Strongest Businessman of the Cultivation World

Chapter 61 Aboard The Sin King

As the sun leaned towards the west, the former pirate ship, Sin King, also began its journey to Birch City.

In one of the larger cabins of the ship, four people were going through the list of potential talents. Chu Kuang was justifying the inclusion of numerous but different young men and women on his talent list.

"See this, Commander! He is already at the Sixth stage of the Path Forging realm even after suffering from a lack of wealth and guidance!"

"And I told you, Chu Kuang, it does not matter! Their current cultivation base will disappear once they have used the top grade manuals."

Feng Yan denied the inclusion of another youth on the talent list.

"He reached the Sixth Stage all because of his hard work. Do you not think if we give him appropriate support, he will reach Sense Realm soon?"

Ikasa couldn\'t take it anymore. In an attempt to remind Chu Kuang of his requirements, he interrupted their conversation.

"Uncle Chu read me the names and talents of people we have included in the list."

Chu Kuang looked puzzled but did as he was told.

"Tang Ping. Used to deal with beast hides for his adventure group. Bu Fan. A Culinary talent."

Chu Kuang read the only two names on the list. He had an inkling of what his new employer might be looking for.

"You must be clear by now why we chose only these two candidates of the five you proposed."

Ikasa enlightened Chu Kuang.

With a surprised expression, Chu Kuang asked the other three, "Are you really not looking for any cultivation talent?"

Ikasa shook his head and justified his decision.

"No. That\'s not the case. Their current speed of cultivating cannot be compared to the cultivation speed after using my manuals. So I am not in a hurry to judge their talent for Cultivation."

Then he looked Chu Kuang in the eye.

"The same goes for you too, Uncle Chu. If you are willing to start over, you can also have a Top Grade manual. In that case, your limit won\'t just be the Sense Realm. You can go much higher."

Under the three gazes trained on him, he replied with uncertainty.

"I... I will think about it."

Ikasa accepted his hesitating answer.

"Take your time. You have until he gathers a team of hundred men."

Ikasa informed Chu Kuang.

"Is it possible for my father as well? To start over and overcome limits?"

Xin Ruo asked from the seat beside him.

"He already broke into the Sense realm. Unless and until I advance to that realm, I can\'t help him. To imprint Sense Realm techniques, I need the powerbase of Sense Realm."

Feng Yan snorted at Ikasa\'s explanation. When both Ikasa and his daughter glared at him, he explained.

"I don\'t need anybody\'s help to advance. This bastard is already making me work to the bones even though he is weaker than me. I don\'t dare imagine what he will do to me if I regress and he becomes stronger!"


Xin Ruo hid her chortle behind her hand, but it was heard by everyone. They looked at her strangely.

"He has only behaved this way with me till now. It\'s good to see he is opening up to you."

She explained to Ikasa. Feng Yan crossed his hands before his chest and looked away from everyone\'s gazes.

"Really, as they grow senile, they become more and more childish!"

Ikasa exclaimed upon seeing Feng Yan\'s behavior.

Feng Yan turned to glower at him.

"Who are you calling Senile? You want a beating?"

"Bring it on, you Senile Old man!"

They rolled their sleeves and were ready to have a showdown right then and there. Chu Kuang, unused to this kind of scene, sweated bullets.

At this moment, Xin Ruo intervened.

"Father! Ikasa! Behave."

The two looked at Xin Ruo and at each other. They had seen the look in Xin Ruo\'s eyes that promised lots of ear lashing. Both of them flinched at the possibility.

If there was one thing more terrifying than angry Xin Ruo, it was being trapped on a boat with a nagging Xin Ruo.

The two men agreed on this fact.


Ikasa extended his hand.


Feng Yan gladly accepted it.

Chu Kuang wiped the sweat off his forehead. He looked with admiration at the little girl he had watched grow. The way she handled the two dangerous variables, Feng Yan and Ikasa, with ease won his approval.

Once Ikasa and Feng Yan had settled down, they returned to the list.

Chu Kunag read the names and talents while Feng Yan or Ikasa rejected or approved them.

"Qin Kang, Fourth Stage…"


"Su Jian, Archery."

