Strongest Businessman of the Cultivation World

Chapter 6 Humanity Exists In Those Untouched By Greed

The South East area of Sal City had the worst living conditions; Even Outer City felt like paradise compared to it. City Guards had set up checkpoints along the perimeter of this area. And so many people didn\'t even consider it a part of Sal City.

This area was called the Slums.

Slums in Sal City housed some of the most notorious characters on the wanted list of the City Guards. Some of them had committed crimes that violated morality. ****, Murder, Arson, Dacoity you name it and you might find a criminal who had committed multiple of these crimes in the slums.

But Slums didn\'t consist of just these people. There were also people who had run afoul of the officials or nobles. They possessed something they couldn\'t protect and hence aroused the greed of those in positions of power.

Those who surrendered meekly were showered with favor or at the least they were able to live a normal life; The ones who defied suffered so many hardships that the only choice for them was to hide in slums or leave the city.

The one\'s eking it out in slums were vengeful. They burned with rage; either because some official decided to exterminate their clan and seize their fortune or some young master coveted the beauty of their wives, daughters, or sisters.

These two strata were the powerful people of the slums. The last stratum was truly helpless and pitiful. They were extremely poor families who faced a real threat of death due to hunger; There were orphans and weak ones who had lost the pillars of their family; There were also disabled ones who had lost their limbs.

When Ikasa stumbled into the area demarcated as slums, he first came into contact with the third stratum of the people. But the scene he saw was completely different from what he had expected.

Five children were happily playing in the open area in the midst of haphazardly erected huts. They looked malnourished but happy. If he hadn\'t seen them with his own eyes he would never believe such a description.

Or maybe he was hallucinating. His weak body riddled with bruises couldn\'t take it anymore and collapsed on the ground.

The sudden thud alarmed the children. They immediately noticed Ikasa. They surrounded Ikasa while maintaining a safe distance. The three boys and two girls looked worried.

"What should we do Brother Chu?"

Yan Xiao asked a slightly shorter but well-built boy next to him. Chu Qing was obviously the oldest of the bunch. Even so, he was just 14 years old.

Chu Qing was also at a loss. If it was someone they knew, they could\'ve directly brought him to their hut for treatment. But he was a stranger. Living in such an unfriendly environment had heightened their wariness towards any unknown persons.

While Chu Qing was taking his sweet time to think, the shortest girl in their group had already approached Ikasa. She sprinkled some water on his face.

"Mister, Wake Up! This is not a place for you to pass out!"

Everyone was taken aback by her reckless actions. As soon as they got over the shock of what she was doing, the second girl immediately walked over and dragged the girl away.

"Luo Qiqi, what do you think you were doing?"

Hei Ying asked Luo Qiqi who was still struggling to free herself from the older girl\'s grasp.

"Let me GO!"

Luo Qiqi still struggled to get away from Hei Ying. But her flailing was futile. Hei Ying could be as firm as a rock when it concerned keeping the other kids in line.

"Maybe we should bring him to Sister Ruo and let her decide."

A new voice spoke up. Everyone turned to Pei Yuan. He was average. He was neither the tallest nor the shortest. He was also not the eldest or the youngest. If the others were not familiar with him, he might be easily forgotten. And yet his voice demanded attention.

Everyone heard his suggestion and unanimously agreed with this course of action.

"Yan Xiao, go, call Sister Ruo over."

"Why do I have to go?"

Everyone else looked at each other with a smirk.

"Because you are the youngest."

They said in unison.

Yan Xiao sighed in resignation and went to call Sister Ruo.

Some time later, Ikasa regained his consciousness. After he blinked his eyes to get used to the darkness, he noticed unfamiliar surroundings.

"Where am I?"

As a wind breeze passed through the window, he noticed his clothes had been removed and his bruises were covered with a gooey yellow paste. It didn\'t smell as bad as he had expected. But the texture was still revolting.

The ache in his body had subsided considerably from the treatment. He carefully got up from the thin mat he was laying on. It pained him to use the limbs but it was manageable.

"Hey! That guy is awake. Call Sister Ruo!"

Ikasa heard an immature voice shout. As he turned his head he saw a short girl with dirty brown hair tied in a ponytail.

By now he had deduced that this Sister Ruo must have been the one responsible for his treatment.

The girl boldly walked toward him and sat beside him without a trace of fear.

"Hey Mister, where did you come from? We found lots of shiny books in your shoulder bag. Are they storybooks?"

Ikasa ignored her questions. He instead peered curiously at her carefree demeanor. He couldn\'t help but voice the doubt in his mind.

"Are you not afraid I might be a bad person?"

The girl looked at him as if he was mentally retarded.

"You can\'t even get up without groaning loudly. In your current state, I can beat you up before you even touch my hair."

Ikasa was astonished by the confidence radiated by the girl.

"Enough Qiqi. Stop bothering the guest. Go, find Hei Ying to continue your training."

The newcomer ordered in a soft voice. Qiqi mischievously made a face at her but obeyed her command.

