As the sounds of their chatter faded, a small, furry creature hiding in the tree\'s hollow opened its red eyes.

It jumped out of its hiding place. Swishing its red-tipped fluffy tail, it perked its ears. When it couldn\'t hear any sounds from the humans, it trotted around like it owned the place.

Strangely, not a single paw print was left on the dusty floor.

When it reached the hallways, it took a whiff of the surrounding air. Its cute little head with a tuft of blood-red hair turned to look toward the entrance to the property.

A mischievous grin formed on its canine face. While licking the glossy dark grey fur on its paws, it let out a chuckle.


Only time would decide whether the new humans would be its prey or playmates.

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