Doctor Demon

Chapter 304 - Mothers Are Scary

Chapter 304 – Mothers Are Scary

Gayoon was sternly staring at her children with Miyoo in her arms who was unsure of what was going on. Soobin and Baekha were also there, looking from the mother to her kids. Magrod stood on the table, looking grim.

"How did that demon enter this house?" Gayoon asked. 

"Miyoo found him at a mall and brought him back," Minyoon said.

Gayoon gave her youngest one a glare. "Miyoo, how many times do I have to tell you? Don\'t bring strange creatures home!"

"Maggie looks for a prince!" Miyoo claimed. "Not BTS princes. Miyoo likes BTS princes! Miyoo helps Maggie!"

Gayoon was wary. She was not fully sure whether to trust this…Maggie or not but he did not cause any harm so far. If what the twins said was true then the demon was even protecting her family. 

"But why are you going against the other demons?" Gayoon asked Magrod. "Isn\'t it too dangerous? They\'re your own kind after all!"

"Hey! We\'re only supposed to give out contracts, not go on some mad drive to take over the world!" Magrod claimed. "Do you know how much hard work that is? If demons take over, we\'ll have to feed the humans, govern them, look over all the administrative stuff and…ugh, use taxes from them! I\'d rather just stuff the silly humans into Hell to burn than demons rule over them on Earth!"

This is one strange creature, Gayoon thought.

"Mom, he\'s a good demon," Jina said. "He helped us many times. Just as he said, demons were humans too. Just how there are good and bad humans, there are good and bad demons. We just happen to run into the bad ones a lot."

"Stay hundreds of years in Hell and you\'ll turn bad too," Magrod said in a dark tone. "The things those souls have to go through in order to become demons…it\'s scary."

"That\'s contradicting my experience with demons though," Gayoon frowned. "Many years ago, there was a demon which terrorized us for a while. That demon nearly killed Minho\'s brother-in-law, Kanji. He then took over Kanji\'s comatose body and kept on creating havoc. He was trying to get his lover broken out of Hell and was using Jina and Minho to open the gates to Hell. But if what you said is true then he could\'ve just waited until his lover turned into a demon. Why go through all the hassle?"

"By the description you mentioned, that demon belonged to the Aken class," Magrod nodded. "It\'s not unusual for some demons to forget their past life as a human. Maybe that demon forgot he was human once and didn\'t know that his lover would also become a demon eventually. Moreover, love is a dangerous obsession for any demon. It makes them blind to the point that their mind only replays their obsession and nothing else. Once demons fall in love, they\'d do anything to get the person they\'re in love with. Even if it means bringing them to Hell."

"But that\'s so weird!" Yoonmin frowned. "Doctor Ohm\'s dad is the ruler of Hell, right? The King or whatever? He fell in love with a human and ended up having a baby with her! How come he\'s not this obsessive?"

"The Lord of Hell is unlike any other demon," Magrod replied. "There\'s a reason why he\'s ruling Hell. You see, when a person turns into a demon, their feelings and emotions are multiplied by a million times. The ones with a lot of greed, hatred or anger are the ones who most likely become obsessed. The Lord, however, has perfect control over his emotions. Even after falling in love and then losing his lover over and over again didn\'t affect his control. Only a person like him can rule Hell."

Gayoon was listening to everything carefully. She was already informed about the situation with Jina\'s boyfriend and also, the powers he possessed. 

"Mom, there\'s one more thing…" Jina said. She quickly summed up everything she found out about Wang Taehee, making Gayoon frown.

"Wang Taehee?" She echoed. "Wang…Ah yes! There is a Wang family branch in our family tree. I remember that one of our ancestors was a married woman but she was also the concubine for an Emperor. She gave birth to the Emperor\'s sons who went on to create the Wang dynasty. Our family branched out from her husband\'s side. Taehee must have been the descendant of the Wang\'s. Poor girl…"

Magrod was now highly interested. "The Cleaver, huh?" he asked. "That demon returned recently?"

"And there\'s a Brethren too!" Jina claimed.

"Brethren…I should\'ve known!" He exclaimed. 

"What is this…Brethren?"

"The Prince\'s Hand," he revealed. "The ones who are trying for hundreds of years to bring him back and rule Hell. Once he takes over Hell, he can unleash all the demons to the world and make humans his slaves." 

"Were they involved in the recent attacks on my kids?" Gayoon asked. 

"Duh! Oi kids, listen up! Whatever happens, do not let this one out of sight even for a single second!"

He pointed at Miyoo as he said it. Somehow, the child realized the gravity of his words, clutching her mother tight. 

"Mommy, Miyoo is scared!" She mumbled. 

"What does this Brethren want with Miyoo?" Gayoon demanded. 

"The curse which was put on the pure blood Prince is very strong," Magrod replied. "It was put on him by the Lord of Hell himself. To break that curse, a very powerful human needs to be sacrificed. A human who has not reached the age of ten. This one here is a Seer and is under the age of ten. She ticks all the boxes!"

A long silence followed his words. Miyoo clung on to her mother while Gayoon went pale. The twins and the girls gaped in shock. Jina looked grim and worried.

"The Cleaver is probably an Aken," Magrod went on. "Someone whom the Brethren is using to bring more souls for the Prince. He needs to eat the souls to sustain himself and gain enough power to break the curse."

"W-What do we do now?" Soobin stammered. 

"It\'s obvious," Gayoon said. "We kick the Brethren to the curb."

She flexed her fingers and added in a dangerous tone, "No one can hurt my kids and get away with it. Not even a stupid demon!"

Seeing their mother fired up, the children winced. Even Magrod was scared to see the petite woman\'s wrath.

Human mothers are scary, he thought.

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