Ikasa stared at the entrant, enthralled. She was almost as tall as him. She was covered in dust which hid her beauty. Constant exposure to the sun had tanned her skin.

When she smiled, Ikasa felt as if he had seen the most beautiful picture in the world.

"Hi. My name is Xin Ruo. I am the manager of this orphanage."

Then she waited for Ikasa to introduce himself. Ikasa was so charmed by her that he almost missed the queue.

"I am Ikasa. You have a beautiful voice."

Ikasa blurted before he could stop himself. When he realized what he had done he turned away embarrassedly, avoiding eye contact. When he sneaked a glance at her, he noticed a blush on her cheeks. It made her seem even more alluring.

An awkward silence spread across the room. Both were hesitant to speak. Xin Ruo took the initiative to state the purpose of her visit.

"How are you feeling? Do you feel better?"

"Ah, yes. Thanks a lot for treating me. I am not hurting as much as before anymore."

Ikasa\'s eyes met hers, trying to convey the sincerity in his words.

Another moment of silence occurred as both of them studied each other. Xin Ruo looked critically at his wounds while Ikasa was just bewitched by her simple actions.

"Ahem…" Ikasa shyly cleared his throat to hide the fact that he was staring at her. This got him her attention. To avoid his embarrassment, he posed her another question that had been on his mind.

"I thought slums were the haven of vicious criminals exiled from society. How do you and the kids survive these harsh circumstances?"

When he had stepped foot in the slum area, Ikasa had expected to see people fighting over meager rations of food; not children playing happily! He was fully prepared to be robbed clean when he was at his weakest and yet this lady had healed him back to health.

This turn of events was mind-boggling!

"My father is Red Eye."

She answered simply. And it did explain everything! Red Eye was one of the strongest City Guard Captains, 18 years ago. His wife was one of the most beautiful ladies of Sal City. Naturally, those in high positions coveted her. And one young master finally made a move.

She was kidnapped and violated in the dungeons of the Wei Family, one of the three strongest families of Sal City. Feng Yan still did not forget his position as a City Guard and sought to seek justice through righteous procedures.

The means of City Guards were numerous. But when it concerned Nobility, they had to tread carefully.

The City Lord struck a deal with the Wei Family. In exchange for a lighter punishment for the culprit, Wei family had to fork over huge amounts of resources and let go of a few businesses. This was a setback acceptable to the Wei family patriarch as the culprit was the only heir to his wealth.

The Wei Family\'s position fell but Feng Yan\'s wife had died. His grievances were not redressed. The Commander of City Guards listened with shame when enraged Feng Yan berated him.

Feng Yan along with five other troop companies stormed the Wei Family manor. Still garbed in city guard uniforms they outright killed anyone who obstructed their path.

Feng Yan fought valiantly against the Wei Family Patriarch who was at the Peak of Path Forging realm, same as him. During the fight, Feng Yan broke through to Sense Realm and crippled Wei Family Patriarch.

He dragged the culprit behind his Wife\'s death to the Inner city square and personally executed him. His horrifically twisted smile and his swollen red eyes earned him the epithet, \'Red Eye\'. That day Wei Family fell from power having lost their pillar of support.

Feng Yan and all those involved in the action resigned en masse from the city guard. 40 men, bloodied and bruised, tore the insignia of City Lord\'s manor from their chest, creating a huge uproar.

And then they moved underground as their action of storming the Wei Family was the one of insubordination. The City Lord himself posted a wanted order against them to assuage the other noble families. But no one dared to claim the bounty.

And this legendary figure supported the Orphanage! No wonder Xin Ruo and the kids lived freely even though they were surrounded by hyenas.

By the time Ikasa came out of reverie, Xin Ruo had finished her inspection of his body.

She looked critically at his wounds and said "You will need at least another day to recover. It is already late, so have dinner with us."

She led him out to the hall where the kids had gathered with plates in their hands. In one corner a pot of watery gruel was boiling and in a tray next to it, bread was stacked.

Xin Ruo gave Ikasa a spare plate as Hei Ying distributed the bread. When Hei Ying reached the Ikasa\'s plate she realized they were one bread short. Just when Ikasa thought he would have to make do with watery gruel, Pei Yuan broke a piece of his bread and put it in Ikasa\'s plate.

Xin Ruo smiled at Pei Yuan and followed his actions. Soon all the other kids did the same. Ikasa had enough bread pieces that were worth a whole loaf of bread!

Ikasa looked on as the others munched happily on their smaller breads without a word of complaint.

Anyone can share when they have surplus and yet they hesitate. The meal in front of these kids was nowhere enough to fill their bellies and yet they happily shared it with a random stranger like him.

"Humanity exists in those untouched by greed…" Ikasa murmured involuntarily. He came to understand the meaning of this adage when he experienced it personally.

"What?" Xin Ruo, who was sitting by him, asked reflexively.

"Nothing." Ikasa replied as he surreptitiously wiped a teardrop.

Then with a smile, he dug into the best meal he ever had.

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