The Tyrant, Mischievous Mrs. Lin and her Triplets.

Chapter 70 70;So I Want The Powers And Rule This Kingdom, I Have To Be A Queen

Ming Xie had rushed in carefully when she saw the guards were dazed already. Entering in she avoided anything that can trigger security system or an alarm.

Lin Wei joined her but didn\'t go in, she took cover and watch the surroundings to see if anything threatening is approaching.

Ming Xie finished sooner and got out, seeing all is set, they rushed out of the place into the deeper forests, took the Northside which was near where they had parked their speedboat.

They watched their steps carefully as they were getting out of the forest, but be it bad luck or what, they met a group of ten gangs who were moving towards their direction.

"Ming Xie get down." after being signalled she got down, Lin Wei took cover behind a bush and aimed at them. she used her eyes and shot them down at go, just where they could be immobile for a while and not move, she didn\'t kill them.

Lin Wei and Ming Xie rushed to the sea, when they had shot, the voice of gunshots was heard and alerted other gang members who rushed towards where the sounds of gunshots came from.

"Ming Xie jump into the ocean faster." being instructed she jumped into the ocean, followed by Lin Wei as they moved quietly without splashing water, but the gang members who chased after them, shot into the waters. Lin Wei and Ming Xie swam further away faster, so that the bullets won\'t hit them.

"Damn it!! who were they? what were they doing here in our territory?" one gang asked worriedly.

"We won\'t know, send someone to see anyone getting off the sea at the shore." the gang leader suggested and they picked up their phones and made phone calls.

After having had swam further from Islo island, they pulled their life jackets out and wore them, they floated on the waters as Wei Wei coughed.

"Hahaha Wei Wei, did you drink this salty waters? Hahaha you wouldn\'t be choking if you didn\'t." she laughed at her evilly.

"Hehehehe... Ming Xie do you want to listen to a story?" Lin Wei asked her evilly.

"Yes of course, after all we are going to stay in the waters for more hours. after all those gang members must have called people to keep watch at the shore." Ming Xie replied.

"You are getting smarter Ming Xie. " she complimented her.

"Hehehe.... that\'s a reward of spending most of the time, with a genius like you, but I wanna hear your story." Ming Xie sweetened her words. Lin Wei started her story.

"In Qing Dynasty, Emperor Wang was a renowned ruler for his impeccable achievements, cutting down corruption, and led a troop of armies to conquer different kingdoms and put them under his kingdom and ruled all over.

Every man envied his achievements, boldness and the way he was a real General.

He never indulged himself in pleasures but spent all his time to make sure that his kingdom was thriving in prosperity.

He didn\'t want his people to suffer from drought, hunger or any disaster that used to attack the Kingdom with the previous rulers.

He then hired several strong men, to dig a secret tunnel that could transport him from his palace room to a secret chamber where in case of anything arises he can save his life.

He then killed all the men, so that no one knew about the secret tunnel, he safeguarded it as his saviour.

But he didn\'t know that his loving Empress has been poisoning him little by little, and finally, the poison acted up, and he couldn\'t sustain his life, One day he couldn\'t sustain himself and fell down to the floor, saliva dripping out of his mouth, The Empress looked at him with some smug and evilness.

\'Why my Empress, I have always treated you well and pampered you, I loved you.\' the Emperor asked that question.

\'Alright I will let you die in peace, it\'s because I want absolute power and I won\'t get it if you are still alive, if you loved me you wouldn\'t have married so many concubines and give birth to many children. So I want the powers and rule this kingdom, I have to be a queen.\' after saying that she walked away so that she wouldn\'t be suspected, when the king is found dead. The Emperor died just like that." Lin Wei finished her story.

"I don\'t really understand this story of yours." Ming Xie blurted out while trying to understand it.

"It has very important lessons in it.

1. Be careful of people surrounding you, you never know who stubs your back.

2. When death knocks at your door, you won\'t escape nor avoid it, you have to face it, that\'s the true cycle of human life.

3. No matter how you try to safeguard your little life, so long as it was fated, you will eventually die.

4. Everyone is driven by hunger for power, money and many more, the more you perform better, the more they get jealousy, and the more you get schemed on.

4. You might be perfect but you will never be hundred percent perfect, you will have some imperfections, you will never be 100‰ perfect.

Have you understood my points?" Lin Wei asked her.

"Yeah I have understood." Ming Xie replied politely.

"But that isn\'t enough reason to stop you from striving to be better, you have to be a better person." Lin Wei advised her.

"mnnnh... got it.." Ming Xie nodded her head in understanding.

"Alright, let\'s go we have stayed in the waters for far too long." Lin Wei stated as she started swimming toward where they had left the speedboat.

Lin Wei climbed up and Ming Xie sat behind her. "Did water enter into your backbag?"

"Nope this time I carried water proof one." Ming Xie replied to her.

"Good, let\'s go change first, this clothes are already wet." Lin Wei said as she accelerated to the shore, changed their clothes in the washroom, returned the speedboat and drove away.

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