"Put him in Reserves."

After going through the list, they found three more of the desired talents.

He Bei was one of the adventurers who learned about herb picking from his experience in the wilds. He was popular among adventure groups taking on Medicine Master Hao\'s commissions.

Gao Hu learned to capture the birds with a combination of excellent traps and mating calls for the indigenous species. Ikasa chose him not for his hunting abilities but vocal skills.

\'I will turn him into a Singer! After all, what kind of Businessman would I be if I didn\'t have a few artists under my patronage?\'

And lastly, they added the name, Cai Wei. She was a rare animal whisperer. She claimed to be able to talk to mice in the Slums. However, it was hard to believe for all four of them.

Animal Whisperers were that rare!

"Let\'s decide after we have concrete proof of her talent, okay? Till then, I\'ll add her to the reserve list."

Ikasa said while adding her name to another parchment that consisted of \'Cultivation talents\' suggested by Chu Kuang and a few others.

After going through the list of people accompanying them, they dispersed to take charge of their respective personnel.

Feng Yan gathered the 30-something youths who would be part of his hundred men team. The ship\'s deck was nowhere big enough for them to practice, but he began to hammer some ground rules in their heads.

Chu Kuang was in charge of miscellaneous people; The ones who had no particular skill. He was going to try and train them in some of the life professions and see what sticks.

The future servants, maids, butlers, waiters, and shopkeepers would come from these people.

Xin Ruo was assigned to manage the kids and Ikasa\'s schedule. After her outburst the other day, he had vowed to turn her into his \'Donna\' in the Cultivation world.

She had all the necessary qualities. With a little more experience and knowledge, she would definitely surpass his secretary in the previous world.

Ikasa leaned on the ship\'s railing, happy with how things had been arranged. While he was enjoying the last of the evening\'s sunlight, a sailor from Xue Family came to him with a message.

"Mister, Ms. Xue wants to come on board to greet you. Should we halt for their ship?"

"Yes. Wait for her." Ikasa answered the sailor.

As the owner of the ship they were in, Xue Mi had already shown enough courtesy by asking for his permission. Denying her would be plain rude and ruin all the efforts he had put into building good relations.

The sails were rolled up, and the Sin King slowly came to a halt. Another small ship appeared on the horizon.

This ship was three times smaller than the enormous Pirate Ship they were in. However, when Ikasa looked closer, he could see the flamboyance oozing from the small ship.

\'This ship might be 1/3rd of Sin king in size, but its worth might be three times that of this pirate ship.\' Ikasa mused.

If Ikasa had to compare the ships in modern terms, the Sin King was a passenger\'s vessel built for a specific purpose. On the other hand, the boat Xue Mi was in could be said to be a million-dollar yacht.

\'I want one of these. I couldn\'t get it on Earth. But I will ensure to get myself a luxurious yacht in Cultivation World.\'

The planks were laid, and Xue Mi gracefully got on the former pirate ship.

Ikasa, like the gentleman he was, went forward to give her a hand as she stepped on board.

"Fancy seeing you here, Miss Xue! Couldn\'t bear to part from me?"

He asked in a jovial tone. Xue Mi did not shy away from the joke, but the pink rising on her cheeks gave away her embarrassment.

"Mister Ikasa is in the mood to joke, but I have an urgent request to make of you."

Ikasa became serious about hearing her words. He knew the Xue Family would come to collect their debt of favor. He didn\'t think they would knock on his door so soon.

He took a few steps towards the edge of the ship and rested his forearms on the ship\'s risings. His gaze focused on the water of the Yellow River, turning yellowish-orange from the sunlight.

"What request does Xue Family have for me, Miss Xue?"

He asked in an indifferent voice. Since the Xue family was willing to treat his deal as a simple trade of favors, he had no intention of keeping his hand of friendship extended.

After he had completed their favor, he would not owe them anything.

Xue Mi understood his change in demeanor. She regretted intercepting Ikasa on his journey. However, the matter at hand could not wait.

She could only amend their relations later.

"Mr. Ikasa, I apologize for the sudden request. But we have no other choice. The Xue Family implores you to support the City Lord Zhen in the upcoming  Tribute Tournament."

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